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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Box art, there's not even an official title yet, let alone box art.
  2. I agree, now that we have AA assets on the ground, will they fire up at enemy aircraft is a valid question. I don't see why they shouldn't.
  3. Nah, don't sweat it, IIRC I played this mission twice and won both times while taking most of the CPs for victory. I had my boys go weapons-free and they got a bunch of kills in both victories. No ninja antics required. P.S. Don't forget to use your arty.
  4. Wow, this first post comes 10+ years after forum registration. Surely this must be a new record. What took you so long? As for air support, surely it will be the same as in CMx1 and CMSF. No real visible chopper flying around, just the armament.
  5. How about anything that may stand out for an original ToW player that hasn't been back since? Downloading demo now though...
  6. Nicely done, you guys tied for first post in the new forums at 8:41AM EST. We would have to get a mod to tell us who beat who and by how many seconds. Then after that we would have to get a consensus on who actually cares.
  7. Ahhh, this thread makes a nice cozy place for Steve to unveil the new QB system coming with CM:Normandy.
  8. What kind of motherboard and power supply you got? Saw you gotta 6600 GT 128 MB PCI-E card, so did a quick check over at Newegg and got this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010380048%201069609642%201305520548&name=NVIDIA&ActiveSearchResult=True Looks like for a PCI card you can't spend more than around $200. As for brands, I always liked EVGA and BFG
  9. Yeah it does look great, there's no denying seeing games on a big widescreen at high rez rocks. It's the age old deal, better looks while trading off on performance. For me though playing the latest games at max graphics settings (Crysis, Fallout, Armed Assault 2) at 1024x768 with great performance is worth it. To each his own. The 1GB(forgot the is just 1 gigabyte of RAM or memory the card has. They even have 768mb, 1.768GB, and even up to 2GB of RAM on cards nowadays. If you got the money and power supply to back it up then go for it. I recommend the 1GB cards for anybody playing the latest games at high rezes. The extra memory is needed at high rezes. While for my setup, it would be a complete waste.
  10. This is exactly why I refuse the LCD monitors, still use my trusty old Viewsonic CRT. Try lowering the resolution a bunch, don't just take the default rez. Problem is most LCDs look terrible at lower rezes, but see how low you can go without it looking bad. I gotta GF 9800GTX+ 512mb and am loving it. I'd say you don't need any of the 1G cards unless your playing big open world games like GTA4 or Armed Assault at high rezes.
  11. I distinctly remember Moon or one of you saying that the website and forums for Afghanistan will be finalized in the next week. Then it will put up shortly thereafter. But this was way back in November, I could track this post down but I'm far too lazy for that. Also will you guys give Charlie Wilson a free copy, I think he's earned it? (Not Tom Hanks but the real guy) Great movie though.
  12. Go easy on him Vulture, he must of lost his glasses again, poor ol' fella.
  13. Well, three campaigns in the NATO module is news to me as well. I'd be willing to bet Alan is unaware of this also.
  14. I'm all for that. A bit of a reward or bonus for those that bought all three modules.
  15. Compared to you Emrys, not just a legend, but a true classic. And because I know you love the smileys.... :p:D:p
  16. But over half of those were gag/joke titles. There was another thread awhile back that had a bunch as well. But mine are the best!
  17. MeatEtr

    PBEM Anyone

    I'll be your huckleberry... I think we played a few games of CMBB years ago. Email in my profile.
  18. It would be pretty kool if they had some kind of contest for the game name. Keep it simple, if they use the name you give then they send you a free copy. Only three entries per account. So how about CM: Impact Overlord or CM: Beyond D-Day.
  19. And a nice cold frosty beer to go with that please. Thank you!
  20. Wow, I was assuming we probably wouldn't see CMSF 2 until much later, like closer to the first release of the East Front family. You know pre-CMSF launch I would probably roll my eyes and sigh at this news. But now at 1.21 and fully assimilated(Borg) into the modern warfare setting, I dig it. :cool:
  21. Steve, Yeah, as a forum regular, I'm well aware of the small but very loud group of illogical and unfair haters out there. I'm under the impression these loudmouths have no impact at all on the mainstream media outlets(IGN, Gamespot, Gamespy, etc.). IMO, just a very loud sideshow here and other *ahem* wargaming forums. I'm certainly part of the last group you described. I remember thinking, Hey, if anybody can get me into or interested in modern warfare, it's you guys. Afterall, your CMBB is the reason I bought and read dozens of books about the Eastern Front. Which since then is my preferred wargaming front, so thanks again for that! I guess the point I was trying to make was that the review scores had much more to do with the state(bugs/polish) of the game at launch and much less about the Hey-it's-not-WWII knocks. But you already knew that and have never denied it. So sorry for shoehorning your opinion of that article writers comments into your stance on Why CMSF didn't score high. My mistake there, been a bad day. Not that you guys hang on every reviewers word/score and nor should you. But as a dev and business, they can be extremely helpful at spreading the word and for your brand growth. Take me as example, if it wasn't for these media outlets I may have never found CM or the battlefront site. Which I'm sure there are many more customers like me. Also, as I've said before and say it again, in a way, WWII fans(the reasonable ones) should be happy you decided to go Modern for the first CMx2 release. It's only gonna get better with future releases. CMN will be to CMSF what CMBB was to CMBO. Then for us East Front fans, the third CMx2 family release will be utter perfection. It's true, they really are saving the best for last. How's that for expectations Steve? hehe
  22. Hate to say it, but I too was a disappointed with CMSF at 1.0. I shelved it until 1.10, now even better at 1.21. But I wasn't worried at all, I knew they would nurture it like a newborn, just give it time. But think about it, what if CMSF launched at 1.21, how much better would the reviews have been. IMHO they would of been a helluva lot better. To imply the only reason that CMSF got below-average marks was because it wasn't WWII isn't fair. Look at the first CMx1 series, all three got great reviews. Was it only because it was WWII? I doubt it.
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