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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. All because of SPR people think dead cows are a must for a WWII game. I remember 10 years ago the talk about how the Day of Defeat mod for Half Life must have dead cows so they can be used as cover. Just like the coward Upham did from the SPR movie. What a bunch of bovine boneheads! Now having said that, if cows are in the game, dead or alive. THEY MUST HAVE COWBELLS! If they are not included then the game will be utterly broken. Cowbell fever, catch it!
  2. Ok I'm in, holy cow, it's packed, I'm the only one in here! :eek: For anybody else on their way, the CMSF lobby is under: Stragedy-> Turned-base Is the server essentially somebody's home PC? So will it come down when they shut down or is it constant?
  3. I'm one of the few that's really looking forward to this red campaign. It's good to see somebody is helping them out with testing. I said I would report back to them when I played the scenario. But I just don't have the time for CMSF right now. Looking forward to the finished campaign.
  4. "If I don't get a pizza here in 10 minutes, I'm letting the monkeys loose." LOL
  5. You just suck, badly. Just kidding, I never got past the first mission either. Although it wasn't from losing. I parked an M1 Abrams next to a three man FO team which took them only about 20 seconds to toss a grenade and destroy it. I was too pissed to continue and just quit and never picked it back up again.
  6. Anybody gotta CMSF lobby up yet? Or any CM lobby for that matter?
  7. Wow, this can get very addicting. Can't help but be reminded a little bit of the original X-Com.
  8. What's wrong with the BF store? http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=27&flypage=shop.flypage_bfc&product_id=217&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26
  9. For Christ sakes, look at his sig quotes, if he wasn't constantly reminded that he's rarely correct once in awhile he may just wet himself. Besides, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  10. I did find this quote from Moon though: So more than likely the Russian team doing Afghanistan will be doing the East Front modules. That means work on the East Front game will start very soon since that game is just about done. Or I'm just being over eager as usual. Anyway Gurra, hope to see your mods for CMN and eventually CM2:East. I liked your CMBB mods very much.
  11. What Steve is really trying to say is this, the REAL wargamers are all about Eastern Front. The modern warfare and Normandy stuff is just place-holder until we get to the mother of all fronts.
  12. That's right, CMN will definitely be stand-alone with modules for it. Also the East front will be the same, stand-alone with it's own family of modules. Edit: I know there's at least a couple posts from Steve indicating this somewhere out there. Try your search-fu.
  13. No wonder the old gals can gum it so well.
  14. Thanks for doing the leg work for me, I'm far too lazy for it. Ok fine then, the game was suppose to ship by the end of 09. Does this really qualify for "a year late" or "fast approaching a year late"? Of course not, which is the point I was making. Let's not start exaggerating, it does no good. So where is the post Elmar said Steve posted as late as November of last year stating a firm December release. Does this exist? The thread/quote is from way back in March, a far cry from November. I'm sure threads like this are exactly why Steve doesn't like to give any kind of release dates or estimates.
  15. Well how about finding a quote from Steve indicating a firm December 09 release date. Good luck with that, I sure never heard anything about it. I semi-recall a post from Steve around October or November-ish of last year referring to a first quarter 2010 release. Certainly not a December release date at all. But then again, there really never has been a release date anyway. So I don't see how anybody can say the game is half a year or almost a year late. At least not yet anyway.
  16. This thread is destroying BF as a company, OH MY GOD, EVERYBODY RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Seriously though, it is somewhat surprising there is no name or forum yet for the game. Even though the game will supposedly be released in the next couple of months. But I think we'll live through it. Oh and since your new around here and don't know, the game is nowhere near being a year late. Steve originally roughly estimated a release around March/April of this year.
  17. Ok it's been another week, can BF disclose any info about the delay? Are you guys checking all the files for a virus that hacker left behind or something?
  18. Speaking of which, can we for the love of a fake god not have neon green weapon/support icons? I think we can all agree Scipio's mods are way better looking than the default CMSF icons. Also was just looking at the CMSf box/manual art the other day and thought it looked kinda cartoony and cheesy. Not the gritty/realistic tone a wargame sim should have. Hope you guys don't destroy the game with bad box art this time.
  19. +1 to making it the standard song for birthdays: I would love to get a grenade for my birthday someday.
  20. Nice to hear this is "in" for CMN. On that note, has the acquire menu interface been tweaked at all? For example, can units put things back into trucks/HTs? I hate it when accidentally grabbing rifle ammo for an MG team or RPGs/Javs for a squad with no launcher.
  21. And their first words after appearing through the wall were: "Are you Sarah Connor?"
  22. I know, kinda of a bummer with the CMN bone last week and now the repository will be back soon. What next can we all complain about?
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