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  1. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Rokossovski in Who plays Real Time mode?   
    It all depends on size of scenario.  When CM1 came out I was convinced that RT was the only way to play for the reasons you stated.
    But, as I became more experienced (and aged) and started to play much larger scenarios, I became a religiously fervent WEGO convert.  Apart from playability, it's so much fun to replay sequences all over the battlefield to see all the small pixeltruppen stories get told.
  2. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from zinzan in Tanks crossing Train Tracks   
    KABOOM...!   That put me in my place.   
  3. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from The_MonkeyKing in Who plays Real Time mode?   
    It all depends on size of scenario.  When CM1 came out I was convinced that RT was the only way to play for the reasons you stated.
    But, as I became more experienced (and aged) and started to play much larger scenarios, I became a religiously fervent WEGO convert.  Apart from playability, it's so much fun to replay sequences all over the battlefield to see all the small pixeltruppen stories get told.
  4. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in The 'Never Say You've Seen It All' Thread   
    I had the privilege of meeting the man decades ago when he was on a book tour in LA.  Got him to sign  a copy of "The Right Stuff" which is still around here someplace.  
    I assumed he was dead by now.  But he's going strong at 95!
  5. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    MOS' innovative system in his CMBS TOC scenario would be perfect for rear area counter-partisan/guerilla scenarios.  Perhaps we could accomplish Partisans with a mod (changing one of the minor countries) if BF cannot get em in.
  6. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    The wonderful thing about CMSF2 (and CMRT as well) is that it will be very amenable for designing scenarios using MOS' very innovative concepts (involving many types of INTEL) that he is pioneering in his TOC scenario - (conducting COIN (Counterinsurgency) and low-intensity ops. 
    Maybe even partisan ops in Yugoslavia if suitable mods are created for CMFI.
  7. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Wodin in REVIEW at AWNT!!   
    Nice review.
  8. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Siege of Jadotville   
    Found this interesting 2016 movie on Netflix.  Set in the Congo in early 60's it's about an Irish UN company doing a "Rourke's Drift" defense vs hordes of African and French ex Legionaire mercs.
    It's interesting to see weapons of that era - Vickers, Brens, Lee-Enfields and what I think are FN's plus some SMG's I couldn't ID.
    Re the sniping capability of the Bren, a scene depicts the Irish talented sniper exchanging his scoped Enfield for an iron-sighted Bren to take a particularly long range shot.  Apart from the first 15 minutes of set-up once the battle starts it's pretty continuous. 
    It also depicts the less than courageous decisions of Conor Cruise O'Brien and the ill-fated Dag Hammarskjold, (then SecGen of the UN).   Recommended.
    More images                  
  9. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Mord in unsing nearby radios   
    LOL.  Yes, I got that...  Glad someone appreciates my humor.
  10. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Bulletpoint in The patch?   
    I think that many of us are not fans of either as cliques can, and have, manipulated the vote system to stigmatize people they don't like or agree with.
  11. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Mord in unsing nearby radios   
    Hmm... that exception is not intuitive.
  12. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in New Scenario: Tactical Operations Center   
  13. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Lethaface in The patch?   
    For those of us who have been playing CM from the late 1990's, BF has earned a large reservoir of trust re what they are doing.  After the fiasco of the initial CMSF release BF dug deep and kept updating CMSF until it became superb.  Am confident that, barring catastophe (illness etc), BF will release a terrific new product when it is ready for prime time.  BF knows that one only gets one chance to make a good first impression.
    In terms of keeping us informed of progress, of course that would be nice.  But, experience has shown that with programming and AI, it's very hard to predict completion dates.  One "small detail" can mushroom into a massive time-consuming issue.  
    Over the years us old-timers have see exactly the same comments from impatient and frustrated gamers over and over (and over) again.  I am impatient as well.  But, it's preferable that BF spend all their resources working to produce the best possible product than dealing with PR. 
  14. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Mord in The patch?   
    For those of us who have been playing CM from the late 1990's, BF has earned a large reservoir of trust re what they are doing.  After the fiasco of the initial CMSF release BF dug deep and kept updating CMSF until it became superb.  Am confident that, barring catastophe (illness etc), BF will release a terrific new product when it is ready for prime time.  BF knows that one only gets one chance to make a good first impression.
    In terms of keeping us informed of progress, of course that would be nice.  But, experience has shown that with programming and AI, it's very hard to predict completion dates.  One "small detail" can mushroom into a massive time-consuming issue.  
    Over the years us old-timers have see exactly the same comments from impatient and frustrated gamers over and over (and over) again.  I am impatient as well.  But, it's preferable that BF spend all their resources working to produce the best possible product than dealing with PR. 
  15. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from DerKommissar in Post Cool RCs Here!   
    Always impressive what hobbyists get up to.  Same event I think.  But with vehicles that have moving crew (7.33), exhaust, firing MG's etc.
    Maybe we can have future wars with these things instead.
  16. Like
    Erwin reacted to Sublime in The patch?   
    i cant help myself. my god dude how long you been around here? 3 years? 
    Id say BFC coming from a 2 man operation in the late 90s to now is the opposite of not knowing how to run a business.
    They never sold out at all. The same designers have been here since CMBO. I remember because Ive been on these boards since fall 99 and its the same team. smh.
  17. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Next Korean war is coming close...   
    LOL.  IIRC Everyone who has bet against Trump winning at what he does has ended up humiliated.
  18. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Next Korean war is coming close...   
    Time will tell.  But my money is on Trump and Bolton. 
  19. Like
    Erwin reacted to exsonic01 in Next Korean war is coming close...   
    Well, Trump canceled the meeting yesterday, which I also didn't expect. I was skeptical about meaningful result, but I thought at least they would have a talk. But I think this was a good decision. 
    This is just one of the reader opinions from Bloomberg, but I mostly agree with this article.
    Then suddenly, DPRK changed their mind, saying aggressive comments were DPRK diplomat's personal opinions, and mentioned they want to start the talk. Plus, they mentioned "President Trump" in their official statement. LOL, they never clearly stated "President Trump" before, and it was not long ago that DPRK statement blamed Trump, Bolton and Pence like "crazy warmongers will be on hellfire if they do anything stupid on 'holy' Juche nation". Funny to watch them in panic. Where have all those guts were gone? XD Typical cowards. 
    Not sure whitehouse will re-accept the talk offer, but IMO pressure to DPRK and PRC will be increased. Folks are saying that strict financial sanction like BDA account squeeze will be also considered. 
  20. Like
    Erwin reacted to exsonic01 in Next Korean war is coming close...   
    PRC agreed to reduce trade deficit, which they officially and unofficially refused/denied to do so for last several months. Now they agree with that term without any condition. For that part, I think we got a small advantage. However, there are no any details are mentioned about how, so I can understand your concern about this. We shall watch this part. I think part of the reason why we didn't included the detail is to watch the DPRK situation, and resume tariffs and leverages against PRC if it is necessary. On the other hand, I still believe that there are other methods to give some pressure to PRC. 
    I was thinking like you until I watch this:
    At least one thing is true: There are lots of Israeli spies in wide aspect of Iranian social/political/military infrastructure and hierarchy, and they are good at their job. I think there should be a serious level of mole hunt in Iran now. While I agree with your point that the intention of previous deal was legit and good enough, but it fails to push Iranians to give up their nukes, failed to broke the will of Iranians to continue their nuke problem. Continuation of previous deal might be a losing game to us. Yes, we broke the deal, but they played bad first, why should we? I think this is another declaration from us that we will never going to be fooled again, whoever the opposite is. 
    You have some misjudgment about me. 
    I have a Chinese neighbor, office mate from Guangzhou , and fishing mate came from Hong Kong, and my academic adviser when I was PhD came from Russia. I knew some DPRK defectors when I was in Korea. Me and my wife have a good relation with all those folks, we respect them and their culture and they respect ours, they were truly good humans with nice character, and I'm in still in contact with some of them. I have no emotion towards normal individuals, BUT, still, I hate government and leadership of PRC and DPRK, and overall communism system with ultra maximum prejudice. If anyone who zealously advocate such broken and corrupt system, I will call them 'commies' whatever others say to me. 
    As a half Korean / half American, I have some good personal reason to hate commies. Both of my family (my mom's and dad's) lost some of family members to the communists during battle from Korea and Vietnam. On top of that, I myself served in RoK army for 26 months long time ago and I was able to learn some about history of cold war and communists strategies. Not everyone negotiates in bad faith. Usually, we approached to the problem in good will and hope and good intention, and it is them who exploits the our good gesture and trust to maximize their gain. Similar history repeated over and over again.  
    Their system is corrupt and good enough to compare with mindless block. Communism is failed system and it is too ideal to realize. Unlike its original intention, communism make their own strict authoritarian structure, which largely rely on force and terror from brutal leadership and strong control over communities. Soviet Union crushed, PRC become Oceania of George Orwell's 1984, DPRK become crazy dynasty, Cambodian Khmerokraham made "Killing Field", Mao's Great Leap Forward movement killed huge number of innocent people. DDR is another great example, please check the movie "The Lives of Others", which depicts the true face of communism behind the curtains of propaganda. 
    Speaking of cold war, IMO we are approaching to new cold war era really fast, which is totally different and more complicated from the Cold War in the past. I maybe wrong, but it feels like the war among idealogies is far from over yet, at least to me. 
  21. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in This guy is worth a watch   
    Never be amazed at the stupid things people do or say under the thrall of hubris - as in when one thinks one is unbeatable.   Hillary etc.
  22. Like
    Erwin reacted to CarlWAW in Detection/Magic = Experiment   
    The "experts" here fill page after page discussing unimportant nuissances, but when really big flaws of the sim are discovered and raised, they lose any interest...
    A car can work perfectly 99% of the time. But if the air-bag system does not activate when needed, then the best car with all the huge design efforts, to improve safety of the passengers, becomes the worst car because it fails in the most important situation.
    The problem CM still has:
    Spotting overall works quite well. But then it comes to the most important situations, the model does not work correctly.
    Probably the most important flaw of the spotting model always becomes obvious when tanks are involved.
    One example is mentioned above.
    Another one - and maybe even more severe, because it prevents the player from using realistic tactics with tanks: it's not possible to use the tank commander for spotting witht he tank turret down.
    What makes it worse:
    The spotting model seems to weigh movement (of tanks) over anything else: with the following effect: if one tank moves and one stands still, the tank moving into LOS will be spotted first by the stationary tank.
    Therefore in CM it works better to use smoke to move a tank into position, than to move it without blocking LOS.
    And in reality if a a battlefield is controlled by enemy tanks/ATGs? The tanks are placed turret down and the TC is spotting - during the attack he is mostly looking for muzzle flashes (which are not modelled at all, btw).
    In reality once a flash is detected the TC often also gets a sense where the enemy ATG/tank is. He instructs his gunner and the driver moves the tank hull down and the enenmy is engaged immediately.
    After 2-4 shots the tank drives back into safety and changes its position and DOES NOT sit like a duck!
    In CM, because of the spotting behaviour, it is better to create pressure by pure firepower and use tanks like sitting ducks because of the flawed spotting system.
  23. Like
    Erwin reacted to John Kettler in M4 & M4A1 gunnery optics surprise   
    Have a plot twist to the story, and it involves the CMBN side of things for the CW. Just got off the horn with brother George, who informed me the British, for reasons he didn't understand, did not do the upgrade kits that put the wide mantlet and the all-important telescopic sight on what had been narrow mantlet Shermans with their associated optical deficits. He thought this was pretty shocking, considering it was the British who raised a ruckus about optics in the first place. He further noted they didn't fit the protective plates to the near vertical driver and bow gunner bulges in the glacis and didn't always have sponson armor added, either. Said the overall situation was the norm in Normandy, and that they were still campaigning narrow mantlet Shermans at Arnhem! Seems to me this is something which ought to be looked into because of its potentially substantial impact on combat performance and also addressed by scenario builders. He sent a photo to my phone of a British welded hull Sherman in Normandy in June 1944, and that tank is very much the OEM first model with the narrow mantlet. Not sure what the situation was for the Canadians and the Poles.
    John Kettler
  24. Like
    Erwin reacted to John Kettler in AFV Show & Tell   
    Regarding the tank name, here's a naming scenario I hadn't thought of but find intriguing. The time period fits nicely, too.

    John Kettler
  25. Like
    Erwin reacted to John Kettler in WW2 Explosive Ordnance Manuals USA German Japan Italy Military Ammunition CD   
    If you're losing arguments on the CM Forums for want of authoritative citations, this CD, WW2 Explosive Ordnance Manuals USA German Japan Italy Military Ammunition CD, which I got from the excellent (100% positive rating; left five star review) eBay Seller larry5250 for a whole $9.99 with free shipping, will be your salvation and source of glorious grog madness. It's got the OP1000 series Naval Ordnance books (in crisp, clean PDFs) for the US, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Japan and Italy, as well as lovely bonuses. If you could find these in physical form, it would be a seriously expensive acquisition process. Speak from experience here after trying to replace my facsimile (from Paladin Press) of the GERMAN EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Bombs, Rockets and Fuzes volume after it was either stolen by the cop I lent it to or somehow lost/thrown out by his wife during his ugly divorce decades ago.  Recall the price was $200 or so as of last year. 
    From an information (never mind scarce information) per dollar standpoint, this is a killer deal. Would further point out navy.mil some years ago took the US one down from its site post 9/11 and hasn't replaced it since that I know of. With major company after major company imposing its, ahem, values on us, I believe it would be wise to get this now, in case a policy decision at eBay suddenly prohibits such wonders from being sold.
    John Kettler
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