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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Yes, I agree and understand all you said. (Yes, approx 2900x 1800 is what my desktop is set to.) I play in 1920x1200 (or 1280 - I forget) as the text is too small at higher resolutions. I was simply wondering if I am seeing the units as they are supposed to look like in RL. I know that in the CM1 games, I think all graphics are a bit wider than in RL, but it still looks really good.
  2. Am pretty sure that I played a German scenario and the Marders used their cannon ok. Hmm... Also, even with "Preserve" instructions, you can shoot 30 secs to a minute of 25mm-30mm at a building without causing enuff destruction to lose points. (Need to test to get experience.) Same thing with air and arty (up to 81mm) set to LIGHT and PERSONNEL. I often find I can send a dozen or so air missions to shoot up the enemy over a large area without losing points from damaging buildings.
  3. "The NATO missions I find are like one of those puzzle games where you start in a maze..." Yes, good comment, Dave. BTW: Re roofs, I agree re not using them for a firebase unless you are sure of superiority. But, I do like to put HQ's and FO's up in roofs with short arcs so they don't reveal themselves by firing. Their use is to accureately bring down arty, or air primarily on ATGM's and RPG's (so your Panzies can move in and kill enemy inf with HE).
  4. Apache: Airpower set to LIGHT and PERSONNEL can be sent in over the largest possible area and will locate and fire at any enemy spotted (and they don't do enuff damage to buildings to lose "preservation" points even after many missions). I see almost all CMSF games as having more or less the same process: 1) Send in eyes to spot ATGM's - ie: Infantry ALWAYS goes in first. 2) Kill ATGM's with air or arty, or missiles. 3) Only then bring up the fearful and vulnerable tanks to blow up the helpless enemy. With this formula I find one can win 90%+ of all CMSF games first time thru without restarting etc., and 100% of all games if I do restart. I used to think that Strykers with the 105mm gun were a joke. But, CMSF shows that they are a much more cost-effective solution for a modern battlefield that is deadly for tanks assuming an enemy with access to modern ATGM's. If I were a tanker playing this game, I think I would transfer out (unless my only oppo was third world without modern ATGM's). (Of course it's a game, not an accurate sim, so who knows...?)
  5. If you look at the bottom of every page of these forums, there are option buttons to enable all theads from the beginning of time to be shown.
  6. If this is the new version that requires registration with BFC, suggest you ask on Tech Support (esp if you have Win 7).
  7. Yes. Altho' am not sure I really see a difference between 1920x1200 and 2880x1800 It's kind of funny, as I bought the monitor 3 years ago(!), and then waited till January this year to get my new computer that could actually power it. But, because of game text size, it's impractical to run it at over 1920x1200 - as as I said earlier, even then text is a bit small.
  8. Yes, 7 mins and 38 seconds according to his bio. But, valiant attempt my dear young finalcut.
  9. After playing RT in the very early days, I now exclusively play WEGO as I want to see what's going on all over the place. However, it takes me a long time to complete a scenario as I have to plan and plot for one minute turns every time. But, I still remember in RT how I would get focused on one little battle only to later find disaster elsewhere. (So, maybe it's an ADD issue, heh?) And also, if you have to keep pausing every few secs to adjust am surprised it doesn't take you guys longer to play a scenario. Just curious: You think it's tougher to play RT or WEGO?
  10. I assumed it would be S and C as in Satchel Charge.
  11. Oh, for heaven's sake, it's Xmas. Leave Steve and the other poor BFC workers in peace for a week!
  12. Do you have Win 7? If so, it may be you have to save it to a different location. Also, is it a SCENARIO or a SAVED GAME (or even a PBEM)?
  13. Impressive, Dave. Was that also Real Time, or WEGO?
  14. LLF: Bear in mind that it is extremely pleasurable for gamers to mow down uncons doing an occasional banzai charge. I mean, don't they actually do dumb things due to lack of training/common sense etc? Plz don't feel you have to make all uncons behave like seasoned vets. Having an enemy who is smart all the time is as boring (and frustrating) as an enemy who does stupid things all the time. Variety is the spice etc.
  15. My system is capable of (approx) 2800x1800. But, I can't play at this res as the text for briefings and orders is too small (presumaby for my aging eyes). So, I play at 1920x1200... But, even now text is hard to read. Any chance new iterations of the game can give a text size choice so we can play at higher resolutions? Thanks...
  16. Thanks bodkin. But I think that is still for 3x4 monitors(?) I am blessed to have a monitor and card capable of something like 2900x1800, but that makes the text too small to read comfortably, so I downgraded it via the "display size.txt" file to 1920x1200. I think that is simply a higher res than your 1440x900 but with the same aspect ratio. I thought that maybe all my units are wider than they should be, but maybe I am worrying about nothing.
  17. "In CMX1 if you put a mod in the BMP or wav folder you overwrote the originals and had to spend a crap load of time finding them and re-replacing them if you didn't like the mod. That doesn't happen in CMX2." I used an efficient system of keeping the old mod files in a named folder until I confirmed I liked the new mod. If I didn't, it was very easy to recover the original files. My problem is that while there are far fewer mods available in CM2 than in the CM1 games, the modders do not have any consistent method of "publishing" their mods. So, some are neatly in folders with clear instructions, many others provide just graphics files with no instructions. I freely confess that I am a mod slut. So, I have dozens, probably over a hundred mods. The result is that my Z folder is a mess of folders, .brz files and "raw" graphics files which are all mixed up and it's had to tell which file gives what result. In addition, even some of the "good" modders who provide mods neatly in folders may also have numerous SUBFOLDERS in which (I think) one has to select which mod details one wants to display with the "main mod." So, for me it's utterly exhausting to figure all this out. In CM1, I could look at each graphics file and see immediately which was an improvement over the original and which I didn't like and select the file I wanted. So, while I would have an ORIGINAL BMP folder I would create an "ideal" BMP folder with all the best mods (and this was the one the game would use). When another mod came along I could immediately compare the new graphics files with the ones in my "ideal" bmp folder and could immediately see if the newer mod was worth keeping or not. With the new CM2 system and .brz files etc, you have to 1) start the game to check on the current mod. 2) Put the new mod file in the Z folder. 3) Restart the game to see if you like the effect. 4) Try and remember if that is better or worse than the old mod. It's kinda like in XP I was used to going thru my directory map to get to folders. With Win 7 it's assumed I am an idiot who can't do that, so the system tries to "protect" me from figuring out where files are being stored. Of course I still want to see the directory tree and so in Win7 I seem to have 2 or 3 duplicate folder for MY DOCS etc which completely baffles me... I think my brain functions in a certain way that made the old CM1 mod system make perfect sense and I knew exactly what I was doing.
  18. Looks fabulous AKD. Amazed at what you've accomplished. The obvious question is what's the ETA?
  19. Ok, good. I find I am still challenged vs AI and it's much easier to find an oppo whenever I want to and he's a much faster player lol!
  20. I know this has been suggested b4, but would it be easier to break your map into sections and give the AI an easier time of it? At a later date, maybe you could then put the sectioned maps together to get your monster map and try that(?)
  21. PT: Are the criteria for building damage the same for all scenarios or can they be varied? ie: Will the system record a building as damaged at the same % of damage every time, or can the designer change that "sensitivity" so one can have the building register as "damaged" for points reduction purposes after (say) 10% damage or (say) 30% damage?
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