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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I also saw the black squares, but intermittently... after a bit they turned back into regular icons, but not sure what I did if anything... Otherwise, all working great. But, where is Aris??? I was hoping BF would announce they had him on retainer to do his fabulous mods... Now I worry he's gone off...
  2. Yes, lovely surprise. Thanks! (But, remind me to give my schedule so BF can release games when I am actually at my primary location with fast d/l instead of on the road with forever d/l speeds.)
  3. Blimey, this is the 2nd or third time BF has released a game for d/l while I'm traveling... What gives...? (2.5 hours to download... 1.17 to go...)
  4. If the mentality of CM players is akin to the folks who buy every new iPad/iPod/App phone gadget etc. and must have the newest/latest one at any cost so they can flaunt em then BF will have no problems. The reduction of the number of gadget boxes (increasing the size of those remaining) in the interface is clearly to help iPod players with their small screens, as it is a retrograde step for the average PC player with a decent sized monitor.
  5. I know there are those who vehemently disagree, but I have found that the benefits of HQ's and C2 in the CM2 engine (vs the CM1 games) to be so subtle as to not be appreciable. So, while it's "best" to keep a unit in C2, you can manage them just fine out of C2 so long as you are thoughtful about it. The placement of a gun is far more important than if it is in C2.
  6. My beloved RIP cat's name was "Verminh" (don't ask - it's fairly disgusting) so I take offence at the derogatory use of that name, sah!.
  7. Unfortunately, I didn't take notes at the time and can't recall if this method has spot rounds, but I think they do. But, accuracy and speed of TOT seemed faster. I often don't realize something strange is going on until a while afterwards when one swaps notes on these forums.
  8. "My recollection of trying that was that the adjusted mission reset the delay clock to 15min again each time you adjusted" I am sure that I have seen the clock initially reset to 15 mins or whatever, but then in subsequent turns it resets to a very short delay. I recall that using the method I outlined above I was surprised to find arty bombarding within 2-4 minutes when I was expecting a long wait.
  9. "Two TRP's allows you to drop a linear barrage between them as well as long as the start and end points are close to each." IIRC you only need ONE TRP to do a linear barrage so long as the line starts at a TRP. At least I have done that many times. I think accuracy is the same. BTW: I often use the technique of calling for an initial turn one preplanned barrage on any desired unseen location with max delay, then ADJUSTING as many times as desired as spotters start to see locations that one actually does want to barrage. Am not 100% sure, but I get the sense that accuracy in these instances continues to be very good and TOT is quick - as if the new arty target(s) were set by a TRP.
  10. Thanks... However, is this an updated version so we can delete the version from a couple of days ago??
  11. My wife is creaming over those shoes! She is forcing me to buy more BF product! Help!!
  12. "Thank you for this article. That’s all I can say. You most definitely have made this blog into something special. You clearly know what you are doing, you’ve covered so many bases." Thank goodness for a calm reasoned voice on these forums at last. And how much is the Belstaff motorbike? Maybe I will buy 3...
  13. Maybe BF could start a fashion and clothing area so that these good folks would have somewhere more appropriate to post for those who are interested in a new shoulder bag etc. It's a truly brilliant move to get more women on these forums. Do BF's strategic machinations know no end?
  14. OMG, Christian Laboutin sandals and pumps!! Thank god for the variety... I always visit BFC forums for fashion!
  15. "There's not much difference of things that you could do in your free time between any 1st world countries." It's a nice country but it is like living in a rural society. Yes, there are restaurants, clubs, movies etc. But, very few choices compared to most cities in other west european countries. And I don't recall much to do in Lahti to Kuopio at all. (The military museum, and seeing the Finnish army training with T-something or others was fun.)
  16. I still have Campaign for N. Africa and a bunch of other monsters, and at least several hundred other cardboard wargames boxed up in various garages and mostly unplayed as their complexity and time requirements became unmanageable. Increasing "realism/complexity" was the big fashion back then. But, the average players gave up and the grognards were too few to support the biz, so it imploded and virtually collapsed. Even some really great companies, like Victory Games, West End Games etc in addition to SPI. Most us kept buying for a few years as collectors, looking lovingly at the components but never having the time and focus to study the massive rulebooks let alone play...
  17. Ah ok... My cousin is in Finland (Lahti) married to a retired major. Nice country. A bit of a lack of things to do other than winter sports however.
  18. In CM1, units were able to shoot less on LOW AMMO as it simulated them becoming very economical with (small arms) ammo, but they never would completely run out. In CM2, units can and do run out of ammo 100% and be unable to shoot anything.
  19. Looks great. Have downloaded it. Do we need to translate the accompanying Russian "description" file to play? Or is that the translation at the top of this thread?
  20. Don't when I'll have time to install and play. But, just d/l'd all the files. Thanks Streety!
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