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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Well, only a jilted lover or a kid would be this childish, so my money is still on a Jap girl you f****ed and fled from, or some dorky 15 year old.
  2. Another thought if there is any possibility of a v2, is to make friendly casualties cost more in points so it's harder to win if you lose too many ANA troops. The point of the campaign is to give em confidence. I felt that my big wins (mostly TOTAL) were not really worthwhile when I had lost two entire squads and their HQ in mission #1, then two BTR's and their entire squads (to mines) in the final mission (in addition to smaller losses along the way). I think that the resources available to the ANA/Soviet player are such that he should be able to win with minimal casualties (well, aside from getting unlucky with mines). And while we're on the subject, there's a discussion about designers not getting feedback in the CMFI or CMBN forums. Sometimes I get the feeling that only a couple of us are actually playing these games while most are arguing about historical and technical minutiae. That's a cause for concern as it's the equivalent of players becoming "collectors" like many of us became when cardboard wargames became too complex and not so much fun to play.
  3. I suspect that CM2 scenarios just don't get played as much as CM1 used to - possibly cos CM2 takes a lot more effort, time and patience. FWICS there are unfortunately, not that many discussions going on about ANY scenarios or campaigns, but far more about technical details and historical accuracy etc. I actually enjoyed HARD KNOCKS as it was an xnt trainer for CMBN. And the final mission in that campaign was awesome. But, experiencing that level of difficulty and frustration once or twice was enough. Now, I look for entertainment, and many CM2 scenarios attempt to be "historical" - meaning attempting to make the scenarios as bloodily horrible to play as the original RL experience. I find that CMA and CMSF is now a lot more fun as they are largely fictional so the designer could focus on making them interesting and entertaining, rather than "accurate".
  4. That's a really good point. I just realized that inf is often first suppressed by bullet impacts you see kicking up around their feet, but I do not recall seeing tracers (at that time).
  5. ...and threatened more than one relationship...
  6. Really enjoyed the dynamic nature of this campaign. If you lose you get pushed back. Wish the briefing said how many missions are in the campaign. I may go and redo and deliberately lose to get some of the defensive missions and see if I can turn the tide. Some may say the campaign is too easy. But, it's fun to use forces as they were intended rather than have every mission or campaign be a desperate fight merely to survive. The challenge is to do the campaign with fewer casualties. I wish we had more entertaining campaigns and scenarios like this one (and the ones in CMSF) in CMBN and CMFI.
  7. IIRC games are being developed in reverse chronological order since they already have a lot of the late war stuff done (at least for the Germans on the East Front). It will be a little weird since one of the most fun ways to play CM1 was to start with Poland and work your way thru the war. It will be interesting to see if there is a large enuff market for the more obscure early war units and battles.
  8. You are certain that you have no mod in your MOD folder that could be interfering?
  9. IIRC it was also an economy issue. The Brits felt they had better results when a man carefully aimed a shot rather than the spray and pray methods we see elsewhere. But that was when engagement ranges were expected to be many hundreds of meters, not the relatively short ranges we see today. It also required more training - so it's like the Crossbow vs the Longbow. Reducing weight of ammo was also a factor.
  10. If BF is still keeping the source code for CMC under lock and key, then they may see it as fallback security in case the CM2 series peters out due to it becoming so complex that the audience base/market gets too small.
  11. In Mission #3, one gets two new fully supplied aircraft and 2 mortars, one fully supplied, the other a little less. However, only a few of the tanks' shells have been resupplied. I don't think the BTR's have been resupplied (much) either. Damage to vehicles seems to carry over. I think some inf losses have been replaced in the HQ units (not the regular grunts), but still not the 1st platoon HQ which was lost in Mission #1. Really fun and interesting situations and campaign. But as I said previously, a little more info on resupply and timing of reinforcements would be good.
  12. This issue with MG's is interesting as I find I am only deploying and using em when absolutely needed. They are mortar magnets and per the above, don't seem to have any sort of dramatically useful effect compared to a squad or even a team with an LMG. When I have armor, I'll use them and leave the MG's behind in safety. So, if there is a flaw that makes em less effective than they should be, it would be great to correct that. The other related issue is that it would be great to enable crewed weapons to immediately run and hide when mortar shells start falling nearby. In these situations, ESPECIALLY with WEGO, there is no time to undeploy. The crew needs the ability (either auto or per orders) to FAST move a safe distance away and hit the dirt and HIDE. They should be able to return and recrew when safe.
  13. Gorgeous map. Hope someone has time to design a scenario. Personally, I find the design process way too time-consuming and intimidating compared to CM1.
  14. Beautiful. Thank you... (But, couldn't find the splash screen pics your instructions mention.)
  15. Loving this campaign so far (mission #2). However, I wish the briefing had been a little more precise on when reinforcements would arrive. I can understand vagueness if they are half a day away, but if they are within 30 minutes, you would think the CO could expect arrival "within X minutes". In both mission #1 and #2, I wasn't sure when reinforcements would arrive so I was a bit more aggressive than maybe I should have been and lost both initial 1st platoon inf squads and the HQ in the hilltop houses, when it may have been better to hunker down and wait. But, it's no fun waiting an hour or more, (which I have occasionally done in other scenarios!), and now I just try and get on with it - which is not always advisable. I did win the first mission as the two squads sacrificed themselves taking a lot of muj with them, and an arty strike killed off the rest. The other thing is that there was no indication in the briefing that there would be no resupply of the 81mm mortars between missions #1 and #2 (and in the next missions???). Please make sure that players have that info as it may be critical in future missions. I am debating with myself now where I should restart or soldier on (with maybe no arty or air support left). The briefing also also doesn't mention if the tanks and AC's etc will be resupplied. Players need to know this stuff.
  16. Am on mission #2 and really enjoying this campaign. I wish we had campaigns as interesting as this in CMBN or CMFI. For some reason the character of those two newer titles is very "claustrophobic" and nearly all available scenarios and campaigns seem to offer very conventional frontal assaults. Am really starting to appreciate CMA and CMSF all over again.
  17. People seem to cream when someone duplicates that grayscale look for a CM pic, so maybe...
  18. That is a very vaid point ASL Vet. However, I do know that in the 40's that sort of touching up would be quite crude and noticeable compared to the magic that can be done these days. I was in the movie biz for many years before becoming a military contractor. So, am used to looking for altered images. The thousands of hours of docs that I have seen do not show that sort of blurring out. And as I repeatedly say, this is not an all or nothing issue. Simply that in the majority of images, insignia are hard to see. I did not say that it is impossible to see insignia in all pictures. Also, the reason I asked the original questions was that in CMBN in particular, many of the uniforms (CW especially) seemed to have sported rather bright "brand new" insignia. Altho' I have only played Axis so far in CMFI, I think the uniforms (esp German) in CMFI are a big improvement on CMBN.
  19. Rocketman... Like many, I still enjoy playing CMA and CMSF, and the bushes in CMA in particular make play hard. Any chance you could do a translucent version for CMA? It would be much appreciated.
  20. Actually, the pictures reinforce my take that the insignia are subdued, not bright and colorful sniper targets as they are sometimes in the game. But, as I said "it's not all or nothing" as you guys keep insisting. You clearly don't watch many WW2 documentaries on the Military or History channels. But, you should as the thousands of hours avalable give a very good picture of what uniforms, insignia etc looked like in battles and it would be a good education for you.
  21. Yes, the variety of Brit soft vehicles are fun. I highly recommend ROYAL MUD MARINES as a full game scenario that is full of them.
  22. Hard to believe that you could get even better. Thanks!
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