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Erwin last won the day on October 5 2021

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  1. Am sure I reported this years ago. But, not sure if BF has time to fix everything.
  2. Smart. We've lost too many of the best modders and designers to burn-out.
  3. Yup. It is puzzling but I have always considered the C2 system a bit wanky. Maybe it works in a "lab" setting. But, in the game with multiple Co structures and Bn HQ's, one can get strange results. But thanks for confirming that the Section HQ can be used for spotting/recon or as a medic or to crew a HT if one or both the crew are KO'd.
  4. Thanx for the "Battleground" endorsement. Will check it out (Amazon Prime).
  5. I thought this bug had been dealt with years ago when it was first noted.
  6. Beautiful. One can imagine the dozens, (or hundreds?) of man-hours that map has taken.
  7. Marco... THANK YOU. I love your range-calibre weapon mods and try to bodge together versions for all the games (eg: CMA). I hope you one day update the mod for all the games.
  8. I get the sense that more and more bugs are cropping up esp in the older titles (CMSF2 has a horrible number). Maybe their govt work is taking up more of BF's time.
  9. Wot Centurian said. Good summary. My sense is that as one gains experience as to what units can accomplish in a certain time, one handles assaults manually and not rely on the ASSAULT command. Whenever I have experimented with the ASSAULT command the units seem to tire a lot quicker and the overall "result" is less satisfactory.
  10. Warts may have hit on the answer. The Jeep in question is in a set-up zone and one can mount inf units and acquire ammo. But, one cannot DISMOUNT or BAIL OUT. One has to use a movement order to get the inf unit out. The puzzle is that the Jeep is set-up initially with an inf unit (2-man FO) on board. Perhaps the crew was KIA in the previous mission and/or the Jeep was immobilized. But it is some sort of bug that something weird is happening here. Doesn't spoil the game, so no biggy...
  11. CMFB "Claymores" campaign, Mission 3. During setup, a Jeep is seen as "Dismounted" when it clearly has a 2-man FO passengers in the front seats (no other passengers or driver). But, also there is no ability to "dismount" or "bail out". the FO One can only dismount the FO by giving it a movement order into the setup zone. One can mount an inf unit into the empty Jeep and ACQUIRE ammo, But, one has to use a movement order (even though it is the only unit in the vehicle) to enable the unit to dismount. ie: the Jeep cannot be ordered to move. Picture wouldn't post unfortunately, but game file available.
  12. Yes, Point Target gets a better chance of an attack. But, one still has to spot the ATGM first as they could be hiding anywhere. My take is that designers should avoid making missions which rely on aircraft spotting and killing leg teams (eg: ATGM's) as this tactic does not work in CM. Am replaying mission 12 of the German Campaign and this time letting the aircraft loiter for a full hour b4 assaulting. The scenario is long, 2.5 hours, so we'll see if a longer time works for air spotting. However... just sitting around and pressing GO for 60 turns does not make for a fun game experience.
  13. Runs fine on the older Win 7 machine I use for games (I dislike my Win 10 OS machines). One has to appreciate the engine is 2007 vintage. We've been waiting and hoping for a CM3 engine, but no word on any progress there.
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