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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. They take dramatic license, cos they are paid to provide thrills and emotional impact (for the average audience) rather than focusing on accuracy or "trooff". (Yes, I was in the biz as a W/D/P.)
  2. I am imagining longer ranges and quite flat agricultural terrain. Most pics of the current Ukraine "troubles" show that.
  3. It would be great to start with O'Connor's blitzkrieg defeat of the Italians and then the arrival of Rommel and his attack out of El Agheila. This is where it would be so great if we could use terrain from CMSF in a CM WW2 era game.
  4. "...make it convincing to the cognoscenti." It's all about costs. Producers are happy if it passes muster with the 99% who are not cognoscenti. CM2 is also entertainment. It's all relative.
  5. Looked pretty good. (Wha ees this "playstation" they mention?)
  6. The great thing about NA Theatre is that it's designed for mobile and armored combat. It would be (Inshallah) less infantry-centric...
  7. Weren't a large number of German tanks in Barbarossa PzII's etc with MG's? Am presuming that back then tanks with MG's were considered useful.
  8. Not trying to be argumentative, but when our enemies realized they could do quite well in MOUT ops - ie cause us unacceptable casualties - they were and are a tough oppo. If what is being attempted is the "challenge" of blowing everyone up with high-tech long range weapons systems, then vs Syrians or uncons that's a lot easier. Suggest attempting some dense urban scenarios for a real challenge.
  9. "Doing it right." The movie would have been 99% boredom and 1% action lol. Let's not be so hard on an entertainment product which, like CM2 series, is the only good WW2 tank story out there. One can pick ANY movie and a specialist who works in that field will complain "it's not right". I imagine the chefs and wait staff saying the same thing every time they see a restaurant scene. We want to encourage MORE of these sorts of movies (and WW2 games). Deciding to boycott either is shooting yourself in the foot.
  10. "...not interested in bashing in second world syrians and insurgents, give me some real opposition to fight." Yeah. Like the Vietnamese, Afgan, and Iraqi insurgents who beat us up.
  11. Just got back from seeing FURY. I thought it was a very good film. MANDATORY FOR MODDERS for ideas re vehicle and uniform wear and tear. Most looked realistic and nasty. Of course it's an anti-war war film and it features extremely barbaric and nasty situations (and a lot of mud), but not particularly more nasty than SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. What is different is that so much takes place inside the (Easy 8?) tank - so shades of the DAS BOOT claustrophobic tension. I recall kids at my old schools who were similar jerks, so why wouldn't the stress of surviving from North Africa to Germany make them even worse. Best war film that's been out for a long time... the CM2 of war films if you like. So, recommended seeing.
  12. Re oil, the US is now a net exporter. So, from US perspective, ME oil can disappear and/or oil prices can go thru the roof and all would be good. Re "The best thing to happen to the ME would certainly be half a century of democracy, political and economical stability". Agreed. That would be wonderful. However, looking at the last decades, it just isn't going to happen within any reasonable time span. So, the next "best" thing is to neutralize all the problems there in some way. ISIS vs the entire region is just one possibility - with the added "bonus" of expanded arms sales from the west to the region (to help get western economies going). Hope that you understand that am talking amoral Machiavellian realpolitik. Speaking of which... On Thursday, a BA flight from Heathrow to Las Vegas turned back for an unspecified medical emergency. Usually, the flight is either resumed later or passengers put on another aircraft. But, in this case it was cancelled. Normally, this is newsworthy. However, it's hard to find any info online about this incident. Also, several hundred troops deployed to Heathrow. Wondered if it was Ebola related, and info suppressed. Just curious if anyone in UK saw any news about it.
  13. I was referring to the ISIS forces as well-trained and funded. It takes a long time to do that. So where were they for the last few years? I still think ISIS could be the best thing for the west if we can get the ME countries fighting each other (with weapons we sell to them). So, I still think if we didn't somehow invent ISIS, we should have.
  14. Yeah, I had it happen to a Brit mortar and after trial and error found this solution.
  15. Just got back from dinner with ME specialist who lived there. Basically said that Iraq road to Baghdad is a bunch of small villages that were easily intimidated by killings/beheadings. Took Mosul cos Iraqi army disintegrated. Maintains that ISIS is still only about 30K. The real question is how could such a relatively well-trained and well funded army suddenly appear. Didn't get a good answer on that except initially funded by Oman.
  16. This is brilliant. Weird victory results that make no sense have been an issue with all CM2 games. Hope this gets used to make the victory levels seem "right".
  17. This was reported some time ago, so am sure BF is aware. IIRC I dislodged a trooper from this by giving a waypoint back beside him. Once the team is reassembled at the "stuck location", then give a new waypoint that would make em go in a different direction than before (ie away from the stuck direction).
  18. Am certain that there is a silent BG "noise" mod. Check repository.
  19. IIRC it's been discussed before that AAA guns seems hard to kill esp in foxholes. 88mm guns seem to die easily. But, it can take a lot (arty plus direct fire HE) to kill a smaller cal gun.
  20. The question is whether Italians should be allowed to split off a two man team for scouting, and no other splits. Anyone know what they did historically?
  21. Normally, I would be very happy to only fire one tube in many situations. However, I generally fire all tubes of a battery regardless since I recall reading that they didn't order a number of tubes, just number of rounds. Anyone know what was actually done in RL?
  22. The incompetent one, nephew of Major Pain, yes.
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