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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I found a comprehensive chart of German arty stats in my old CMBN files dated November 2011. GERMAN LIGHT/MEDIUM ARTILLERY 81mm Mortar 120mm Mortar 75mm Inf Gun 150mm Inf Gun 75mm Howitzer 105mm Howitzer 150mm Howitzer Barrels 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 HE Rounds 100 60 70 50 140 140 120 Smoke Rounds 8 0 20 10 40 40 40 FAO Response Time (mins) Normal 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 TRP 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 HQ Response Time (mins) Normal 8 8 13 13 13 13 13 TRP 4 4 8 8 9 9 9 Mission Harassrnds/min p/Barrel 3.3 2.1 1.8 0.9 1.8 1.3 0.9 p/Unit 6.7 4.1 3.6 1.8 7.2 5.4 3.6 Max 15min 15min 20min 18min 20min 26min 34min Shortrnds/min p/Barrel 10.0 4.0 2.7 1.4 2.7 2.0 1.3 p/Unit 20.0 8.0 5.4 2.7 10.8 8.1 5.4 Max 5min 8min 13min 19min 13min 17min 22min Mediumrnds/min p/Barrel 20.0 5.0 4.4 2.2 4.4 3.2 2.1 p/Unit 40.0 10.0 8.8 4.3 17.5 12.7 8.4 Max 2.5mins 5mins 8min 12min 8min 11min 14min Heavyrnds/min p/Barrel 25.0 5.0 4.4 2.2 4.4 3.2 2.1 p/Unit 50.0 10.0 8.8 4.3 17.5 12.7 8.4 Max 2min 5min 8min 12min 8min 11min 14min Duration Quick p/barrel 4-7 3-4 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 Short p/barrel 11-16 8-11 5-10 5-8 5-10 5-10 5-8 Medium p/barrel 27-32 14-17 11-16 8-11 11-16 9-14 8-11 Long p/barrel 41-53 23-30 20-28 15-18 22-28 19-24 15-18 Maximum p/barrel 100 60 70 50 140 140 120 GERMAN HEAVY ARTILLERY 210mm Howitzer 170mm Gun 159mm Nbwfr 215mm Nbwfr 280mm Nbwfr 301mm Nbwfr 88mm Flak Barrels 4 4 6x6 6x5 6x5 6x5 4 HE Rounds 80 100 180 150 108 108 80 Smoke Rounds 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 FAO Response Time (mins) Normal 21 12 12 12 12 12 12 TRP 17 9 9 9 9 9 9 HQ Response Time (mins) Normal n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a TRP n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Mission Harassrnds/min p/Barrel 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.1 p/Unit 0.9 1.6 5.8 4.5 3.6 3.6 4.2 Max 89min 62min 31min 33min 30min 30min 19min Shortrnds/min p/Barrel 0.3 0.6 1.5 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.6 p/Unit 1.4 2.4 8.8 6.8 5.4 5.4 6.3 Max 59min 41min 21min 22min 20min 20min 13min Mediumrnds/min p/Barrel 0.6 1.3 4.4 3.4 2.7 2.7 3.0 p/Unit 2.5 5.1 26.3 20.5 16.2 16.2 11.9 Max 32min 20min 7min 7min 7min 7min 7min Heavyrnds/min p/Barrel 0.6 1.3 4.4 3.4 2.7 2.7 3.0 p/Unit 2.5 5.1 26.3 20.5 16.2 16.2 11.9 Max 32min 20min 7min 7min 7min 7min 7min Duration Quick p/barrel 1 1 6 6 6 6 2 Short p/barrel 36 Medium p/barrel 36-72 Long p/barrel 72 Maximum p/barrel 80 100 180 150 108 108 80 NOTES: MISSION = RATE OF FIRE · p/barrel = rounds fired per min per single barrel at selected rate of fire i.e. Harass · p/unit = rounds fired per complete unit i.e. all barrels in action · Max = time to expend all rounds when firing all barrels at selected rate of fire · Apart from 81mm Mortar then all other weapons appear to have the same rate of fire for Medium and Heavy... Maybe further testing needed DURATION = TOTAL ROUNDS PER MISSION · p/barrel = rounds fired per barrel over duration of mission. Nebelwerfers fire by multiples of its salvo. Here is a much briefer US Arty chart dated the same: CMBN US Artillery Characteristics Rate of fire is 1 round per x seconds. Duration is in rounds, or minutes if m suffix. US 60mm M2 mortar onmap Mission: Harass | Light | Medium | Heavy Rate of fire: 18 | 6 | 3 | 2 Duration: Q S M | Q S M | Q S M | Q S M Rounds: 6 7 7m | 3 20 30 | 3 19 24 | 3 16 US 81mm M1 mortar onmap Mission: Harass | Light | Medium | Heavy Rate of fire: 18 | 6 | 3 | 2 Duration: Q S M | Q S M | Q S M | Q S M Rounds: 5 10 15 | 6 10 28 | 3 10 25 | 6 12 22+ US 105mm M2A1 Howitzer Mission: Harass | Light | Medium | Heavy Rate of fire: 46-48 | 28-32 | 16-19 | 10-12 Duration: Q S M | Q S M | Q S M | Q S M Rounds: 3 6 14 | 2 7 12 | 3 6 12 | 2 6 12
  2. The issue with desire for "more realism" is that RL issues are often frustrating and annoying. That is not what one wants in a game - primarily aimed at the entertainment market who play for fun and relaxation. Desire for more and more detail and "realism" is what sent the cardboard wargame industry almost into oblivion in the 80's as the vast majority of customers gave up trying to play increasingly complex and "unplayable" games.
  3. We do have mods for aircraft etc. So should be "easy" enuff for a modder to do ships. That is the magic of the CM series. It's very moddable.
  4. Thank you for the thoughts and back at you... Shame to note that where my sigother works they are not allowed to have a Xmas tree or decorations in case it offends those from other religions (even tho' none of those folks even work there).
  5. Puzzling cos when I read books about German experiences with these weapons it sounded like the MP44 was greatly superior re range, accuracy, stopping power etc. You'd think that this would be easily seen in the game. Wasn't the Stg44 an effective assault weapon, while MP40 was a mere machine pistol? Or, is the MP44 overrated by historians?
  6. Most designers develop missions to be fun to play. Admittedly, there are a few who don't agree that this is an entertainment product and have a point to make. Sounds like you may have found one. My sense is that if this was so realistic then many of us would be xnt as RL Co CO's by now. And that just aint so... Try another scenario or campaign... Most are fun.
  7. Exactly. And why not...? Could be the future. Remember the "Hammers Slammers" books?
  8. It seems to function like a version of the French Foreign Legion - expendable. However, at least they are well paid. Have always felt that military service is (or should be) a admirable vocation, not "just a job" as it is now often presented as. If it's "just a job" it makes perfect sense to hire oneself out to highest bidder and fight for money.
  9. Definitely get better image quality at 2560x1600. But, until the UI becomes scaleable, one has to degrade to make the UI text readable.
  10. Interesting article, esp this: "Russia has managed to obviate the need for deploying large numbers of troops on the ground by bringing in private military companies. These companies consist of well-paid mercenaries, most of whom are retired Russian servicemen. The difference from the similar practice in the United States is that the Russian private military companies are not relegated to supporting roles. They are used as highly capable assault forces, and their personnel are often embedded with Syrian units to augment those units’ fighting ability. This approach has proved very useful both militarily and politically, as it minimizes the political cost of direct military intervention. The Russian public has proved completely indifferent to reports of the losses suffered by the mercenary companies, rightly believing that “these people are highly paid, and knew what they were getting into.” As a result ― and contrary to Western expectations ― Russian losses in Syria have not led to any negative domestic repercussions for the Putin administration."
  11. From your link, this one looks very good as well: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074G5G8FT/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&th=1 Was hoping for a 4:3 aspect ratio, but I guess that really doesn't matter anymore... But, maybe save for a 4G UHD?
  12. While we are at it, how about a % of troops get WIA just by moving and stumbling, spraining/breaking ankles etc. Less % WIA on good roads, but if there is ice or they are in rough terrain, oh boy...
  13. Interesting to see how he organizes his troops. But, am curious. When did he and many in UK start pronouncing "H" as "Haitch" (instead of "Aitch")? When I wuz at school in "Angleterre" people laughed at anyone who pronounced it that way as they were obviously ignorant poorly educated working class pond scum. But, now one hears the "Haitch" quite commonly. What happened?
  14. Have always thought it ironic that we have many night scenarios where one has to alt-b plus turn the monitor gain up so that we have a weird "daylight" in order to see to play (and the wonderful game graphics now look like crap). Never understood the point. Stick with daylight scenarios imo.
  15. Have definitely played Poland 1939. Probably one of the earlier WW2 top down 2D games (SPWW2?) that CM1 replaced on my HD.
  16. It's good that you take a well-earned break, Olek. Too many talented folks burn out and disappear. Or they promise the earth and cannot deliver etc.
  17. Shocked re the stats for the MP44 vs MP40. Stg44 was supposed be much superior - esp at longer ranges.
  18. Options are nearly always a good thing on principle. Nobody is forced to use the option. But if someone wants to simulate an Elite UNCON with NVG's... Why not? It's a game...
  19. Must be getting confused with another game then. Still, I think many of us were hoping for early war battles (Poland & France).
  20. Huh...? Always thought we would eventually have the timescale of CM1 so we could fight CM2 or CM3 battles from invasion of Poland onwards. Disappointing if BF doesn't intend to provide early war experience. You saying they don't?
  21. Hey Olek, you may want to post CMRT stuff on the CMRT forum area - otherwise certain people may feel the need to start yelling at you. Re the T-34 mod - not sure am as big a fan of it as your CMBS ones. There are many xnt CMRT AFV mods already.
  22. 1) As you probably know am a big proponent for a revamp of the work intensive ACQUIRE "routine" that is such a PITA - especially when trying to resupply a larger formation. Am hoping that future patches or CM3 will enable units to exchange ammo and even weapons with adjacent units with reasonable and RL restrictions and time delays during which such units could not be issued any orders other than emergency "take cover" orders. 2) A version of "Shoot & Scoot" order esp for leg AT and sniper units lying in ambush - they would wait for a target, shoot, then immediately displace to another waypoint chosen by the player. 3) One click 180 degree arcs like we had in CM1. Would save a lot of player time when one needs to issue multiple covered arcs in different directions at each waypoint for a larger formation as they travel via multiple waypoints. 4) Scalable UI so we can use the higher resolution that monitors can now offer and still read the in-game text and UI. 5) Enabling AI to move a main weapon like a MG or gun a few inches so it can shoot at a target that currently only the team's "3rd ammo bearer" can see. 6) Making LOS determination better/easier. Currently it is common to test LOS from a waypoint but when one's unit gets to that waypoint it does not have the LOS one expected - which raises the question "what is the point of allowing the player to test LOS from every waypoint?" BF could even drop that feature as it's not particularly realistic anyway. 7) For CM3 wish there was a way to combine all games to get a mega CM2 similar to how CM1 worked instead of having so many different families each with its own set of patches and modules and headaches and duplications and mods and... Along with many of us am impatient for the CM2 family to get to 1939. But, realistically can't see that happening for at least 5 years with current rate of development. My concern is that CM2 engine will become dated, and players bored before that happens. Given all the suggestions accumulated re players "wish lists" it seems that the sooner BF gets going with CM3, the better, as a new engine incorporating many of the suggestions that everyone is making would renew the excitement of the series.
  23. I mess around with the screen res via NVidia controls to get the proper in-game dimensions. So, no issues... Was thinking about getting to a 4G res monitor, but cos the text in the CM games are not scalable one wouldn't be able to read the text unless one used a lower res (which I already have to do even with my 30" monitor).
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