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Jussi Köhler

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Everything posted by Jussi Köhler

  1. Incredible work, once again! You my man, have to be the King o' the Hill at the moment in the winter-mod scene. I just luuuv your white-washed vehicles... Jussi
  2. Great stuff Andrew!!!! Even better than the earlier FJ-mods! PS: What tree-mod are you using?
  3. So are there any cons to this weapon then? Seems like the Lend-Lease should have been going in the other direction Seriously though, was it less accurate? Not as reliable? Jussi
  4. GREAT job Tom! Can you please please please make the buttons for the Load PBEM, Join Networkgame buttons aswell, and not just the "Main-screen"? That looks soooo sweet! Jussi
  5. Ok, I finally managed to get it working. For some reason I had to download the file first, and then manually open it. Didnt work with using Open straight when clicking on link. Weird.
  6. Great work Old Dog!! Now I just need to find an opponent for testing these... Off to the Opp. Finder Forum! Jussi
  7. Well why dont you two mod themself then??? Now you'r just complaining over somebody else's FREE work... Bloody unthankfull if you ask me.... :confused:
  8. Hi Gautrek! i just tried downloading your Dusty R1 tankette from the database, but the downloaded zip-file shows up empty. Tried downloading it a few times, no luck... Love your mods btw! Keep up the great work! Best regards, Jussi Köhler
  9. Nope, not modelled. Do you REALLY think BTS would model something like this if there was no precise information of what % of total amount was duds?
  10. Rudee you unthankful git... Opinions are like xxxxxxxxxxx. Great job as allways DD! Love it!
  11. Certainly good sir. Here you go. This patch is located at Peliplaneetta, a Finnish gaming site. They should have a good connection. Ive often downloaded at 700+ kb/sec from them. Jussi
  12. MadMatt, please please PLEASE just dont sell this concept to Electronic Arts Would be kinda cool with a Bf1942/CMBB crossbreed, eehh...
  13. True what Moon said. I have lost games when I thought that I owned the flag, even though my opponents had units closer by. Both of us saw the flag as our, only problem was that I was wrong. GREAT feature in my opinion!!!
  14. Ok, we'll go with this. Thanks. If I wanted to have 2 categories, one for Vehicles and Guns, and 1 for Infantry/Uniforms, how should they be distinguished? Gordon</font>
  15. Remember to download the newest version of CMMOS. This latest version should have the CDV versions working properly.
  16. That was 996 times "Unit bases are not eyecandy" Please correct
  17. Oiiijj!!! Great work! Especially the zig-zag trench really gives a 3D feeling! Can you do the same thing with foxholes/craters? I dare you Jussi
  18. WowowowowoW!!!! Up-and-away from page 3! How could this EVER have fallen so low. Simply AMAZING work Panzermartin! Best MOD so far in my opinion! How ultra-super-high-res is that? Jussi
  19. In the second pic the mortar still has a 6 sec setup time. It takes a while to "setup" the mortar after "moving" it. That time is called "setup" time. Much as a "laser" is called a "laser". Does it fire after 6 seconds has passed? Jussi
  20. I prefer small-medium sized maps, 700-1500 point battles. No armor-only, mechanized or infantry are my favourites... Jussi
  21. Please Quenaelin, say that you are not serious. You are giving us Finns a bad name... At least we dont surrender like the French Too thickheaded to surrender...
  22. Well your last post shows as the time 3:41AM. This I believe is the Eastern Standard Time(or whatever, the time at the BFC office). Methinks Matt is counting sheep at the moment. Give it 12 hours or somefink.... Jussi
  23. Running is penalized by being quite tiring and VERY bad for morale if under fire. Advancing is more tiring, but better for morale. Troops can also fire when advancing(?). Advancing is also slower I think. /Edited cause 'very' is a difficult word to spell/ Jussi [ November 12, 2002, 07:58 AM: Message edited by: Jussi Köhler ]
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