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Jussi Köhler

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Everything posted by Jussi Köhler

  1. Situation: 1 platoon of infantry with support element advance through 200m of pine forest. The inf platoon advance using 'advance' command. The supporting weapons(Maxims, mortars, AT-rifles) use Move (Advance not possible). Result: The inf platoon tires enormously while the supporting elements are fine. Hello? What else can you expect? Coordinate the movement properly and this problem will not surface. Use proper commands in their appropriate situations and you'r fine. Jussi
  2. Which movement command did you use in the forest? Normal Move and Move to Contact dont tire troops at all, Advance tires them quite a bit, Sneak and Assault tire them heavily. I like to use Move to Contact when I am just moving the troops. When contact has been made I use Advance. For the last fem tens of meters I use the assauls command. At the moment Sneak is a big no-no for me. The troops tire VERY quickly using this... Jussi
  3. WOW! If the roadwheels would have that "thin" look those pics would look like photos. Extremely impressive work! Looking forward to seeing your work. Jussi
  4. Ive understood that it isnt up yet. 200+ megs is A LOT to host... Should be up soon(within a week)...Hopefully... Jussi
  5. Here is aPBEM helper Fuerte has developed. What CMBO/BB needs in my opinion is a campaign type of play like Hearts of Iron. I dont think we will be seeing that until the rewrite though... Jussi
  6. Yes that is my belief actually. If you(as in anybody, not you personally) dont do anything properly, why bother? MEAT MEAT MEAT on the BONES! Pretty please Jussi
  7. 1. Shoerner has come up with a "thingie" that changes the CDV-waffelgrenadiers into SS. Check out the cozog site, I think its there. 2. Unfortunately CMBB is a highly evolved version of CMBO. Big differences... CMBO is still a great game though, dont get me wrong. 2.1 And no, unfortunately there will not be a "patch" to CMBO that gives it the code of CMBB... Enough rambling, will shut up now, Jussi
  8. I've had experiences that would confirm this... I hope this is on the list of changes for the patch. Quite irritating, and totally negates the usefullness of the command in many battles, and especially operations... Jussi
  9. WOW! That has got to be the lowest member (number) I've seen :eek: :eek: :eek: Oh, and good luck with your order btw... Jussi
  10. Thanks Chris! Cant wait to get home and take a bite out of your bandwidth! Jussi
  11. Great job Gunslinger! And bump-up from bottom half of page 2! Jussi
  12. One word: Unrestricted Toimii vaikka on kyllä kallis QB pelissä Och samma på svenska Jussi
  13. Hi Sinclair, Im interested to play this one with you as a PBEM. As you are from Canada and Im from Finland maybe 1 turn/day is enough? Just send me the setup to: jussi.kohler@welho.com I will give you tips on what I think you could do differently/better during the game Jussi
  14. Cover Armor does override Hide. You can define the length of the Cover Armor command. That way the ATGs dont open fire too early... Jussi
  15. That link worked fine for me. Have you tried downloading it again?
  16. A download accelerator is a separate program that opens several lines to the downloaded file at the same time. Examples of download accelerators are Getright, Download Accelerator Plus, Godzilla and many others. I use Download Accelerator Plus in which I choose "Disable browser integration" from the toolbar. Hope this helps. Probably Tom's is just REALLY busy and thats why you cant download. Jussi
  17. You basically have that now. Historical and mods are in here, Gametalk is Tips and Tricks, and General talk is the General Discussion Forum.</font>
  18. Thats a bit harsh. Do you have anything to back uo your claim with???
  19. Ooohhh, VERY nice indeed!!! Great work once again BigCheese!!! Cant wait to shoot those babies up with my brave Finnish troops Jussi
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