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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. I think you mean Pershing tanks. The first M46 Patton tanks appeared in 1949, a little too late for WWII.
  2. You forgot to mention that your thuggish henchman Boo is played to perfection by the never-seen Adolf. I recall that at the end of "We're No Angels" the three escaped convicts decided they really belonged back on Devil's Island. Any chance the Three Olde Ones could follow their example? :D
  3. Finally someone exhibits the intestinal fortitude to ask the question on everyone's lips. Forget trivia like "Will I lose my job?" or "Is global warming real?" or "Is there a God?" or even "What idiot picked Keanu Reeves to star in the remake of 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'?" Now we're addressing the burning question of the age. Luckily I hate coffee so it doesn't matter. Keep up the good work you Danes!
  4. Six hours and not a word from anyone. The MBT stopped being funny this afternoon.
  5. Calling plagues on humanity like squash and zucchini "evil" reduces them to the same level as piddling annoyances like Satan and North Korea and the Nazi leadership. These two families of veggie parasites should be exterminated whenever they are encountered. Uproot and burn the plants and pour salt on the ground to ensure they don't return. :mad: Neither of these garbage plants have any redeeming qualities at all. Not in appearance, not in texture, not in taste. To add insult to injury zucchini appears to be possibly the most prolific plant in the vegetable world. :eek::eek:
  6. Most Americans want their government to be there to protect them from crime and natural disasters and war and to build their roads and to predict the weather and to save them from the terrible greedy people on Wall Street. Most Americans also don't want to pay a penny for it and most don't want to get involved personally - take jury duty as a prime example. :mad: Personal liberty carries the cost of personal responsibility. The well-being of the whole has a direct correlation with the willingness of each part to contribute to the whole at the expense of self-interest. Many Americans have been brainwashed to believe that participating together for any common goal is destructive. It's invariably branded with the epithet "socialism". :eek: :eek:
  7. Yeah, I heard a similar line in "Braveheart" about how the Scottish nobles had so much more to lose than the poor clansmen. I am pretty sure that the poor person is risking exactly the same thing as the richer person. Life itself. Possessions mean absolutely NOTHING when you're dead. Unless you buy into the bumper sticker philosophy that he who dies with the most toys wins. :rolleyes: Bigduke6 you did a wonderful job of describing the current situation. A military leavened with people anxious to complete their enlistments and get out has a much harder time operating in the dark than the professional military that can and does isolate itself from the civilian world.
  8. A wonderful actor, businessman and philanthropist Paul Newman has passed away at age 83. http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE48Q25W20080927?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews While it's impossible to single a any particular role he played as the "best", his great "Cool Hand Luke" was always my favorite.
  9. The Wheel of Dharma turns. I corrected your mistake. You're welcome. Three smilies for all the happy, and some not so happy, penguin boys and girls. :D:D
  10. Roger Ebert, someone who has seen a few movies both good and bad, has given the film three stars and a wonderful review on his site. I'm sure the reviewer at Military.com can find some other less complex war film to enjoy like the abysmal "Gods and Generals". Apparently some would prefer to turn their backs on the ugly reality of the million American soldiers who received worse treatment, worse shelter, worse food and worse medical care than the Nazi POWs housed on the same American military bases. Ignoring our history does such a great job of making it go away.
  11. Maybe Europe has passed the point of fighting REALLY big wars. Nobody wants the Earth as dead as if it was struck by a 500 km asteroid.
  12. Companies mixing banking and insurance and securities wasn't a result of deregulation? Could you elaborate a bit on what you said? I was unaware that Congress dictated policy to the global financial sector. Instead of using the term "Congress" can you name names? Who in Congress told the bankers exactly what to do that caused this meltdown? :confused::confused:
  13. Because you're from such a remote and backward society I'll explain using short words so you can at least try to follow along. :mad::mad: The Ethical Treatment of Animals sounds like a worthwhile goal. Causing a species to become extinct doesn't. PETA can't claim to be working toward a worthwhile goal while at the same time they're making cows an endangered species. Okay, a couple of words with three syllables slipped in there. My apologies.
  14. Don't you think this is carrying that inferiority complex about California wines a bit too far? If the Earth has only been hit six times in a few billion years I like my chances of missing the next one.
  15. If cows aren't used for beef and leather and milk there won't be any more cows left in 50 years except maybe in zoos and India. I don't think there are too many people, including members of PETA, who will keep a cow as a pet. Besides, Ben and Jerry's ice cream is perfect just the way it is.
  16. I thought this cartoon described the situation very succinctly. I'm sure it may offend the true-believer apostles of St. Ronnie, but there it is. http://www.gocomics.com/tomtoles/2008/09/18/ Privatize gains and socialize risks - it's the new and improved model of American capitalism. Of course only the risks for certain people need to be socialized. For most people that's called SOCIALISM and we all know how evil that is!
  17. I'm sure not trying something so vile that it's recommended that you open the can under water to hold in the smell. People actually pay real money for this garbage? Somebody should try selling jars of used yeast in Scandinavia. Oh wait, the Aussies already do that and call it Vegemite. :eek::eek:
  18. Spam is conclusive proof that some people will eat anything. Treet is conclusive proof that some people will eat something that's worse than Spam.
  19. How about never? Does never work for you? Do physicists stop to think they're creating models for "particles" that make Aristotle's geocentric spheres within spheres look positively elegant? I enclose particles in quotations because historically every "elementary particle" has been subdivided into a great deal of empty space and indications of vastly smaller particles. Which are eventually subdivided into more almost entirely empty space and evidence of far smaller particles. To one outside the physics industry it looks like a cosmic snipe hunt. :rolleyes:
  20. This was the earliest post I could find from you about this game in April 2004. It was in response to the first person wondering when the game would be available. Most of us didn't interpret your answer of "Months away!" to mean almost 53 months and counting. You're really into serious vaporware territory here. I don't think the old "Down in Flames" comes first excuse holds water any longer, either. That dead horse of a game has been whipped within an inch of its life - no posts on the entire forum for three days, none for the Eastern Front expansion since mid-August. Back in 2004 I really was excited about BFC getting behind this kind of a beer and pretzels naval game as a welcome break from CM. Today I seriously don't care if you ever finish it. I'm mainly disappointed that you get so angry with people who ask questions. Close the Modern Naval Battles forum and pretty soon nobody will even remember this non-game.
  21. So they're saying T. Boone Pickens may not be the greatest philanthropist since Andrew Carnegie? His fantastic plan for clean energy is no more than a cover for his larger scheme to drain the aquifer out from under the entire middle of the country? A desert from South Dakota to Texas is just what this country needs; something like a permanent Dust Bowl. How perceptive of Mr. Pickens to spot the need and act on it.
  22. Farmers? The amount of federal subsidies that end up in actual farmers' pockets is approaching zero. In this country the name of the game is agribusiness and industrial farming. In 2004 30% of the subsidies went to the top 2% of the farms and over 80% of the subsidies went to the largest 30% of the farms. The agricultural model in favor today has much more in common with the antebellum plantations than the traditional family farms.
  23. I came here to find out why I hadn't seen Seanachai during the Olympic kayaking coverage. Then I remembered that seems to fit the current thread pretty well. It looks like the frenzy about the updated CMSF manual was just too much for some. :rolleyes:
  24. In breaking news, the Roman Catholic Church has finally repealed the ruling of the Inquisition against Galileo, pardoned him and admitted that the Copernican heliocentric theory was correct. These momentous events took place in 1992, only 350 years after Galileo's death. Skepticism of scientific concepts that go beyond the paradigm has obviously been around for quite a while. I'm fascinated by the basics of the energetic universe that permit Remote Viewing. If you're having difficulty accepting a relatively minor side effect like Remote Viewing then please take the blue pill and stay safely in the "real" world of sight and sound and taste and touch. Whatever you think is right. :D
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