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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Sounds like what most of the members want is a sci-fi game where they can lay waste to entire space fleets and armies. How about a game based on "Way of the Pilgrim"? The player's character could be an Aalaag warrior and destroy everything that earth has to throw against him. That way the player always wins and as a bonus gets to blow up all the airplanes and tanks and infantry in the whole world. Good times, eh?
  2. Now who <font size=1>penguins</font> around here could <font size=1>penguins</font> have made you <font size=1>penguins</font> think anything <font size=1>penguins</font> like that <font size=1>penguins</font>? By the way, Friday at Wal Mart among the usual literary selection by Dr. Phil and Ann Coulter, I found the book "A State of Disobedience" written by Tom Kratman. In this book I have uncovered the perfect scenario for your next game: the US Army and Marines at war against the Texas National Guard. If I tell you the plot revolves around a murderous and lesbian US President who happens to have an ex-husband in Arkansas, can you maybe guess which side is "the bad guys"? Possibly the black-uniformed Presidential Guard SS will tip you off. Anyway, it turns out all Texans are utterly heroic (except for one spineless soldier named Melvin La Fleur, the French SOB), and they win the hearts and minds of the rest of the US by just being so darn god-like. PS I donate most of the books I buy to the public library. This stinker is so lousy it's already in the garbage.
  3. Sure. How else can I point and make fun of them if I don't check in on their <font size=4>laff riot zany antics</font> from time to time? Besides, without MasterGoodale and Axe and Snarker and Teddy Windsor and Mike/Stalin's Organ and Keke and Soddball and Becket and mike the wino and the others who once made this thread so active and fun, it's really gotten pretty uninspired. Sorry to say it, but Cheery Waffledom may have jumped the shark.
  4. Soddball, there is an AAR in the <font size=1>penguin</font> thread of a scenario that supposedly was created by Mace and Kitty. A cursory look at the units involved (Brummbars and hundreds of flamethrowers) suggests that your God-forsaken Inferno scenarios have been plagiarized. Now Mace's role I can understand, since he's Australian and by definition clearly not in his right mind. Kitty's involvement in this deception is a bit harder to understand, mainly because she knows far more about World War 2 and Combat Mission than you ever will. Anyway, I thought you might want to hunt down the guilty parties and punish them severely. I'd say about an hour without "adult beverages" should be about right. There's no need to be cruel or excessive.
  5. It looks like the hypothetical 2007 timeframe may not wait that long. According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the skirmishing has already started. I've also read that all of the top-level Syrians in position to replace a deposed President Assad are considered much more anti-American than he is. BFC had better hurry with the release or this imaginary "Americans versus Syrians" game may turn into a historical game after all.
  6. It looks like the hypothetical 2007 timeframe may not wait that long. According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the skirmishing has already started. I've also read that all of the top-level Syrians in position to replace a deposed President Assad are considered much more anti-American than he is. BFC had better hurry with the release or this imaginary "Americans versus Syrians" game may turn into a historical game after all.
  7. It looks like the hypothetical 2007 timeframe may not wait that long. According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the skirmishing has already started. I've also read that all of the top-level Syrians in position to replace a deposed President Assad are considered much more anti-American than he is. BFC had better hurry with the release or this imaginary "Americans versus Syrians" game may turn into a historical game after all.
  8. After reading the AAR on urban combat, I wouldn't expect to hear much conversation from the defending Syrians. I get the impression some members are expecting the Americans to refight all of the pitched battles Hollywood has dished out in epics like "Lawrence of Arabia" and "The Four Feathers". I'm guessing there will be very few stereotypical sword-wielding Arabs and even fewer massed camel charges. The last thing the Syrians in the game need to be doing is giving away their ambush positions by yelling at the Americans.
  9. Rune, I understand BFC is not creating the game. This quote below, dated September 17, 2004, kind of led me to believe there would be a game available a little sooner. It will be 13 months next Monday since the MNB forum was opened. I always associated BFC opening a game-specific forum on this website with the appearance of said game, no matter who actually produced that game. For all I know CM:SF may be on disks already. On the other hand, it won't surprise me at all if there are still no new games under the Christmas trees this year.
  10. What's this? My name being taken in vain and in the same sentence with that maggot Soddball? GRARRGHRARRGHRRR!! So Axe, too bad so sad for your Sox, who disappeared from their thrones with barely a whimper. I hope you and wbs haven't done anything too rash. I think slashing both wrists should be sufficient. Everyone pleased as punch about Combat Mission: Halliburton Invades Syria? I've never even tried a modern combat simulation, but I think I could really get excited about playing the opponent for the American in this one. I'll be curious to see the demo, whenever that comes out. I don't expect anything any time soon, based on how long it's been taking BFC to bring announced games to market - anyone seen Modern Naval Battles yet?
  11. I'm always interested to read about the campaigns forum members want to play. Apparently there are exactly zero people here who want to command Japanese soldiers in the early days while they were conquering Manchukuo, major pieces of China, the Philippines, Singapore, Java, etc. Evidently nobody wants to try defending against them, either. Nope, it appears the primary interest in the PTO is obliterating isolated Japanese garrisons long after the US Navy had siezed the strategic offensive. Good times, eh? Under the circumstances, I hope BFC continues to pass on the PTO.
  12. Now this is something I never thought I'd see, someone using "bleeding heart" and "dalem" in the same sentence. To honor this momentous occasion...smilies!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  13. <font size=5 font color=blue>Happy Labor Day Eve, Cheery Waffles!!</font> <font size=5 font color=red>Well, excuuuuuuuuuse meeeee!!!</font> :eek: :eek: There have never been any rules in the Cheery Waffle Thread. EVER! Have you two dear boys taken it upon your useless selves to suddenly limit what I'm allowed to post here? I don't recall seeing any list of rules around here. Why don't I ever receive the memo? :mad: :mad: :mad: Anyway, it appears to me that most of the CM maggot stomping fizzled out around here a long time ago. I'm really afraid some of you have been holding your breath for so long waiting for CMX2 that you've suffered serious brain damage. Breathe, boys, breathe!!
  14. Always good to hear from all of you "shoot the looters" types. This situation is so blatantly racial, so hypocritical that it's already found its way to Snopes.com. Check out the two photos and the captions. Black people loot, white people find. As far as somebody taking a TV, that person is too uneducated or ignorant to understand how serious the circumstances were. Apparently he or she planned to sit back and wait for the electricity to come back on to catch the next mind-numbing episode of "American Idol". If it makes you feel any better, maybe by now they've drowned inside their home like so many others did, or died of exposure after being "rescued" and flown to an overpass to await transportation that didn't come. I watched a report last night showing crews starting to clean up the belongings left behind by the refugees outside the Superdome while a few blocks away human bodies are still floating in the streets. It's interesting to see exactly what the priorities of the disaster effort really are - protecting replaceable property first.
  15. The Pony Remark from Seinfeld: Scene: Dinner at Manya and Issac's apartment. They are celebrating their 50'th wedding anniversary. JERRY: Horses. They're like big riding dogs. ELAINE: What about ponies? What kind of abnormal animal is that? And those kids who had their own ponies.. JERRY: I know, I hated those kids. In fact, I hate anyone that ever had a pony when they were growing up. MANYA: ..I had a pony. (The room is dead quiet) JERRY: ..Well, I didn't really mean a pony, per se. MANYA: (Angry) When I was a little girl in Poland, we all had ponies. My sister had pony, my cousin had pony, ..So, what's wrong with that? JERRY: Nothing. Nothing at all. I was just merely expressting.. HELEN: Should we have coffee? Who's having coffee? MANYA: He was a beautiful pony! And I loved him. JERRY: Well, I'm sure you did. Who wouldn't love a pony? Who wouldn't love a person that had a pony? MANYA: You! You said so! JERRY: No, see, we didn't have ponies. I'm sure at the time in Poland, they were very common. They were probably like compact cars.. MANYA: That's it! I've had enough! (She leaves the room) ISAAC: Have your coffee, everyone. She's a little upset. It's been an emotional day. (Isaac leaves, everyone looks at Jerry) JERRY: I didn't know she had a pony. How was I to know she had a pony? Who figures an immigrant's going to have a pony? Do you know what the odds are on that? I mean, in all the pictures I saw of immigrants on boats coming into New York harbor, I never saw one of them sitting on a pony. Why would anybody come here if they had a pony? Who leaves a country packed with ponies to come to a non-pony country? It doesn't make sense.. am I wrong?
  16. My thoughts on that subject: "Oh look, here are some precious human beings who miraculously survived the storm. Quick, somebody shoot them." Inspector Javert has a lot of imitators.
  17. Don't try confusing us with logic! I wonder if this may be the event that bursts the US housing bubble. There's an awful lot of residential and commercial property that has suddenly become worthless, and a lot of mortgage payers who have suddenly lost the means to pay. Katrina may continue to affect the financial markets for years. :eek: :eek:
  18. You're right. One day of horrific weather has turned part of the Gulf Coast into a third world nation. A week ago these people were griping about gas prices for their pickup trucks, and today they have no home, no job, no food, no water, no place to go, no nothing. My concern is with the usual heat and humidity cranking up again, all of the polluted standing water will cause outbreaks of disease.
  19. It's good to know that even with the untimely demise of the late lamented Jim Boggs there's still going to be somebody deserving in the path of hurricanes. Glad you missed out on the storm surge and multiple tornados. With any luck maybe some of your students fared much worse than you.
  20. <font size=5 font color=orange>Good Monday Afternoon, maggots!!</font> Okay, we've got Axe suffering from food poisoning, Soddball fascinated with acting like a zombie - there's a real stretch, YK2 so infatuated she wanders in here, Pseudo playing like he's Soddball, Wallybob ducking a hurricane, gas prices headed for a dollar a quart, and me with a bit of time on my hands. So let's talk about Australians and suicide (two subjects that seem very right together). I just saw a statistic that every year 1% of Australians attempt suicide, with a 1 to 5 percent success rate. Why are Australians so keen on killing themselves, and why are they so incredibly inept at it? Does the whole suicide thing have something to do with having New Zealanders and the penguins in Antarctica for neighbors? Look at us, we have to put up with Mexicans and Canadians for neighbors and we tolerate them much better. Only about .01% of Americans attempt suicide each year. When Americans try it, though, they tend to be much better at it than the Aussies. About 11 percent are successful each year. Just some food for thought. I'll be curious to see if Mace has any input on this cultural phenomenon. :confused: :confused:
  21. Please do us all a huge favor and drink the beer first, then go mountain biking. Reversing the order just won't give you - and us - the same great experience.
  22. <font size=6 font color=beer>Good Friday Morning, Waffle Maggots!!</font> GRARGHRARRGRARGG!!! All of these CMX2 threads keep yapping about things like blast waves, terrain modelling, unit control, and artillery firing patterns. What does all of this garbage have to do with the Space Lobsters? Don't tell me that CMX2 is just going to be yet another WW2 retread, and don't tell me the Space Lobsters use 105 mm. howitzers and tanks and pillboxes. :mad: :mad: :mad: Ever since waltero explained to me that the whole war was a formality because God was going to make the Axis lose no matter what, I've kind of lost interest. Obviously no campaigns or battles made the slightest difference at all.
  23. Complete with a brand spanking new Cheery Waffle thread, maggot! I fixed your spelling error. Those four letter words are murder first thing in the morning.
  24. At last the voice of the people - well, Axe - has been heard and a new forum for the manymanymanymanymany CMX2 threads is open. And who is there to greet this brave new world? Why, the Cheery Waffles of course, keeping the world safe from the jewel-encrusted TNT chucker MasterGoodale (the maggot) and promoting the use of smilies for these many years. Don't let the slackers in the penguin thread fool you, this is where we actually accomplish something important. If this forum was to fall victim to MasterGoodale (the maggot) and his penchant for starting new threads, you'd know.
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