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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. <font size=6 font color=red>GRARRGRARGHRAARGHRR!!!</font> :mad: :mad: :mad: Young Axe, after witnessing the epochal event that was Atari's Pong, arcade games like these weren't so hard to swallow. I'm happy to report that I actually purchased a Magnavox Odyssey to use on my parents' television shortly after joining the rat race in 1972. I've been buying and playing video games ever since. It will be interesting to see what the technology will be like by the time you snot-nosed punks have 34 years of gaming under your belts. Assuming you kiddies all haven't died from the virulent bird flu before then. One can only hope.
  2. The wet-behind-the-ears ones are so smug, especially after they've recently had their 15 minutes of fame. This basement looks exactly like a small-scale copy of the old video arcades where I spent so many, many dollars. I was known to take afternoons off from work to spend at the arcade, force feeding all those quarters and/or tokens into the slots. Those of you immature slugs who were still getting your Pampers changed at the time may be a bit fuzzy about that period.
  3. Axe, congratulations on becoming the poster child for Canadian road rage. We're all mighty proud of you. Just wait until the road construction gets into full swing and see what that does to the traffic flow. By the way, the traffic didn't look all that bad to me. I figured in Canada you might try some inspired alternative to just widening the roads. I downloaded 1848 last night. While I know absolutely nothing about the situation or history of this particular fight, it looks interesting since it has PBEM. After I try the tutorial once or twice a challenge will be forthcoming for any of you maggots who are vaguely aware history existed before 1939. Make way for the conquering Hungarians with seige guns!
  4. Crap, I thought this was a "Blazing Saddles" homage thread. Anyway, I got bored with CM about 6 months ago and gave away all three games. It's nice that BFC still allows me to haunt their forum. Thanks guys!
  5. Well, that certainly could have been worse. Boo might have stayed. I'd better check the bag to see which <font size=1 font color =pink>penguin</font> Boo set on fire. Possibly it's Mace, who while extremely flammable has done me the occasional favor. If it's him I'll use a croquet mallet or baseball bat to beat out the flames. Happy belated birthday to that young whippersnapper Seanachai. Wait a minute - a flaming bag of poo; a thoroughly soused Seanachai too near his birthday cake and 50 candles - could there be a connection? What's Occam's Razor say?
  6. Yeah, yeah, you're absolutely terrifying, like all things Canadian. I figure I spent enough of one lifetime positioning make-believe tanks hull down behind make-believe hills. After the first few thousand times the thrill just isn't there any more. That's the main reason why Drop Team and CMSF don't interest me; ultimately it's more of the same old, same old. What I'd really enjoy would be a game of Diplomacy or maybe Junta with a few of you mangy maggots. Anybody know if that's possible over the internet? :confused: :confused:
  7. And absolutely OUTSTANDING by your standards, right. I blame it all on Keke. PS You're absolutely correct. The Cheery Waffle Thread as we once knew it has left the building. This is, with any luck, the last one.
  8. Rumsfeld is reporting to the President and the Cabinet. He says, "Three Brazilian soldiers were killed today in Iraq." The President says, "Oh, my God!" as he buries his head in his hands. The entire Cabinet is stunned. Usually George Bush shows no reaction whatsoever to these reports. Just then, Bush looks up and says, "How many is a brazilian??"
  9. Did you say Guttenberg? What's the matter, don't you like excellent acting? :confused: :confused: :confused:
  10. Axe, you trig grog, have you looked at the new "1848" forum? I'm a lot more interested in that genre - especially with the American Revolution game coming up in July - than this CM Strike Force thingy. Maybe the reason the Waffle thread has fallen on such lean times (see no_one's post above for example) is because it's in the wrong forum. After all, no Waffles are actually playing Strike Force and most don't seem too interested in it. When we moved this thread from the CMBO forum to the CMBB forum, and again when we moved from CMBB to CMAK, there wasn't a plethora of other games distracting everybody. Now it seems like BFC is popping out new games like Microsoft does with Windows upgrades. I'm sure it's good for business, but it's bad for keeping an internet community together. That is, except for all the <font size=1>penguins</font> who appear to have no connection with the real world.
  11. <font size=6 font color=pink>GOOD AFTERNOON, MAGGOTS!!</FONT> So the Barrie constables allowed Axe to crawl out from under his blanket of snow and rejoin the world again? Maybe they had to wait for the spring thaw. Anyway, welcome back Grasshopper! Tried any new jobs lately or is the streetcleaner thing working out okay? For those of you who may have missed my sincerely excellent news, my lovely granddaughter is now 10 days old. I'm certain she could easily demolish any of you Waffles at the BFC game of your choice. She's already expressed her intense revulsion to MasterGoodale (the maggot), <font size=1>penguins</font>, and conservatives. I'm so proud! Here is her picture taken at the hospital. For those of you who replied to my e-mails with the link to more pictures , I fart in your general direction. Seanachai in particular was ogling the picture of my very own daughter, which gave me an unpleasantly queasy feeling on a lot of emotional levels. He also ridiculed my soon-to-be son-in-law for his deer in the headlights expression, which I can't very well deny. Then there's the matter of the shirt I was wearing. So nobody else in the world wears clothes purchased for them by significant others, right? I've been very good about passing on your comments to the lovely Becky, who purchased and likes my pink shirt and who wishes the internet had never become a reality. There was a good reason for certain countries and continents and people to be far, far away. Since I gave away my CM games and I don't care for the other BFC games available, I guess I can't make any challenges. You lot are challenged enough as it is. If somebody comes across something interesting that's more fun than work (unlike Civ IV), let me know. Welcome back, Axe. Good to know Paula didn't do you in this winter. [ April 27, 2006, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  12. That reminds me of one of "The Mighty Ducks" movies when the big bad opponents were from (shudder) ICELAND!!! The horror. :eek: :eek:
  13. Give BFC a break. It takes time to change Syria to Iran.
  14. MrPeng, just be certain that the no-longer OW is in a far better place. To be sure it's a place no <font size=1>penguins</font> will ever see, but you see, that's what makes it a BETTER place. Think of it as the old Cheery Waffle Thread in the sky. In her honor,
  15. MrPeng, just be certain that the no-longer OW is in a far better place. To be sure it's a place no <font size=1>penguins</font> will ever see, but you see, that's what makes it a BETTER place. Think of it as the old Cheery Waffle Thread in the sky. In her honor,
  16. MrPeng, just be certain that the no-longer OW is in a far better place. To be sure it's a place no <font size=1>penguins</font> will ever see, but you see, that's what makes it a BETTER place. Think of it as the old Cheery Waffle Thread in the sky. In her honor,
  17. Since the <font size=1>penguins</font> don't have enough brain cells left for long term memory or much else, I'll help out by telling you the Alaskan fisherman was 109 Gustav. He must have fallen overboard a few years ago. Oh, mustn't forget these
  18. Just a way of life. Micheal Emrys? He's made over 18,000 posts, every single one with his name prominently displayed, and you still can't spell it?
  19. I know it's a mistake to get involved here; that most minds are made up and that any facts can be ignored; but who could ignore a straight line like that? Can anyone look at the national debt at the end of fiscal 2001 and fiscal 2005 and say with a straight face the economy has gotten better? Be sure to click on the graph on this page. Anyone with any math can tell the slope of the graph changed in 2001. Hmmm, 2001, did anything change that year?
  20. Anybody who doubts this should read about the Roman efforts to eliminate the early Christians. It went on for what, something like three centuries? The Romans weren't hindered by any kind of human rights concerns either, burning Christians as torches or feeding them to wild animals. Exactly like today's Muslims, the Christians looked at martyrdom as THE most direct route to paradise. Remember how well that campaign ended up working out for the Roman Empire?
  21. Apparently the US Army is now cracking down on American soldiers in the middle east providing their own body armor. This article states the Army has threatened to deny life insurance benefits to soldiers killed while wearing non-issue armor. Pinnacle claims that some generals in Afghanistan are currently "evaluating" Dragon Skin themselves, but the grunts who shelled out $6,000 for their own protection are SOL.
  22. Then why did you guys open this forum for the game on September 17, 2004? I can only assume that DIF has taken a LOT longer than you expected.
  23. <font size=11><font color=red>HAPPY 2006, MAGGOTS!!!</font></font> Just in case one of you late, great Cheery Waffles like Becket takes a look in this thread, I wish each of you a terrific 2006. While I miss all of the conversations we had during PBEMs, I'm done with wargaming in general. Ain't gonna study (or play at) war no more. Like God said after creating Adam, "I can do better". Anyway, happy new year to all!
  24. How about the (and I'm quoting you here) "Stupid jungle bunnies"? I wanted to give the everyone here the benefit of the prejudice on display in your "Come Celebrate Rosa Parks - Wanna Cookie?" thread on Gyrene's site. Maybe Marlow and Barrold and dumrox and Dirtweasle and rleete and dfgardner and wbs will join you in the hilarity here, too.
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