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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Groovy! Always good to see Kübel enthusiasm. A note to: a few months ago I sent a swell DAK Kübelwagen mod to either Clubfoot or MikeT (I honestly don't remember who). At least I think I sent it. I've never seen it offered for download, though. If for some reason you don't have it or never got it I'd be happy to make it available for the CMMOS set. I just have to excavate it from the depths of my HD.
  2. I did a hi-res wooden bunker a while ago, but for some unkown reason never released it. :confused: I'll include it with whatever I send to Manx and Tom next.
  3. er, no, not yet. I'm having Internet connection problems at home and have not been able to mail them. Also, I made some tan water camo pants that need to be included in the set. I'll try to have them available this week.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss: Super Action Packs 1, 2, and 4! Where'd 3 go? And where'd 4 come from? Are the sponsor sites using these same name conventions? Arrrrggg, all I remember seeing is 1 and 2, i.e. on Combat Missions. Where/what is 4? [ 10-11-2001: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Three's the Commonwealth pack, I think. To be honest, in all the confusion I've kinda lost track myself. Check Tom's HQ and all will be revealed.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Commissar: You can also start thinking about uniform mods you'll want to do for CM2. No matter how good they are in the CM2, they'll most likely not be as high res as some of us are used to. You might as well get the research done, etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, I've been thinking about that. I do find it kind of hard to get that worked up about the Eastern Front, although this probably won't prevent me from buying (and playing and modding) CM:BB.
  6. One more thing--I kind of feel that I've run out of uniform mods to do. Any suggestions? I was thinking of doing reed-green HBT summer uniforms for the Germans, and maybe Afrika Korps and British desert uniforms. Is there anything anyone really wants to see? I'm taking requests for a limited time only...
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot: I actually got that 1/18 scale panther you referred to. My ol'lady bought it for my B-Day this year. It comes in a nifty tri-color camo w/ many functioning hatches, functional tracks and road wheels, swivelling turret, elevating gun, tow cables, tool sets, spare track on hull, and a Rommel lookin' TC. They also have a bitchin' 1/18 scale Kubelwagen w/ driver, and 1/32 scale armored car w/ 3man crew. Go get that Panther! Damn the torpedoes!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...of course if I get the Panther I have to get the 1/18 scale Sherman that I saw, too, plus a bunch of those little 1/18 action figures to ride on the the backs of both.
  8. Oops, sorry, I meant to say MINOR mod announcement. Well, it did get your attention, didn't it? I've done some work improving the pants for the German army uniform pack, adding details like buckles to the gaiters. I also made a pretty cool looking pair of splinter camo trousers that can be combined with the existing splinter camo mod or used like so: "For the Fatherland" my butt! "For the hills" is more like it. That's what I get for buying green troops... The inspiration for the camo pants was a trip to the Godforsaken realm known as "Toys-R-Us" to buy a gift for my spoiled neice. While the wife was busy comparing various annoying electronic "educational" pres-school toys I managed to slip away and found myself in the "action figures" section where I discovered, among other things, an angry-looking Wehrmacht GI-Joe type action figure with this get-up. They also had a fab 1/18 scale (!) Panther tank that my wife wouldn't let me buy Guess I'll just have to go back when she's not with me and find a place to hide something that big. I wish they had toys like that when I was I kid, although I doubt my parents would have ever bought me a Panther tank for Xmas... I've also made a pair of olive drab HBT fatigue pants for the US 44 infantry. I did steal the gaiter part of the texture from Maximus' mod of my original mod. You must own the previously released Super Action Packs 1, 2, and 4 to use these mods. Batteries not included. As soon as I get my computer unpacked at home (I just moved) I'll send them to the usual suspects. [ 10-10-2001: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  9. ...Well, it [used] to be at Combat Missions :confused: I remember cuz Manx had a screenshot of my airborne mod on the home page for a while. I also sent him the Panzer crew uniforms a while ago. With all the changes afoot I'm sure Manx has been busy, so maybe that part is not online yet.
  10. Wow. Love the TD mods. Hope they're available somewhere soon.
  11. What red speckles :confused: The helmet revision only gives the texture a highlight which makes the helmet look more realistic.
  12. It's rolling up to the 9 am hour here out on the Left Coast...I just hope there aren't any nasty surprises planned. Apparently all San Francisco city and gov't buildings have been evacuated, though. Anyone else out there in the SF Bay Area?
  13. It's rolling up to the 9 am hour here out on the Left Coast...I just hope there aren't any nasty surprises planned. Apparently all San Francisco city and gov't buildings have been evacuated, though. Anyone else out there in the SF Bay Area?
  14. Refined the tunic. Added groovy early war shield and eagle to helmet. Looking good! I'm not sure if I got the decals on the right sides of the helmet. No doubt some grog will point me in the right direction Um...wait a second...why am I doing this? :confused: Didn't someone ask for these a while ago? Response?
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Okay, I just can't get over those octopus helmets. What the hell are they???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Certain British regiments went into combat with a live octupus strapped to their helmet nets. Practice originated in India, I believe...Ok, I made that up. It's supposed to look like burlap scrim added as camo. There were several kinds used, this represents one of them.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: You are evil! Good thing your a Mac user<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm not that evil. Just a little evil... I plead guilty to the Mac accusation, though.
  17. These look pretty cool. Nothing better for my ego than to see people using my stuff Michael, feel free to use any screenshots that I may have. You can find all the ones that I have posted at http://www.foxarts.com/actionpack . You'll probably need to resize them to suit your needs. FYI, I renumbered the winter torso and main body bmps to give my Brits and Canadians year-round leather jerkins. Looks pretty cool in an Autumn setting with the blanco web gear and helmet scrim.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bfamily33: While I imagine they did not frequently fight without their camo smocks, it sure is a nice looking uniform. I remember Michael Caine's folks fighting in these in the Eagle has Landed. Hey Fox, any chance of doing a really really nice version?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You mean something like this, right?
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Well actually it's no big deal. I was just wanting to get that tanwater in there so I could send it off to Gordon to get the thing released as soon as possible. It's pretty easy to write another rule and set up the naming convention. I'd probably use _FJ_Flieger and for the helmet, just _Flieger.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I know there's no big deal, I'm just funnin' ya. Now go find Gordon and make a Mac version of CMMOS!!!!
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bfamily33: While I imagine they did not frequently fight without their camo smocks, it sure is a nice looking uniform. I remember Michael Caine's folks fighting in these in the Eagle has Landed. Hey Fox, any chance of doing a really really nice version?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Too bad there's no picture I take it you're asking for a Luftwaffe Fliegerbluse uniform mod. I suppose I could do one, but I'll have to face the wrath of Maximus and his German uniform ruleset.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: i left the german forces intact but gave them a +1 bonus. if you do change the panzer ivs, i recommend making only 1 or 2 panthers. although it was humorous to have stuarts take out more panzer ivs than the shermans, no german or us tank survived excpet 2 stuarts, one gun damaged! a real gunfight...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Cool. Maybe I'll try that. My Stuarts got hosed pretty quickly. Maybe I'll make them M8 Greyhounds instead... Spoiler Alert! . . . . . . . . . . The idea is to fake out the player by having him encounter the Volkksturm first, and then to have the Waffen-SS slowly filter into the town. The exit zones serve to permit the AI to move a bit more speedily. I might change the rate and time of German reinforcements, as well as alter the armor on both sides. The idea was to fool the
  22. Hi Mom! I always wanted to do that. Too bad my mom doesn't visit this forum.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: nice scenario! i like the park area, although i'd tone down the number of labels. . . . . ----------------SPOILERS--------------- . . i saw one exit where my stuarts would go out nearby. i figure, what a place for a trap. so i put all my stuarts together so if anything popped out there would be 5 37mm shooting. i figured this would take out anything below a panther... well after wasting the bunker, m ittle tanks wiped the floor with most of the volk. except for one who got popped by a conscript shreck in the third or second shot. above 100m. color me stupid.(this hapens twice more: my green zook wastes a panzer iv and another volk conscript takse out one of my reinforcing shermans...) anyway, i carefully send out my stuarts and shermans. they get into a fight with mark ivs that start coming out of the opening in front of the park. shermans, stuarts, and panzers trade shots and in a few violent minutes only 2 stuarts live. one panzer iv tries to do a flanking manuever but luckily is wasted by a stuart before it does any damage (my squad with a rifle grenade, and my 2 green zooks nearby hiding in a building take shots but missed). eventually i'm down to 2 stuarts(one gun damamged) but all the panzer ivs are dead, but i don't know that at the time. i hide them behind the house in the park. i get a lot of infantry across but the most of the mmgs and mortars are on the wrong side. i decide to let them stay there since i have no idea if they can cross with those tanks. on the other side of town, which i had been pretty much ignoring, i send in the company hq to act as platoon leader and send the platoon leader ahead as a sacrificial lamb scout. it goes very far without incident and i stop at when it hears some inf. i march some infantry and tanks over the left bridge. as i move up my tanks start shooting at infantry in building way the hell down the street. i eventually move everything up until the croc can flame them. after im done, there are 4 buildings on fire and 32 or 3 buildings reduced to rubble. a stack of corpses (er, eliminated squad markers) can be seen. croc + 100m range = fun i make a right turn and head toward that nice upraised cross wall thing (demark?). my tanks and inf go slowly, inf in the lead. stupid, my croc gets whacked by a german squad that entered a building after my inf left. the only one in the area not on fire or full of ameris. anyway tanks keep shooting and my troops get to the end of the block where they meet mr. 20mm and mr. flamer. CRAP. i send my tanks up and withdraw the troops to the back of the building. i decide to let the halftracks roll up into my sights and not expose my tanks to flame and side shots with a rapid fire cannon. it works: the 20mm ht goes forward and a sherman takes it out: one shot. the tanks let go with cannon and mmg fire at the buildings with enemy troops beyond the church, which my guys took after heavy fighting and low ammo. since by now i haven't seen any tanks i figure it's safe to move my stuarts out and send the inf forward: so the ermans are getting it in front and to the side. i pretty much punch through by the end. i stupidly foget to leave a guy at each of the bridges, so i lose 3 small flags as "?". i get 3 big flags, and the one way the hell in back of the city is still in german hands. I like the different experience levels for all the troops. too often a scenario has either regular and vet only. you got a lot of variety, which i like(and also do in my scenarios ) fun scenario, nice city design too. bravo!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Cool! I tried to make most of the troops green to begin with, except the Volkssturm, who are only there to get whacked immediately anyhow. Did you play the battle with the default settings or did you give the krauts some extra troops? I toyed with the idea of changing the PzIVs to Panthers, but that seems kind of evil.
  24. Um, yeah. 3 was, initially 4, except that it never was 4, it was really 3 all along. Now when I sent 3, which was at the time 4, to Tom he caught on that 4 was really 3, and took it upon himself to correct that error. No that 4 is out, I hope this lessens the confusion. What happened was that the British were originally SAP™ 3, not 4, only that 4 was released before three, so it became 3, and 3 became 4. So 4 is really 3. Except that it's not. I hope this clears the air. Manx--I don't think I e-mailed Super Action Pack™ 4, er, 3, Panzermania! to you, as you were on holiday at the time and I didn't want to clutter up your mailbox. I can send it tonight if you'd like to host it.
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