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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. I'd very much like to see a different rarity system. A binary system where units are either available or not available would be simpler and more realistic than the current implementation, where everything is available if you're willing to spend the points for it. I want the random map generator to make more realistic terrain like it does in CMBO, rather than the homogenous, uniform (boring IMO) maps it was changed to in CMBB. Assuming the change was made to combat the map-peek cheat in CM I see no reason not to change it back in a more secure version of the game. One thing I hope does not change is the scale of the game. CM's scale is perfect with its ability to cater equally well to those who like small company-sized games as well as those like me who need at least a battalion to command.
  2. I won't play anything smaller than 2000 pts. The best thing about playing with large forces is that the luck factor is minimized because the loss of any one unit is less likely to be decisive.
  3. You should definitly un-overclock your machine. Then read the help section on pages 243-245 in the CMBB manual.
  4. The directory is screwed-up. There are a lot of names missing. For example, Andreas has over 10300 posts, as can be seen by clicking his profile, but he is not even listed. Slapdragon has around 9 or 10 thousand IIRC.
  5. They ain't gonna change it. There have been 10,001 requests for BFC to change the PBEM system over the years and it's still the same as it was the day CMBO was released. (sung to Black Hole Sun) CMX2 Won't you come And wash away the rain CMX2 Won't you come Won't you come
  6. Are they really going to release a CMBB patch? If so I wonder if they will also fix the screwed-up IS-2 Late stats (both the armor and gun penetration stats are wrong), as well as the Soviet AP penetration problem that makes StuGs such uber-tanks.
  7. It's not so much lack of knowledge as it is their lack of interest in the subject. In fact, judging from various comments made by Steve in the past, I'd say you're more likely to see BFC do a sci-fi game than the PTO.
  8. It is, but it is also curved along one axis. I don't know if this is modeled in CMAK, but I don't think it was in CMBO. [ November 23, 2003, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  9. Hopefull BFC at some point will abandon the 'rarity by price manipulation' model they are using and go to a binary system where units are either available for purchase or not. It probably won't happen for CMAK, but I have hope for CMX2.
  10. A very big "if". If the WA armies are still mostly intact when the fighting reaches the Rhine, the Soviets don't take France. I don't think the Soviets could sustain operations that far away. Only way the Soviets win is if they can shatter the WA armies in the first month or so. Possible, but unlikely. Even after the massive losses of '44-'45 the Germans offered fierce resistance to the Red Army in Berlin. The WA was in much better shape than the Germans and Paris is a long way from Moscow. Everything would have to go right for the Soviets to take all of Western Europe. The odds would be against them and time would be their enemy.
  11. Logistics. There's a reason the Western Allies were so keen on taking Antwerp in '44. Having to keep the Red Army supplied in France entirely across land in the face of Allied aireal harrasment would have been prohibitive. I agree that it would likely have come down to how willing the US was to push them back once the initail offensive ended and lines stabilized. But I would not be so quick to dismiss US willingness to bleed some more. A sense of betrayal can be a powerful motivator (assuming a scenario in which the Soviets initiate the conflict, of course). I'd give 3-1 odds that the final lines were drawn closer to the Oder than the Rhine.
  12. If you think people shy away from 120 turn monsters, why would you think they would flock to an unlimited turn monster? I don't really care one way or the other as it would just be an option, but 120 turns is more than enough for 99.9% of CM games, and the other .1% are games hardly anyone would want to play.
  13. BFC has stated previouly that they will not turn CM into a command level game. That's good, IMO, since I would stop playing it if they did.
  14. This is an exciting event! We've never captured one so young before. Most of us thought groghood did not occur until later in the lifecycle. :confused: Observing this one over the next few years should yield a wealth of information.
  15. I think the main reason people use the Unrestricted setting for QBs in CMBB is that under Combined Arms the Soviets get almost twice as many points to spend in the armor category.
  16. Another test showing that HQ experience makes no difference. 75mm Pak 40 gun targeting T-34 M1943 at 400 meters: </font> First shot chance-to-hit with no HQ: 63%</font></font>Hit chance with elite HQ w/+2 combat bonus: 76%</font></font> Hit chance with conscript HQ w/+2 combat bonus: 76%</font>
  17. You are wrong. It affects both. Regular quality German '43 infantry squad delay under command of: </font> HQ with no command bonus: 14 seconds</font></font>HQ with +1 command bonus: 10 seconds</font></font> HQ with +2 command bonus: 7 seconds</font>
  18. German '43 infantry squad, regular quality: </font> Command delay with conscript HQ w/+2 command bonus: 7 seconds</font></font>Command delay with elite HQ w/+2 command bonus: 7 seconds</font> You be the judge. To answer redwolf's question, the conscript HQ's command delay is 31 seconds with no command bonus, 14 seconds with +2.
  19. What I'm really thinking is "A molotov actually took out a tank for once?!"
  20. Well, I'm still bummed they forgot (?) to correct the Russian 122mm gun stats that Rexford posted about months ago...
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