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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. A US mech infantry platoon (Bradley) and a Soviet mech infantry platoon (BMP-2) both have 22 men, but the Soviets fit into 3 BMPs while the Americans need 4 Bradleys. 4x287=1,136 vs 3x298=894. I think any way you slice it you're always paying more for the same carry capacity with Bradleys even though the squads fit because the US made the squads fit by reducing their size.
  2. If I were evaluating these vehicles as light tanks I'd certainly give the advantage to the Bradley. But these are IFVs, and you would have to buy 25% more Bradleys to transport the same number of men you could in BMPs. That's no small thing.
  3. Rain/snow/fog/mist/haze affect thermals but temperature does not. Smoke and dust have no effect on thermals except for IR blocking smoke (red phosphorous, and only exists in Black Sea). The modeling is somewhat simplistic in this regard.
  4. I'm pretty sure it makes a big difference. If it's not that would be a bug for sure.
  5. I just tested this in Red Thunder, n=10. Casualties were: Killed Wounded 2 1 1 0 3 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 3 0 I don't think so. I'll attach a Final Blitz test save file that shows why. RT building test 001.bts FB 105L28 HE test 001.bts
  6. This is true. However, this and this are not.
  7. There is one. But it's not enough to protect against 60 seconds of sustained fire, so it's rarely of much consequence.
  8. I have neither read the books or watched the show, but David Goyer appeared on a podcast I listen to and spoke at length about Foundation and why the show differs so much from the books. https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2021/11/08/172-david-goyer-on-televising-the-fall-of-the-galactic-empire/
  9. The ballistics will be looked at again for the first module. We'll see what comes of that, but I don't expect any changes before then. Good thread, by the way!
  10. I just tested this with a M60A1 and it paused as expected, so there must be something else going on. Would need more information or a save file.
  11. The relationship between shell size and effectiveness is non-linear. For example, British 140mm has 6.8x more HE filler than 88mm (5.4 kg and .8 kg respectively) but is only about 2.5x as lethal. https://nigelef.tripod.com/wt_of_fire.htm
  12. Without weaknesses to what, exactly? The Panther tank is neigh invulnerable to US/UK 75mm and Russian 76mm but US/UK 76mm and Russian 85mm are a serious threat. Really, by late '44-'45 standards the Panther armor is mediocre except for it's awesome glacis plate. This speaks to @domfluff earlier point about the QB points system lacking context. I am tempted to try inventing a points system formula that would satisfy the petition, mainly as a thought experiment. Unfortunately my math skills are average.
  13. I am somewhat sympathetic to the petition but I don't know what could be done about it. BFC have been consistently hostile to subjective price adjustments and without access to the formula it's hard to say how the changes could be made without introducing cascading effects throughout the system. Discounting turretless vehicles would help the StuG, JPz IV and JPz IV/70(A) which I think are all a little pricey for what you get, but then the Hetzer, JPz IV/70(V) and Jagdpanther would also benefit and I don't think they need it. The accusation hurled at the Panzer IV is that its front turret armor is thin so perhaps increasing the weighting of front turret armor in the formula would help. But the Panther and IS-2 have even weaker turret armor relative to their hull armor and so would also go down in price while Tiger tanks would go up.
  14. Ok, so the option is there but clicking on it does nothing. I added that and the M2 HMG to the list. The Airborne 57mm issue was previously reported. I really don't know what BFC's plans are.
  15. Alright then, consider all bunker business logged along with the other issues.
  16. Did CM-style bunkers even exist in 1979 Germany? I feel like their presence is anachronistic but maybe I'm wrong.
  17. Individual fortifications can be deleted to fit your needs. Want 2 TRPs? Buy the 5-pack then delete 3. The rarity looks weird to me. I'll run that up the flag pole.
  18. C2 can make a big difference in spotting times. Units with a contact marker on an unspotted unit will spot that unit around 50% faster.
  19. One other factor to keep in mind is that the commander of an M60 can override the gunners controls, which can reduce the time from spotting to engaging. Soviet-era Russian tanks don't have this capability. CM does not explicitly model this, unfortunately.
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