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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. ? The Germans do have 120mm mortars in CMBN.
  2. One possible explanation is that crew casualties may be randomly assigned rather than determined by hit location.
  3. Are you using Pz IVs with the L/43 cannon or the L/48 cannon? Also, some earlier versions of the Pz IV that were still in use in 1943 had upper front hulls that are only 50mm thick compared to 80mm on later G, H and J models.
  4. That could be the case, although hits on the cupola are rare in my experience and two consecutive hits on the cupola would be an extremely rare coincidence.
  5. This is due to a flaw or bug in the way the Tiger front turret is modeled in the game. I have tested this extensively in CMBN. You can see my test results here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=105032&highlight=tiger Long story short is that spalling (with 75mm) only happens when the front turret armor is hit, not when the mantlet is hit because the mantlet is thicker. The problem is that the mantlet actually covers the entire front turret area directly facing forward. It should be nearly impossible to strike the front turret armor when the turret is facing directly towards the shooter. But you can, and not all that rarely. It is disappointing the bug is still in CMFI after the new patch. Hopefully it gets looked at for the CMBN patch.
  6. It's true that what we know of the Celtic and Germanic tribes comes primarily from Roman and Greek sources, but for what it's worth Strabo wrote of the Celts that "the whole race is war-mad, high-spirited and quick to fight, but otherwise straightforward and not at all of evil character", while Caesar claimed that prior to Roman conquest the Gaulish tribes would go to war "virtually every year in the sense that they would be making wanton attacks themselves or repelling such." I don't know enough about the German tribes to say if they were more or less civilized than the Gauls, only that the Romans considered them to be more dangerous opponents in warfare.
  7. No. I struggle to find time for the CMx2 AARs, never mind AARs with no maps or screenshots from a game I haven't played in a decade.
  8. Yeah, my finger is still sore from scrolling past that massive cut'n'paste job.
  9. Sounds that way, but I don't own CMFI so can't test it myself.
  10. As it could happen in real life. Spotting in CMx2 produces some strange results from time to time, but outside of those uncommon events I am not convinced the game is unrealistically too random. If anything I would say it is in general much more predictable than real combat. Certainly there is no shortage of people playing CMx2 PBEM right now, and I don't know why any of them would have an issue playing in a tournament. I think if some one wants to play a game that is all skill and no chance they should just play Chess. "Fortune, which has a great deal of power in other matters but especially in war, can bring about great changes in a situation through very slight forces." -- Julius Caesar
  11. CMx1 had more predictable spotting largely because of borg spotting. In a way that did make it more Chess-like, but less realistic.
  12. I think most scenario maps are not balanced at all and actually do use OOB to even things out. Many of them are based on aerial or satellite imagery so any balancing feature are coincidental.
  13. I agree with the other posters that time remaining in the game is of greater concern to me than time to next reinforcements, particularly in QBs which have no reinforcements.
  14. Although not specifically stated, the patch change you quoted only applies to QB maps.
  15. I was not aware that clocks counting down was a US-centric convention :confused:
  16. Good fix list, but I'm surprised to see no mention of the insta-deploy bug. Are there plans to fix it in the future or was Womble correct that 0 deploy time has become a feature?
  17. In order balance out-of-balance QB maps using OOB you would have to give one side or the other more purchase points. That's fine in theory, but the problem is if the map is picked at random you don't know before hand if you are getting a balanced one or not.
  18. I didn't think to look. I assume they do since they are allowed to use them to bypass LOS restictions.
  19. I got curious and decided to run a quick test. Turns out that mortars cannot target a TRP outside of LOS for indirect fire without an FO like they could in CMx1 (IIRC). However, FOs can call indirect fire onto TRPs outside of LOS after they have moved, and use on-board mortars that have also moved. I don't know about direct fire weapon accuracy near TRPs.
  20. 2 months. FI (it's Fortress Italy not Castle Italy ) was released in August and BFC said they were shooting for an October release of the 2.0 CMBN upgrade. But they also said the next CMBN patch would be out before the 2.0 upgrade, which has not happened yet either so my impression is that I have no idea when it may be out.
  21. The Granatbüchse 39, however, is not abstracted. It would have to be explicitly modeled. No idea how common they were in Sicily.
  22. 3. Only having to spot and make adjustments on the first target fired at in a game (direct fire). Or is has this not been confirmed?
  23. It's on my list. I'm nearly though First Contact at Golleville, which is quite good.
  24. I've always assumed ranks were for flavor only and don't pay any attention to them.
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