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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. You could turn him in, but it would be more hassle for BTS than it would be worth. The sad truth is that piracy will get worse as CM gets more popular. I think that BTS is and will fare better than most game publishers as its core audience is more mature and is willing to invest in the game as a hobby, not just a quick fling. I had the stats somewhere but the estimated ratio of people who paid for Unreal Tournament to users of pirate copies was something in the vicinity of 3 to 4. CM will probably fare much better than that. Gyrene
  2. Ok, I know...Harsh subject header, but we all have a pet peeve about CM that we'd like see gone, and my biggest one (Of the moment) is the way that Squads rotate, just like if they were a field piece. They're not trying to hold and echelon right formation in a building for Chesty's sake! Why does it take so long for people to turn around? :mad: ...Ok. I'm all cooled off now. :cool: I realize that the delay could symbolize their individual reaction times, and what we see on the replay isn't exactly what the game engine uses to figure out what's going on, but still, it takes too long for squads to pivot. Squads, specially Veteran and up should be the fastest reacting things on the battlefield. Gyrene
  3. Mr. Johnson, if this was a Vietnam game the scenarios wouldn't be "Let's take that hill!"...They would be "Let's take that hill...Then give it back so we can take it again!" And do it again every 2 months. Gyrene
  4. If we get Opel Blitzes, than I demand both Ford AND Willis Jeeps! Gyrene
  5. "My Dad is a Computer Engineer, a Computer Programer and a Computer Technician... That means he knows more about computers than you, me or most of the World's Population... I know more about computers than you do... Now... I think you should listen..." Gotta love that Eurowarrior guy...Maybe we should introduce him to CM lolololol I agree with Manx, we all need big obnoxious jpegs of our nicknames as our sigs. Gyrene
  6. Napalm, Napalm, I love you... Know that cadence?
  7. Griffin, I'll give your scenario a try, send it to zaph@earthlink.net Just so you know most ASL scenarios have been made for CM, but a good scenario is a good scenario. Gyrene
  8. Ambush command does what you need. You'll have to issue it through a leader for squads. Guns and Most vehicles can use the ambush command. Gyrene
  9. Keefek, I've been reading "Fighting in Hell" also, excellent book, I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned here before. Gyrene
  10. So it does! Excellent! Thank you very much. I don't know where my manual got to.... Gyrene
  11. To all the fine folks responsible for creating CM and soon (We hope ) CM2, would it be possible to include the ability for the map editor to add land to either side of the border other than just east and north? I've found myself needing some more elbow room while making maps and I already had a lot put down on the map and couldn't add land where I needed it. I guess the ability to shift entire sections of the map would do the trick also, maybe even more useful. Thanks Gyrene
  12. Testing out a new scenario I made, I had my 75mmm pillbox have a virtually pointblank (80 or so meters) shot at a grouped mass of AI ran squads huddled in scatered tress on a slope (Opposite rim of a small canyon), I have 5h 19a and 10s left, so what does the pillbox do? Fire all the smoke of course! Even if I manually targeted the units the pillbox refused to shoot anyting but smoke. It could have leveled the remainder of a whole platoon, which already was under small arms and MG fire. Oh well. Shameless Plug:I posted the scenario on the Scenarios board, but no takers yet, it involves a pretty nifty mountain top fortress and stuff...hint hint Gyrene
  13. My first scenario, so please give it a shot. The scenario is based on a very tough hill top fortress held by outnumbered Germans and attacked by Americans. 40 turns/medium size. No uber anything. Best played as the Americans as the AI seems to have a hard time picking out the terrain. I don't have any briefings/story written yet, but as the Americans expect reinforcements in 10-15 minutes. Feel free to comment on map/force selection/whatever. Get it here: Fortress Give it a shot! Thanks! Gyrene
  14. Didn't mean to imply you were acting silly or anything. Soryy if I did. No worries. I admit that I was tempted to just line them all up and just let them slug it out. Gyrene
  15. I've tried CM on two different Macs, my own Rev D 333mhz iMac and my work's 400mhz slot loader iMac. Now on my home system is runs fine, never had any crashes/freezes/weird smoke etc. On the system at work, I've had no problems UNTIL I made a full install of the game. The previous time I did the minimum install and it ran fine, but with the full install the game did freeze a couple of times. What I think is happening is that Hard Drive Sleep is causing the problem....I have it off completely on my home mac, and its on the system at work, that's why I think there was no problems playing with the minimum install, as there was a lot of data being acsessed from the CD-ROM instead of the hard drive. I recommend that everyone disable the hard drive sleep option from the energy saver control panel. Gyrene
  16. Mr. Spkr, I did try to go for the flanks, and I eventually got it, I even got several point blank rear shots (Still no kill), but the board I was playing in was fairly open, and the head on shots come on the initial contact. Pretty fun, in any case. Gyrene
  17. I bet Veca can't wait for someone to come up with a concentration camp mod for CM, so he can enjoy it with his brown shirt on. Gyrene
  18. I bet Veca can't wait for someone to come up with a concentration camp mod for CM, so he can enjoy it with his brown shirt on. Gyrene
  19. I once set up a game with 20 Stuarts run by me vs 4 AI-run King Tigers and let me tell you, when you get a front hull kill on a Tiger with a Stuart its luck. All the Stuarts must have scored over 100 hits during the game and the only real kill came from a close range side shot on an immoble/dead gun KT, all the others were abandoned after their tracks & guns were damaged. I was down to 8 Stuarts by the end. Gyrene
  20. Warmaker, a dad's friend who was a Marine in Vietnam told me a story of how he once had to pull some guys out of an Amtrac that brewed up on the water...It boiled the crew, it wasn't a pleasant task. I've seen first hand the aftermath of bouncing shrapnel inside Iraqi tanks in the Gulf, not pretty. At least I didn't have to clean it up, just taking some Harrier/F18 pilots to inspect their handywork. Gyrene
  21. Yup, you know what they say, ya makes do with what ya's got. Why didn't CMBO include sand/beach as a texture, anyway? [smart ass] Because its Beyond Overlord [/smart ass] Gyrene
  22. They couldn't pivot around their centers? I thought that has a characteristic of all tracked vehicles. (Non-HT) I thought they could all do it, tractor-like, I guess it makes sense, being they used steering differentials in US models, instead of turning brakes, like the T34. Interesting. Gyrene
  23. "I understand your statement. I was thinking along the lines of Morale effects." Morale effects would be: The next 3 turns, said soft skinned vehicle would be moving at a fast rate the other direction. Gyrene
  24. Abbott, from this very site, under "resources": We also got to watch a US 57mm AT gun go to work on the wreckage of the prior day's shoot. But it wasn't very interesting. The AP rounds passed right through the bus and impacted in the hill directly behind. Although there was much to hear (dang that thing is loud!), not much to see. I'd wager a fair amount that it happened a lot when shooting AP's at soft targets. Gyrene
  25. Without trying to inflame the situation here anymore, I'd also like to point out that yes, the MG34/42 is a nasty weapon, but the M2HB is a Nasty weapon. I think the big 50 is being misrepresented in the game, esp. when I comes to targeting troops in light buildings and scattered trees, where the heavy .50 slugs would be at their best. It does a beautiful job on HT's though. Any thoughts on that? Gyrene
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