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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. I think they would get whatever leadership bonuses the CO unit has. Gyrene
  2. When I started this topic I was hoping that I could get some educated replies and maybe a post or two that would make some of us go "Oh wow, yes, I forgot about those guys, they were very good" etc, but sadly it degraded to the same pointless bashing as it normally does. First let me thank the members who did reply with simple, intelligent answers, I really appreciate that and I have noticed your posts. From the start I realized that people would vote for their own home country and/or whatever branch they served in, that is why I asked for two choices for each category. In war there are units that are better than others, it is a fact of life, just like in sports, some teams are just plain better than others at that moment in time Because the German Army of 1941 was better than the American Army of 1941 that does not mean the the entire worth of the US Army since then is nil. This is a historical comparison I don't care how good the Aussies were in Vietnam, If you think they were the best in WWII then I'll accept that answer. In 20 B.C. the Romans would have mopped the floor with the English, but what I care about is if you think that they were not only better than the Italians in WWII, but also the best regular infantry period Historical evidence. It's there. If I had asked what the best National Football (Soccer) team of the 1970's was would it be reasonable for someone to chime in that while the Dutch were very good their lawnmowers at time were crap and the UK made much better ones? Of course not, so why bring up the same tangential nonsense here? Gyrene
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Best is such a nebulous term. Some folks are equating best to most honorable, or most aggressive. No one will agree and this thread is doomed to die an inglorious death. The good doctor has already made preparations for war (if they were they best then why'd they lose? huh? C'mon, tell me). Hasn't this battle been fought enough? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> RMC, what a pessimistic outlook (Probably realistic, though), all I want is 4 choices, simple curiosity. I should have known there would be a lot of flag waving and "mine's bigger'n yours" going on. Gyrene
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>One last thing does it matter which speed you copy(burn)at??? I can copy (burn) at 2x,4x,6x,8x and 10x <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The slower the speed, the better the reliability. Make sure your CD blanks match your burning speed. 4x works great for me. Gyrene
  5. Head off to the General Forum and vote for April's Eurowarrior JOTM Winner! The results will be posted 1pm Pacific Standard Time. Gyrene Please don't reply here, use the thread on the General Forum, thanks.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yes I CAN imagine almost anyone else wading 700 yds to get to the beaches - what was the alternative? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They could've dumped their gear and gone to the mouth of the attoll and to safety. Many boats were sent out to rescue and stragglers on the reef, mosted asked for new rifles to replace their lost ones and went back into the fight. Gyrene
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The tales of 50 cals being so great seem silly to me. They don't have enough ammo to sit still and blast, and are too slow to move anywhere.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is perhaps why I said to place the in an overlooking position away from rifle range...And sit still and blast? A well placed .50 or .30 crew can do damage for a full 30 turn game, if not set to "area fire" The only people who don't like mortars are those who don't know how to use them. The best way to learn how to play every asset available to you is to play random, and not to hand pick your units, play with what you were given and don't give up the game just because your tanks are all dead already. I agree that HT's are very effective, especially if the direct local AT threat is low. Gyrene
  8. Ok...This is a really big can of worms I'm about to open here, but I'd like everyone's opinion on what their decisions are based on. To give some fairness and keep the flaming down, please chime in with two choices for each category: My choices 1) Best convential infantry -The Rikusentai: Japanese Special Landing Forces, the nastiest foe ever faced by the USMC, and man for man probably the most tenacious, disciplined and loyal soldier ever. Russians surrendered, Germans surrendered, the Japanese didn't. -US Marines: Might seem like the obvious choice for a guy named Gyrene, but this is not a decision made lightly. Beyond the ridiculously hopeless situation at Wake Island, the USMC was undefeated in WWII and every battle it participated in was a desperate struggle against a superbly skilled and even more desperate opponent. Can you honestly picture the SS or the Red Guards wading across 700 yards of coral reef at Tarawa? 2)Best Special Forces Soldiers -The Special Air Service: They pratically invented the genre, tiny teams of men in jeeps and trucks virtually crippled the Luftwaffe in North Africa and caused damage and headaches far far beyond their numbers. The doctrine they developed in WWII changed the notion of "Special Operations" forever. -The Gurkhas: Tibetan volunteers, mountain people who became jungle fighters the Japanese were afraid of! Enough said. These are my choices, notice one thing in common among these four: They were all fighting and excelling outside their "natural" home enviroments, I was going to pick the Finnish Sisu over the Gurkhas, but the fact that they were fighting in terrain they grew up in tipped my opinion. Gyrene
  9. Gen-X, I made a back up cody of my CM cd and it works fine. (On the mac) I have 6 year olds assaulting my Mac all day, so I have to hide my original cds. Shatter, I don't know what to say about your problem. Wait for the new CD to arrive, I guess. Gyrene [ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  10. It's been my opinion for a while that the US Engineer squad is the best infantry unit in the game. I like to use the Americans' superior long range firepower to wear down German units before closing in, and I also take the time to have at least one .50 cal MG in a dominating position well away from rifle fire to support my manuevering squads. I also use the same approach with my 60mm mortars, they are quite effective in harrassing the enemy's flanks from a distance, they might not cause much damage, but they will pin down squads or distract their attention away from my assaulting squads. The best approach I've found for using Allied armor is to use my infantry to make contact with the enemy's armor, and then manuever my tanks well away from their LOS, but still in position to systematically pick away at the opponent's outlying deffences along with my infantry. It works very well, as I can usually pull my armor away before the German armor has a chance to fire. On the mean time, my remaining armor will attempt to gain a flanking position to get a shot at any German tanks attempting to take out my Infantry supporting tank. Gyrene
  11. Get out to the General Forum on vote for April's Eurowarrior JOTM winner! Beeeotches Gyrene
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey surfer doooood, get back to the cesspool where you belong ya wanker! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> See what I mean? Abbott, you must be looking for a rematch! I will get you again next weekend on the WWCMF Smack Down! (Pro-wrestler posturing) Gyrene
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> doesn't casualties include KIA? i thought that was why KIA was in parentheses... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good question...I have no idea! That might be true...In that case the US side was quite a bit behind. (Haing no Pershings or Super Pershings didn't help either) Gyrene
  14. Dunnee, it took me a while to figure this out (I'm kinda slow, see?) but the Peng thread is just this one section of the forum were these guys who have been playing this game for a while like to challenge each other for CM games, have their own internal rating system and enjoy coming up with verbally creative ways of ribbing on each other. It's kind of like a club, closer to a college farternity. Childish at times, but it serves a specific purpose. The whole point of the "Peng thread" is that they have gotten explicit permission from BTS to have their thread in the CM General Forum (As opposed to the BTS General Forum) as long as their lunacy is contained to the current Peng thread. They seem to keep this bargain and do not invade other threads that I have noticed. Now, newbies like myself will go and post on the Peng thread and be taken aback when 5 or 6 people jump all over you with insults. Here's the part that is hard to grasp...This is just like in the military, new guys will be hazed unmercifully, but in reality the old timers don't hate you...They are testing you Also like in the military, there will come a point when your position changes and you start joining in on the ribbing and the invisible line is crossed. I have several good friends from New Jersey (Neptune, Asbury Park and Newark) and from Pennsylvania that I served with and I fully understand the constant crap that people from New Jersey get (Like, "Hey you from Joyzeee?" crap") and most people don't realize that outside the encroachment of NYC on Newark, New Jersey is a beatiful state and incidently has the highest average of Millionaires per capita in the US, so they can't all be dumb. But now, if you are going to take everything that is thrown your way personally then you just make yourself an easier target. I'm from Southern California, and I have to hear idiotic "Surfer Dood" comments from people on the web all the time. Just take it easy and don't take everything so personally, and let your game do the talking. Gyrene
  15. Dunee, I once made a very small map, as small as you can make it, with two opposing hills. The only US and German troops were 2 each of the heaviest Arty spotters available to each side. Some big craters. Funny enough, I ran the surviving US spotter all the way up the German hill and the opposing spotters just sat side by side gleefully ignoring one another. Gyrene
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I'd like to see a platoon scaled version. That way we could mess around with indivdual soldiers. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Splinty, CM is alredy at squad level...Smaller than Platton level. 3 squads + 1 Platoon HQ = 1 Platoon. I'd like to see caveman warfare. Neanderthals vs Cro-Mags...All Flintstones style. (Picture armor plated brontosaurs slinging rocks. lol) Gyrene
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> wait a minute...why were there MORE axis than allies, who were on the attack? i smells me a fix... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There were 527 Allies (Add all men OK, Captured, KIA and Casualties) to 536 German crewmen. My guess for this is there possibly might have been 1 or more German tanks or some German tanks might have had larger crews. I'd loved it if the US side had pulled a come from behind win, but not at this date. Hero of the day would go to a Sherman Jumbo who killed 1 KT and a Panther G, along with 3 other smaller tanks. It then got holed some 8 times... Pretty pointless exercise, really. Gyrene
  18. StugIII's have a real knack on killing any of my Allied armor... Gyrene
  19. Have you ever wondered what the results would be of a free for all between all the US and German armor available in November 1944, including one of each model for each troop quality level from Green to Elite on a mostly very flat map with almost no cover? No? Well I have (I was really bored, see...), and here's the result: If you want to see what a tank getting hit 12 times in 10 seconds looks like I could send you the game file. BEWARE this "scenario" is a real test for your CPU, so if you don't mind waiting 5 to 15 minutes between turns then give it a shot. "A bored Marine is a dangerous thing to have around the house" Gyrene
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Do I get an award for stupid question of the week - or does the Eurowarrior award just go to stupid statements? Thanks guys. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nah, the Eurowarrior Jerk Of The Month Award (JOTM) goes for the most obnoxious flame-baiter. You're safe. There is a particular thread in the General Forum that is showing some strong contenders... Gyrene
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Dont get me wrong Gyrene, I want to keep your infantry alive, but you had BETTER keep me from getting whacked by fausts! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No sweat Just don't go off exploring any woods by yourself. Btw, I love the scenario's name. Gyrene
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Finish Sissi? Are you kiding? Explain !!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Sissi (Called Sissu in some sources) were Finland's very elite troops. They wreaked havoc behind Russian lines with their long range ski patrols and raids. Note I said Sissi, nor "Sissy" Gyrene
  23. THIS IS MY COFFEE CUP There are many like it but this one is mine. My coffee cup is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. My coffee cup, without me is useless. Without my coffee cup, I am useless. I must drink my coffee straight. I must drink it more than any Marine who is trying to out-drink me. I must fill my cup before he fills his. I will.... My coffee cup and myself know that what counts in this Corps is not the brand we drink, the quality of our creamer, nor the quantity that we make. We know that it is the cup that counts. We will have the fanciest one... My coffee cup is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weakness, its strength, its correct mixture, its accessories, its handle and its bottom. I will keep my coffee cup clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will... Before God I swear this creed. My coffee cup and myself are the defenders of my mornings. We are the masters of our hang overs. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until victory is America's and there is no more coffee left, but work. Amen Gyrene
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> On the other hand, in the fleet the Filipino corpsmen don't seem to take multiple stabs with the needles to get it right with me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Giving blood samples was the most dreaded thing I regularly had to do in the military (Seemed like every 2 weeks), I'm not a bleeder and my vein would often plug up before giving up only a quarter of the sample tube. It often took 3-4 tries to get it right...Once it took 5, on the 4th the corpsman left me in the hallway with the thing stuck in my arm when it stopped filling up again...almost tested the hardness of the deck with my nose that time. Second favorite military medical experience Dental cleanings by surly waves who would rather be doing something else. And remember...Motrin will cure whatever ails you! Semper Fi. Gyrene Edited due to odd thingie showing up. [ 04-29-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  25. Finnish Sissi for sure! (Unfortunate name, huh?) And I agree that they should get a speed (And stealth) modifier on snow. Gyrene
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