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    Olympia, WA
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    Network software specialist

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  1. My job in Vietnam was close ground support. We flew helcopters. The great challenge was competing against the other side. Both in tactics and in strategy. This is exactly what we're doing in CM. I really enjoy the game.
  2. Vietnam is where I served. I flew armed helictopers in close ground support. CM is a great game, and I thoroughly enjoy it. One of the most challenging things about combat is competing against the other side. That is exactly what we're doing in CM.
  3. As a member of an ARA (Aerial Rocket Artillery)unit in Vietnam, I'd like to respond to your question. From the time we received a call for a fire mission we were to be airborne in two minutes. So let's carry that through. Probably at least two minutes for the radio message from the grunt unit to reach our operations, two minutes for us to get in the air, anywhere from 2 minutes up flight time to target, and probably another minute or two marking target, orientation, before the rounds really start to impact. And we were considered quick response.... So, a 2 minute delay for 105 support actually seems pretty speedy. And this all assumes no competition from other missions.
  4. OK, I'm brand new, so any help would be appreciated. I've been playing this game only a short time - my son turned me on to it. We used to play Squad Leader and ASL for hours. Anyway, I still have all my old SL stuff, and I've been adapting a couple of them to this format. I just finished Climax at Nijmegen Bridge, and I would like some feedback if someone wants to try it. Please let me know how to post this to make it available, and let me know whether it's any good or not. The only criticism from my son is that I erred in setting up the map with regard to the compass directions. Thanks.
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