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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>oh by the way by Gyrene r u German or something cause we beat your sorry ass 2 times !!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nope, not even close. I hardly even play Axis forces in CM. Gyrene
  2. Just messing with you. I had posted a request for a co-op feature not too long ago. Gyrene
  3. Cafard, to save the turn sequence you want, just quit the game at that turn, go to your saved games folder, rename the Autosave game file with a unique name and voila! You have that turn saved for posterity forever! You'll be able to load it up in the "Play Game" menu Gyrene
  4. You mean a cooperative mode? Yes! Good idea! Gyrene
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Arnold bribed his scriptwriters. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Having my adolescent perception of life shaped by Sly and Arnold movies I find your remark quite disturbing. Next thing you will tell me that the Vietnam War was nothing like "Missing in Action" and Rambo II. Say it ain't so! Gyrene
  6. Paton. BTS did not use ResEdit to make CMBO. Of this I am 100% sure as ResEdit is a Resource Editor and not a programming enviroment. Yes, you can use ResEdit to tweak the mods, nothing new there, and yes ResEdit is often used to crack programs, put you'd be hard pressed to create and entire game (which was probably coded in C++) with it. Still think this is a joke thread. Btw. Gyrene [ 04-26-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  7. These are the unconfirmed confirmed rumors about the availability of CM2 in CM2: CM2 will have a considerable amount of CM2, unless CM3 comes around first, at which time CM3 will be known as CM2 and CM3 will take over as having the most CM2. CM4 will be the number which CM2 will have the most of. CM5 is right out. CM2 will have more CM2 than CM, at which time, CM being naughty in thy sight, shall snuff it. Should CM ever have more CM2 than CM2 or a combination of CM2 and CM3 or a combination of CM2 and CM4 (never mix CM3 and CM4 together!) then CM will be known as CM - CM2 edition. To simplify matters, future versions of CMBO will be known as CMBO (Combat Mission Before Overlord). Current users of CMBO will be able to distinguish between the two by the fact that the B in CMBO (Before) is silent. CMBO will not have a significant amount of CM2, especially when compared to CMBO. CMBO will also not have much of CM3, which is also known as CMBO (Combat Mission Between Overlord). Users will be able to differentiate between CMBO and CMBO (Between) not only by the fact the the B is also silent, but also by the fact that it's pronounced as "Wilberwind". CMBO will have more CM2 than CMBO, which in turn will very likely have 50 to 60% more CM2 than CMBO. Hope this helps. Gyrene
  8. Vegetation mods would make the biggest impact, IMHO. Grass/Tree Bases/Brush/woods/scattered trees Then go for buildings and a nice sky mod. Which ones you pick is a matter of taste. Gyrene
  9. Not trying to mean any disrespect towards catnip (Or even KiwiJoe for that matter) but how can a 5 turn game be termed "very tough"? A 5 turn game seems to me like a blow out for one of the sides unless the game was played by "Gettysburg" rules. i.e. Everyone out in the open slugging it out. Gyrene
  10. CM2 Now has 52% more less! CM will have 32% less CM2 than CM2 will have. Yes. Gyrene
  11. A guaranteed way to beat the AI (Well, 98% guarantee...) is to set out a "Sacrificial Lamb" unit to draw the AI's units into a massive ambush. I've noticed that if the AI has nothing to shoot at for a couple of turns except a lone target, it will send all or most of its forces towards that target. Very Borg-like. Then you can set up the mother of all L-shaped or Pocket ambushes and slaughter the AI. Then get bored and go play PBEM or TCP/IP Gyrene
  12. The final version of the game has made it more difficult to get "Firing Slit Penetration" hits on pillboxes. I remember from the demo that the times I played Valley of Trouble (either side) Firing Slit hits were very common. Not so easy now, lots more "Internal Armor Flaking" type hits or "No Major Damage". Gyrene
  13. Arnold single handedly killed over 200 baddies in the 1980's movie Commando. All this while smoking a cigar. Gyrene
  14. 3D Studio Max isn't quite the most powerful program out there (Maya would take those honors, outside of propriatary software that Pixar or Lucasfilms might have) but it has an extremely extensive feature list, and excellent support on the PC community. Carrara used to be a good option to get your feet wet in 3D, but with Metacreations leaving the graphics software business its pretty much orphanware right now. Gyrene
  15. I think that a British & US push across Northern Africa would have to be played in co-op mode! Good way to get that Monty vs Patton rivalry. Gyrene
  16. This topic will probably get moved to the tech help forum, so you know. I'd check to see that you have the very latest drivers available. Also check for firmware updates for you model Mac. Nvidia is new to the Mac so there's bound to be some growing pains. Gyrene
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> so we can wonder in amazement at such ... wastage of precious war material and manpower!! Hehe. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No kidding! The Germans could have easily developed a whole battery of far more mobile 300mm or so pieces for the effort put into Gustav. There would be no 100m below the sea shot from 300mm guns, though. Its a wonder that the Russians didn't send swarms of Sturmoviks in search of ol' Gustav. Gyrene [ 04-25-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  18. Marnix, you are from Netherlands, so go ahead and add to your signature a memorial for all Dutch who died defending Holland. Neither me or anybody else will jump on you for doing so, so there's no need to jump on Redmow for having something positive to say about American veterans in his post. Too many people in this forum like to point out with great glee how German heavy tanks could so easily brew up "soda cans" but in my opinion it took a much greater amount of cojones to jump in a Sherman and go hunt German supertanks who waited in ambush. All this thousands of miles away from their homes. Gyrene
  19. Bless BTS's kind heart(s) for thinking of us the low-end users! I really mean it, its great that I can run CM without a hitch and very smoothly on my RevD iMac. Rolling road wheels, higher detail models, 512x512 textures, b-splined surfaces, anti-aliasing, dynamic lighting and fog etc would be wonderful eye candy, but it would instantly reduce the number of current and near future players who could enjoy CM and help the company grow. Thanks again for thinking of the little guy! Gyrene
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Don't forget the effects of using MRE's instead of C-Rations. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes! The dreaded orange poop! Gyrene
  21. A cooperative mode would be great, 2 sets of Allied/Axis forces, full fog of war between them at first (i.e. "friendly units are opearting inthe vicinity, attempt to link up"), with good chance of friendly casualties. It would add great depth to the game and would make running huge Eastern Front scenarios easier on the players. Also 2 on 1 or even 3 on 1 modes could be done. (Imagine the Peng threads a 3 on 1 victory for the outnumbered side would create...) Any chance of that? Gyrene
  22. Yes, helicopters, TOW, AT4, SMAW, DRAGON missiles, Laser Range Finders, Assault Rifles for everyone, MLRS, M1 Tanks, APC's, etc etc etc. CM20 will maybe cover those. Realistically CM can only cover from the Spanish Civil War until a little after the Korean War as it is. Gyrene
  23. vasl.thegamers.net? Nope. But this is pretty funny. Gyrene
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