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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Ian, I anoint thee "Honorable Second". I'll pm your duties, if you're up for it. Also, page 2 will not do! This powerful post will vault my thread back to the front page! Tremble before my might! Ken
  2. ^^^ 27 1/2 years of service in the USAF (active and reserve) and you've just hit the nail on the head. I'd type more, but the AF says I need 10 hours of sleep a night, and my aide has yet to turn down my bed. Sigh. Cutbacks suck. I'll probably have an unironed bathrobe in the morning.
  3. I cannot fully express my feelings when, testing CMRT, I noted my tank riders being machinegunned off the tanks and falling to the ground. The way BFC implemented riders in the game was better than I'd hoped.
  4. It is confusing. Open the editor and drop some tall bocage, low bocage, and hedge in the same line. Then it will be obvious. It takes some getting used to.
  5. Lasing generally precedes a killing shot by a second or three. The target reaction is generally swift. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Infantry "spoof" lasee against autocannon or 120/125mm airburst is a good way to lose that infantry. shtora is 4 degree azimuth (istr).
  6. Have you read Zuehlke's trilogy covering this period/force? Very detailed.
  7. That power plant may be a TRAP! If it has a nuclear core, you may be in trouble!! LNG may also be a problem, but I don't see tanks for it. Tread lightly...
  8. Sounds like his personal morale was broken when he lost his Panthers. They're not as uber as a lot of folks think.
  9. Playtested HTH. Many great memories from that one. A late-phase beta build, so pretty close to public release. I need to replay this one...it's been years.
  10. Well, I playtested it and won...as the Germans. Of course, that's just my memory, but there were some great moments in it, so if I didn't win, I should have. I certainly don't think it's unbalanced. What approach did/has your oppo used that has him so flummoxed with this one?
  11. A man who had a huge impact on my life. RIP and thanks.
  12. Reloads: not in game. I don't think in real life, either. I believe it's somewhat more complex to reload than just attaching a plug. Real life: Arena: segmented circle, with each segment protected by one charge. (Some overlap.) Multiple intercepts will leave more and more gaps. Trophy: left side/right side coverage. Overlap on front and rear. 2 shots per side. Period. So, front or rear could intercept 4 shots. (Narrow overlap sector, 15 degrees front and rear. Rare to have 4 shots in that slot.) In game: Well, that's under the NDA. Even a working system (either variety) will not stop all possible inbounds, even if it's fully functional. Salvos help. Speed of an ATGM/RPG: ~300m/s (or more for the newer ones). Speed of a turret to rotate? Not even close. No, it would not rotate to present the other Trophy launcher.
  13. Hah! You probably think the T-35 was a bad design.
  14. Yeah, this comes up on occasion... I agree that it would be nice to see. The question then becomes one of overpressure measurements for each weapon. Not hard, but doable. Personally, I don't allow pixeltruppen to go to the medic for little things like burst eardrums. But that's me. Modern weapons with their prolific use of sabot rounds produce a serious, mortal, hazard to infantry in front of the muzzles. This, too, has been requested as a feature. A "pin" of variable length would seem to be the way to go for pure muzzle blast. Ken
  15. Oh, it's supposed to USE those weapons?
  16. There will be some gentlemen knocking on your front door in 5 minutes. They have some questions for you.
  17. Multi-barrel machine gun? Check. Auto-cannon? Check. Big main gun with all the cool bells and whistles? Check. Yeeeesssss..... Minigun style coax tied in to modern aiming systems would be...breathtakingly effective.
  18. Humiliation is a two way street. Best shared to lessen the depth. My goal is to start it up within a day or two. It'll be short game; players can pick forces (within constraints) using a 3rd party to put them into a battle. I'll create the battle, but the 3rd party will add in the forces. The victory condition will be...different. Hmmm, I guess I need to start lining up a 3rd party...
  19. Well, you may be close, but the format is sooo wrong.
  20. LOL! Especially if it's been packed with drums of gunpowder.
  21. It never looks that hard when someone else is doing it!
  22. Many good points. (JonS pointing out all the non-combat expenditure of ammo is something often overlooked in these stats.) You can easily raise your troops' ammo use by adopting the following rules: 1. Ignore the time limit in game. Open every battle and max out the time to 4 hours. 2. Every time one of your pixeltruppen gets a yellow base (light wound), have someone plunge a pin into a meaty part of your body. Up to the head. One pin per wound. 3. Every time one of your pixeltruppen gets a red base (heavy wound), have someone plunge a knitting needle through a limb. Once per wound. 4. Every time one of your pixeltruppen dies, lop off a digit, down to the next knuckle. Counting toes, that gives you up to 60 KIA. (3 knuckles per digit.) Now that you have an aversion to casualties, your tactics should be a little different. I suggest dumping a TON of firepower on any location you THINK the enemy may be occupying. You really, really, really don't want to let the enemy have an observer spot for artillery. Machineguns? Ooh, that'll hurt. Did you forget to protect your flanks or bring antitank weaponry? You may not want to advance over the next ridge. As your troops go red on ammo, rotate them back and await resupply. The pace of the game will slow down. If you're lucky, you'll get through each 4 hour game intact. You may end up dreading the next game session. Regardless, the "send a few men up the road to see what happens" approach will stop occurring. Instead, it'll be "hold here while I organize some arty on that copse, then we'll line up the mg's and fire along the edge of the road, then we'll watch some more and then we'll crawl up the ditches alongside the road" style of movement. Or, just man up and plunge in. Real life has consequences. Games do not. Ken
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