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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Alt-R is only for toggling the game shadeRs. It has nothing to do with machinegun effectiveness.
  2. Yes, should be possible. Obviously, give the old man the bad machine. That way his ego will stay intact while he blames a slow cpu for the tactical drubbing his son gives him.
  3. So, those who've downloaded the patch, what are your thoughts?
  4. Straight porting a v1.11 into v2.01 is a gamble. There are too many variables. That's one reason why v1.xx and v2.xx can cohabit a hard-drive and both are still supported. If you have an ongoing v1.xx game, finish it in v1.xx. I'd start anything new in v2.xx, if you've purchased it. (If not, all the above is moot.)
  5. "The Rally Point" It is very important to the enemy. If you know where his TRP is, you need to occupy it to deny him any respawns. Put all the men you can on it. Ken
  6. chirpie, EXCELLENT first post! Screenshots, courtesy, helpful hints: you've reached the pinnacle. There is, of course, only one direction to go from the top. Post number 2 will never meet our expectations. Sad, really. Ken
  7. Kneeling with hands up, as JonS and I have stated, is more akin to someone who's totally lost the will to fight and is looking for a chance to surrender to the enemy. IF you can get some leaders near him and push the enemy away (so no more suppression events occur), it has been my experience that you can recover them. Now, they won't be much good for the rest of the battle, but they're back in the fold. Use them for admin tasks like jeep driving, ammo schlepping, or buddy aiding. Ken
  8. I've got all the Charles Sharpe TO&E series. Have you looked at them, or would you like me to dig them up? Ken
  9. That's news to me... If true (need to see it), then a flaw, indeed.
  10. My =belief= is that the extremely talented producer of these series was hoping for donations. I think he removed the videos based on a lack of recompense. If I'm wrong, I apologise for any misunderstanding. FWIW, I appreciate the author's work and feel it is up to him to do what he wishes with his work. Ken
  11. Loving the devil's advocacy. Believe it or not, I don't have a dog in the fight either. I'm purely agnostic on the issue. Taking this part: Because you the player can then, after selecting a different unit, can use that intelligence in some way. You remember (unless Alzheimer's intervenes ) what the first unit saw and may take advantage of that information. That argument is not even a starter. The player can do that at ANY time with ANY unit. That is the problem with a player who has a God's eye view of the field. You can't eliminate that. When I see a guy kneeling with his arms up, I don't think he's really surrendering. He's WILLING to surrender and has stopped fighting. He is LOOKING for the OPPORTUNITY. His surrender does not occur until the white flag is a'fluttering. It's a minor difference of viewpoint, but since I can always rescue the kneeling guy, it works for me. What we need now if some DATA. - Can kneeling guys be selected? (I've forgotten.) - Can kneeling guys spot NEW enemy units which enter their LOS? - Ditto for white flaggers. (subset: can white flaggers be rescued during the time between flag showing and them disappearing?) Ken
  12. Edited because I had to RTFM. Page 25: Players can request a game pause during TCP-IP play by navigating to the Menu Options Panel and selecting one of the Request Pause options. The second player will be prompted to accept or decline the pause request. If the request is granted, the battle will be paused until both players press the Resume button, at which the action will continue. Three types of pauses are available. A Playable Pause allows players to move their camera around the battlefield, select units, and give commands. A Viewable Pause allows players to move their camera across the battlefield, but they cannot issue commands to their units until the pause is lifted. A Locked Pause prevents players from moving their camera or interacting with units at all until the pause is lifted. This works. Go to the MENU box, where your orders usually sit. You'll see a "Pause" button down there. That is how you access the three types of Pause, rather than using the escape key. Ken PS: the descriptors for each of the 3 pause types are not totally accurate. BFC is aware.
  13. Pausable 2P MT: There are 3 variaties of pausing. Forgive my lack of memory on the specifics. = BOTH must agree for the pause to occur. (One player hits the esc key. That causes a message to flash to the other player. If the second player hits esc, then the game pauses.) = EITHER can cause a pause. (A player hits esc. The game pauses.) The third way has to do with unpausing. I think. Grrr. It's been too long. I'll fire something up in awhile and post more coherently. But the gist of it is that it supports any pausing you're likely to want. As long as you want to manually control the pausing. Ken
  14. We may've cross-posted. I agree, a man shouting out info as he's surrendering would likely be shot. Let's take that as a point of agreement. Now, let's see where and why we diverge. In-game, once you select a unit, you ARE that unit. Agreed? If that unit is a single man, you ARE that man. If that unit is non-selectable, then you cannot be that unit. You cannot know what that unit knows. It has been awhile since I've focused on my surrendering men. Those under my command know what will happen to their families if they surrender. If I my recollection is wrong, please correct me. If a surrendering unit is selectable, why should you, the player, not see what he sees? If a surrendering unit is in command and control, his information should be able to travel up the chain. At what point does a surrendering unit become unselectable? Ken
  15. This highlights different play styles. If you consider yourself to be ONLY (<-inserted after edit) the commander, then you cannot play this game. In CM you are the commander AND the sub-commander AND every other leader on the battlefield. Each time you select a unit, you are assuming the mantle of that unit's leadership. I see no disconnect in the ability to select a surrendering, but not yet surrendered, unit and gaining its LOS. Now, a different issue would be if the that LOS information is being disseminated to other units while the surrendering unit is out of command and control. If you can select a unit, should you be blind to what information is available to that unit? Ken Edited to clarify: My statement, "If you consider yourself to be ONLY (<-inserted after edit) the commander, then you cannot play this game." is not meant as anything other than a pure statement of the game design. You cannot move a unit if you don't select it. The moment you select that squad or tank, you cease being the Battalion Commander. The moment you select that unit, your LOS, information, etc, is changed based on your difficulty setting. This game forces you to be every squad leader, every tank commander, every machinegun leader, and each FO, etc.
  16. My bold. I don't recall ever seeing this brought up before, and I certainly have never really noticed it. FWIW, the mechanic seems to be that the unit will show a surrender animation, then, once within an enemy command and control sphere, a white flag will appear over it. Afterwards, the unit disappears. The only time the unit retains LOS, etc, is when it is kneeling with arms up and PRIOR to the white flag. At that point, if you can get close to him, he will stop surrendering. So, I don't see it as being a bug, or even a design flaw, to have a kneeling guy with his arms up to retain LOS information. Perhaps you should consider that animation to mean that the guy is done fighting, his morale is rock bottom, he is overwhelmed, but not lost. (That's why you can still recover him.) Once he white flags, then he's been captured. At that point you lose his information. Personally, I think it works fine. At what point do you think a unit should stop spotting? Ken
  17. If you enjoyed the demo, indeed, get the full game. Give serious consideration to the expansions. The different nationalities bring a great diversity in playing styles. US Marine platoons are something to behold with their inherent firepower and ability to absorb casualties. Assault troops, indeed. The various Euro's all have distinct strengths and weaknesses, as well. Additionally, the better Syrian TO&E can shred the blue forces if you're sloppy. There's a whole lot of gaming goodness waiting in there! Ken
  18. Yes, this too is known, and has been for a bit of time. It's no fun when it happens. There is a patch being worked on. Construe that how you wish. Ken
  19. Oh, now THERE'S an idea: a series of pdf's filled with the various editor desiderata which is so hard to remember. "Hmm, do I want CTL-ALT-LEFT CLICK or SHIFT-ALT-LEFT CLICK?" And better yet, what do I GET when I perform that action. Any takers? Edited to add: Rake, that village cluster looks amazingly life-like. Obviously, being modeled on a true village (hamlet?), that is as it should be. The way people build in any area is hard to create from scratch. Imagined villages often seem fake. They're missing some subliminal cues. Creating a map from a real image is painstaking work, but the results speak for themselves. Thanks. Ken
  20. The British line units shine when combined, as they were supposed to be, with the various supporting arms. Alone, British infantry is the weakest of the US/CW/German triumvirate. Add some Vickers, plenty of 25 pounder artillery, and some Churchills into the mix, and you've got a pretty good force. British-style infantry alone, is very much "light infantry": thin on men, short on firepower. But they're fun to play!
  21. Yeah, a few good ideas. What is that map? Are trees turned off? Ken
  22. Ahh, and all these years, instead of reading it as "False Gap" I always thought they were talking about the "Falaise Gap". I guess the allies fighting in the bocage had the same issues we're seeing in the game. Thanks for highlighting a lot of these cases. Ken
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