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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Well, you may not see the utility right now. Do you pbem? It is helpful to stay current if you do. Creating your own battles is mindboggling easy. Open the editor, give it a whirl. I cannot over recommend the included pdf about designing battles. (Written by JonS.) Read it in a pub/bar while you quaff a pint or two and give that lass the look. Obviously, once she comes over your way, only a dolt would keep reading the pdf. Give her your full attention. She deserves it. Don't talk about yourself. Really. The next morning, sit down with a fresh cup of coffee in front of your computer, and open the editor. Recall whatever suits you from the night before; the pdf or the lass. Use the your memory of either one to help create a map. Then throw in some forces. Get another cup of coffee and see what you've wrought. There. Now Bob's your uncle and he wants to know if you saw his daughter in the pub last night. Best go. Good luck. (C'mon: $20 is what? About 2 cups of charbucks these days, right?)
  2. Anyway, Waycool wrote, "At first I jumped in neglecting to read the directions to activate and ended staring at a screen asking me to activate CMBN. It's fairly straightforward activate vehicle pack, then 3.0 (which is base CMBN), and any and all modules. Voila all working now." From: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1561031&postcount=27 So, his method may be worth a try. (6 points for the pedants who follow rugby.) (Sigh. I know: I gave him another opening...)
  3. LOL! Seriously. Fanatic 76mm AT gun bunker gotcha down? Sic a croc on that, mate! "Phwooosh!!!", problem solved. A "self-balancing pack", aye...
  4. I would suggest using trying that...and then, if that doesn't work, try the NEW key. Let's call this thread the FAQ for everyone else who will stumble into this issue. Edited to add: Fair warning: I am not a techie, an official rep, or a licensing expert! Use at your own risk, caveat emptor, etc.
  5. Hmmm... Hopefully someone more qualified to answer this will be along. A suggestion would be to open a ticket (if you have not done so, already). Posting your solution here may help others. (Since this happened to you, it'll likely happen to others...) Ken
  6. ...and then I'll -activate- all of them and achieve sentience! Finally.
  7. Yeah, but you just need parallel installs. COPY you existing install somewhere else. Name it "C3k was here". Or pick your own name. Run the vehicle pack upgrader. Now you have parallel installs. Remember which is which and delete the old one when your pbem is over. No one games with old stuff.
  8. Pack? I don't need no steenkin' pack!! Good stuff in there...
  9. Once more, just in case you missed it: Area fire is needed for suppression. If you aim at the sniper, he'll duck. Then, with him out of LOS, your men will stop shooting, his morale will recover, he'll pop up and shoot your guys, in turn they will shoot at him, he'll duck, recover, repeat. Area target will keep the incoming fire at his location even if he is out of LOS.
  10. This. Try Light Area fire for a turn, then Target Area for a turn, then move your unit while the overwatch guys go back to Target orTargetlight. Area fire will keep them shooting even if the sniper goes out of LOS.
  11. Each oob is built with certain teams and squads. These are visible in the editor when you expand the unit. Method 1: create a database of all these subunits and then add up their totals for each oob. Method 2. Buy each oob in the editor, deploy it, select the top hq and then plus through every subunit counting men as you go. Method 3. Create a "battle" with only one of each oob. Start it, surrender, and read the total. (Double your productivity if you include another oob on the enemy side.)
  12. FWIW, I was a skeptic but the "Killing Lincoln" book was given to me as a gift. It sat unread for half a year. Finally, out of other reading material, I started. I almost couldn't put it down. Exceptionally good read. It's obvious that the detractors in this thread are putting their political outlook/bias ahead of actual facts. If you haven't read any of this series, you're not speaking from any basis in reality. (Whether you consider yourself a supporter or detractor of O'Reilly, these books are without politics.) I'll buy it and read it...based on how enjoyable "Killing Lincoln" was.
  13. Similar to my thoughts. Technically very good. So far beyond the rolling gas drums of The Bulge, that it's hard to call both of them war movies. Fury seems to have all the modern elements of a required movie: hardbitten vet; animal; religion; ethnic flavor; newb who has to learn. Insert various macabre/insensically violent scenes. Then we all sit around for a kumbahyah moment/scene. Next, we all die, until there is only one little indian left. (I'll wait for Hollywood to decry the willingness of the rape victim to go along with it. Hell, she was young and alive. There is an odd bubble around that part of Los Angeles...)
  14. ^^^ Alt-T and Alt-K have been responsible for many reports of broken spotting. Or so I've heard. On the other hand, the nature of the action spots and the spotting table may also be at fault. Pix would help.
  15. Commendable manner in which to keep the discussion at a cerebral level.
  16. That works with Iron Mode...as long as you have a unit selected. (Once you deselect units, such that none are selected, you regain the god's eye view.) Can be done, but takes a bit of self-control by ALWAYS having a unit selected.
  17. sburke, That was fantastic! I bought that book based on your post and your battle is damn close to the one described. Amazing how well the game can simulate real action. Thanks for doing this and sharing it. A great AAR!! Ken
  18. The stick grenade was an offensive grenade. The use envisioned an onrushing squad, tossing the grenades on the run, as they closed with the enemy. The attackers have less cover than the defenders. The grenade had a large proportion (by weight) of explosive filler, a thin metal shell, and the stick for range. The properties which were meant to be emphasized were range (since the attackers were running up on them), stun ability, and relative safety from fragment casualties to the attackers. The large fill produced localized blast effect, stunning and incapacitating in a small zone. The stick allowed the grenade to be thrown beyond the range of its fragmentation/blast effect. The thin metal meant that fragments did not go far. Defensive grenades, like the classic pineapple grenade, were also used by the Germans. Their use presumed that defenders had cover. The range was short; the heavy casing produced large fragments which travelled far and caused debilitating wounds. There was little stunning; there was relatively more incapacitation due to deep wounds. The grenade could not be thrown further than the fragments could travel. Meaning, if you did not have cover, you could wound yourself/your mates when you threw it. Ken
  19. Dorosh, is that you? Yeah. This game produces some amazing moments. Ken
  20. I want to live there! Very nice terrain. It sure looks goods and seems easy to make...and the windmill turns!
  21. I am amazed at how you've been able to render such incredible scenes with your work. Thank you. Ken
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