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Everything posted by mike_the_wino

  1. Due to an abso-fecking-lutely boring day at work I have A) the time to stumble into here, time to find your little link and C) the slightest inclination to post aforementioned link. You are welcome.
  2. Hhhhmmmmm. Those other guys are f***ed up I don't see that as being a commercial link. Don't you have to release games to be a commercial enterprise?
  3. Holy Crap! [url deleted] They took pre-orders in 2004 and are still in development? Wow! I take back most of my snarky comments to BFC and Steve. This crow is pretty good if you braise it long enough.
  4. Cid250, it's thoughtful, polite, well-meaning posts like this that will be the end of us all. What's called for in this situation is shrill, unrealistic, unwavering and rarely focused rants.
  5. You are right. How terrible of me! We have nothing to be concerned abou......oh wait, what was this? Now you were saying?
  6. Then what was that un-playable steaming pile that was the first release of CM:SF? I can still taste the disappoint, despite the countless beers that I have poured down my throat to wash the pain away. I am marking CM:N up there with Big Foot and non-partisan politics........things that don't f-ing exist.
  7. Happy birthday, Boo! I don't know about the rest of you but I am gonna get pissed and make an a$$ of myself....but that has nothing to do with Boo's birthday, it's just Friday.
  8. About that thing that is never going to happen.
  9. That sh$t isn't funny. Dude has a problem and you promote going vegan? Why don't you just hand him a pistol, tell him his life is over and step back? Or just punch him in the nuts and call him a little girl? Having a buddy go through gout, you may have to cut back on the beer. Talk to your doctor/ nutritionist to see what sort of dietary changes you can make to help your health. Offhand I would say green, leafy veggies and chicken. You can make plenty of yummy dinners with grilled chicken. I like to grill chicken breasts and then make my own dressing with quality olive oil to offset my unhealthy lifestyle.
  10. I am going to use this opportunity to once again call for a cross-generation combat game. ie, what could a squad of modern US Marines do against a company of SS troops? Or a division of Soviet consripts? How many Tigers could one Abrams hold off?
  11. Um, those are Coors 'Light' commercials. You live in Wisconsin, who are you to be so high and mighty as to knock Coors, the original banquet beer?
  12. Back in '04 I had a series of computer issues that involved me taking my box to a tech to diagnose and fix. It had lived on the floor, under my desk, in a house with 2 cats and 2 dogs. I was appalled at what came out. The rebuilt machine got elevated and now I regularily pull off the panels and blast the dust off. Which reminds me, it's that time again. Great, but disturbing, link.
  13. Looks like Pinetree will have an opponent for you in about, oh, I don't know, 16, 17 years? Gratz Pinetree. insert an off color joke about sap, squirrels, nuts or random forest flora
  14. I haven't made it to the airport level yet but I do know that I was told twice by popups that MW2 is violent. Really, really, really violent. I feel I have been warned.
  15. We have that all ready, they are called parents.
  16. "Cap'n, I giving ye all Ah got" Apparently there is a new MMORPG coming called....Star Trek online. Which is, as you guessed, based in the Star Trek world. You get a ship and fly around but this part struck me as funny: This game is due out 2/10/2010 and you haven't sorted out an economy? Sounds like a train wreck....not mention totally un-fun.
  17. I liked Poland as well. I would heartedly recommend The Convenant. It's about South Africa and really explains the root cause for many of the problems there.
  18. Sweet as, bro! Despite hosting a Kiwi for almost two months now, that is the only Kiwi thing that comes to mind....oh wait, he says 'heaps' a lot. From studying this creature, 'heaps' apparently means 'a large of amount of something'.
  19. I am not standing near Emrys. Sounds like a tsunami is due to hit him any time now.
  20. That would be one wicked work around for tunnels, yes? Get working on that.
  21. Palo Alto Pros: -Close to San Francisco (food, art, erc.) -Close to wine country (Napa, Sonoma, etc.) -Bay Area weather with out a lot of that pesky fog. -Affluent area Cons: -Pricey real estate (do a quick search to see what I mean) -Horrible traffic -You are less than 3 hours from me and that's too damn close for my liking. Palo Alto is out. Good luck searching the other 3 locations.
  22. I call shenanigans here! You could, you know, send me one of those. I will test drive and report with an informed opinion. Just trying to help out.
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