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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Just putting together final spec for my order and it has been suggested that I go for a 128M rather than 64M Ti4200. I suspect that this is good advice but in the UK suppliers this will add approx $120 to the price. Is it worth it? As I'm only likely to play CM2 (and 3?) will 64 not handle it? The other option which may be cheaper is a Ti4400. I'm not too hot on power/ram etc but would the 4400 not compensate for some of the less ram with with the 4200?
  2. See the post 'European Manual Query'. It's true. However, Madmatt has indicated there will be an announcement soon to 'make everyone happy again'. Hope so, 'cause I ain't happy at all at the moment. Everyone I know who plays in the UK (12-14) has cancelled their order with the various retailers. They ain't happy either. I say 12-14 because 2 are ditching it altogether. Mind you, if BFC can work round it ditching the game seems a bit dumb. But, I can see their point.
  3. Agua, many thanks for offer. Mail en route. Luckily there's guys like you out there who are able to help us out. Ordinarily I wouldn't mind but I want a book, not a pdf and a resultant bunch of A4 paper with staples through it! I ain't impressed in the least!!!
  4. If necessary I'll order it via my sister in Australia. I WILL have that manual.
  5. Thanks for the reply Madmatt but it ain't good news. Have cancelled UK order and am trying to source elsewhere. What price progress eh. If I do have to opt for the CDV version in the end is there any way I can order a manual from BFC? [ September 19, 2002, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  6. What's this about a 90 page manual for Europe? One of the things I was looking forward to was the full 270 odd page manual, not some crappy little 'normal game' pamphlet!!!! Is the same manual going to be provided throughout Europe (e.g. UK too)? If so I think I'll cancel my order and try to get it through a US forum member.
  7. Thanks. Order placed, Mesh Athlon it is. Fingers crossed XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  8. That's it then. Mesh it will be. I'll go for the 19" Digital I think, it does 1280-1024 (ish) at 85. Thanks for the comments. Knowing my luck I'll get the SB/VIA that hasn't been sorted. Mind you, as wwb said, both most of the big UK pc dealers are doing 1000's of Audigy/Athlon/Asus/VIA combos. I supect they'd have had a hammering and switched either cards or MBs if there were too many problems. Fingers crossed.
  9. I'm looking at a PC upgrade and the ATI question is something I am interested in too seeing as many of the UK PC producers put Radeons in at the moment. I'm still tempted to stick with GeForce at the moment and Schrullenhaft is far more qualified to comment on this than I. That said I read an article in a PC mag that basically says the new 9700 Radeon makes FULL use of DirectX 8 (unlike the GeForce) and will make full use of DirectX 9 enabling a lot more effects (whether this includes fog I don't know).
  10. Thanks for reply Schrullenhaft - very useful. Have found this spec in an ad (Mesh PLC) that I am very tempted with: AMD Athlon XP2100 512M 266 Mhz HP PC2100 DDR Asus A7V33 MB with VIA KT333/Award Chipset/Bios 60G Ultrafast HD with 2Mb buffer MSI GTi4200-TD64 Graphics Card 64M nvidia GeoForce4 Ti 4200 Windows XP Home (seems no choice) 16 x DVD Creative Sounblaster Audigy with Firewire port Creative Labs Inspire 5300 5 point surround 17" Mitsubishi Diamond Pro Monitor My only concern is with the Audigy, given the problem mentioned above with the VIA motherboard chipsets. The manufacturer cannot supply Santa Cruz option. Will this be much of a problem? The only way I can go Santa Cruz is to use Dell who are P4 based but still use Asus VIA chipsets (the P4 obviously results in a lower spec machine for same price). Am I getting too hung up on the Audigy/VIA issue? Most of the big names in UK PCs are selling Athlon/Asus/VIA/Audigy combinations and, while they offer some other sound combo's, all are Creative, Live etc. Some have onboard/integrated sound that I have always been dubious of. I have always used separate cards before, assuming the quality and functionality is better. It seems I will have little option but to plump for the Audigy/VIA combo and risk it. From the comments above sounds like the rest of the system is OK? If I use the P4 option from Dell (which gives the option of the Santa Cruz card) a 19" monitor and 512 RAM really pushes up the price of this option. The standard RAM is 256 RD. Seeing as it is RD is 512 necessary though? A further P4 option is a Mesh self configured one but it still uses the Asus/VIA/Audigy combo which again defeats the object. Only plus point I suppose is that it is P4 based (some may consider that a plus): P4 2.4 Asus P4S33 MB (this will still have a VIA chipset so seems to defeat the whole point) 512 (2x256 DDR) RAM (no RDR option available) 40G HDD 7200 RPM 2Mb buffer 128M nvidia GeForce Ti4200 16 x DVD Creative SB Audigy Creative Labs 4 point surround Ant views on the above welcome. This VIA/Audigy issues worries me, but is it justified? [ September 18, 2002, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  11. Looks like I'll go with the Mesh and risk the VIA issue (and some possibly some audio crackling). The mobo is Asus A7V333 with VIA KT333/Award chipset/bios. I may push it to a 19" monitor or 17" TFT. Trouble is I think the TFT will push the price too high unless I go for a real cheap one and then you get the colour washing problems. Thanks for help guys, much appreciated. Any views on the mobo still welcome. [ September 18, 2002, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  12. Thanks for replies - very useful. Have found this spec in an ad (Mesh PLC) that I am tempted with: AMD Athlon XP2100 512M 266 Mhz HP PC2100 DDR 60G Ultrafast HD with 2Mb buffer 64M GeoForce Ti 4200 Windows XP Home (seems no choice) 16 x DVD Sounblaster Audigy with Firewire port Creative Labs Inspire 5300 5 point surround 17" Mitsubishi Diamond Pro Monitor My only concern is with the Audigy, given the problem mentioned above with the VIA motherboards. The manufacturer cannot supply Santa Cruz option. Will this be much of a problem. From the comments above sounds like the rest is OK? [ September 17, 2002, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  13. Have put this in the tech forum too but it perhaps doesn't get visited by so many. Some are probably already using this stuff and have some views. I put a similar post in some time ago but decided to wait for release of CM2 and Medieval TW. I need to upgrade and while most of the stuff requires some thought there a five key areas that I would welcome views on. Esp stuff to avoid and what's recommended. 1) Sound card - am looking at the Audigy probably 2) Video - Considered Radeon 8500 (but I understand it will not do fog). Now looking at 64M GeoForce 3 or a 2GTS. Any probs with those? 3) RAM - at least 256, 512 if I can. Am a little unsure of the difference or any benefits of either RDRAM, DDR RAM or SDRAM? 4) OS - Windows. XP, Millenium, 2000 or 98? I have 98 on current system and it's OK but many printers etc don't seem to support it now. Doubtless I'd be able to persuade a manufacturer to stick on one of the latter versions of Windows more easily. 5) Athlon or P4? Any potential clashes or comments on other bits greatfully accepted.
  14. I put a similar post in some time ago but decided to wait for release of CM2 and Medieval TW. I need to upgrade and while most of the stuff requires some thought there a five key areas that I would welcome views on. Esp stuff to avoid and what's recommended. 1) Sound card - am looking at the Audigy probably 2) Video - Considered Radeon 8500 (but I understand it will not do fog). Now looking at 64M GeoForce 3 or a 2GTS. Any probs with those? 3) RAM - at least 256, 512 if I can. Am a little unsure of the difference or any benefits of either RDRAM, DDR RAM or SDRAM? 4) OS - Windows. XP, Millenium, 2000 or 98? I have 98 on current system and it's OK but many printers etc don't seem to support it now. Doubtless I'd be able to persuade a manufacturer to stick on one of the latter versions of Windows more easily. 5) Athlon or P4? Any potential clashes or comments on other bits greatfully accepted.
  15. In addition to the MGs and more effective infantry commands it will definitely be the control of AFVs, esp tanks with HQ units, weapon arcs and move to contact/seek hull down. It will make their use much more realistic and will allow players to more accurately model EFFECTIVE tank tactics.
  16. I also wonder if quite so many mods will come out in such a short time. The stuff I have on CM1 is probably state of the art now and I suspect a lot the CMII stock will be pretty good. Short of the EXCELLENT Bulge mod I hadn't downloaded much for a long time. I found I was modding more than playing. That said, I certainly enjoy the more strategic/tactical input and would welcome anything that covered these issues. Especially the combined use of vehicles/troops available in CM2. I do like the AARs too.
  17. A highly acclaimed UK online gaming store is still giving 27/9/02.
  18. Release date and requirements were what I was waiting for too. I know there were/are some conflicts with some systems (e.g. cards that don't do smoke well, some soundcards and even the OS). Are there any (or combinations of any) to avoid?
  19. Fingers ready, waiting to install. Just need the mod.
  20. Soddball - Thanks for offer, may well do that soon. I was going to buy from Evesham. Bearing in mind the no fog problem with the Radeon I may look at another sepc.
  21. Thanks folks. Think I'll wait a bit. NO WAY am I having a graphics card that don't do fog. Even my ageing Voodoo 3 3000 does, I'm not going to upgrade to go backwards. [ May 06, 2002, 04:50 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  22. Gordon, Thanks for offer, been away for ages. I know 3.02 is due for release soon. Will I be better wiating for that. I'm pretty sure it is the batch versions that are in my Mod Manager. I'm sure they used to work though, probably mistaken. I sorted the uniform bit out. I created my own indivdual uniform sets so I could have SS in camo and Heer in gray etc. I left out one of the bmps from the FJs/Heer so that what ever the heer was set to, that's what the right arm would be (if you get what I mean). I could still copy you the log though (if I could remember where to find it). I've got so many apps installed unless I use them regularly it gets a bit faded.
  23. I am finally going to do it. Having saved long and hard (god how I HATE buying PCs, state of the art today, abacus by tomorrow). Still, anyone know of any problems with this stuff: AMD Athlon XP 1900+ Asus A7V266-E Motherboard 512Mb DDR 64 Mb Radeon 8500 (DVI, S-Video) Samsung SD-616F 48xCD 16xDVD Samsung SW-224B 40xCD 24xCD-R 10x CD-RW Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Windows XP 19" Samsung SyncMaster 957DF monitor [ May 04, 2002, 06:33 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  24. Nope No matter what I do it won't have the sdkfz changes and changes won't affect Stugs either. I supect there may be others. I presume a re-install is the best way forward :confused:
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