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Everything posted by Apache

  1. My understanding is that tanks can be bought as platoons (companies even?) in CMBB, with an identified command tank. Will I be able to issue move orders to those platoons the same way as you can for infantry in CMBO (e.g. double click on platoon leader and then give order)? If so, will the tanks fan out to resume their original positions (E.g. Wedge or 'V') if they have to come into a column to negotiate a gap in an otherwise blocked path (e.g. pulling onto a road to get between buildings)?
  2. Tried the DL again last night from Scenario Deopt, says version 2 but still cannot see any snow, whole of open terrain still seems to be mud. Can you perhaps mail me the new one pse?
  3. I downloaded the scenario and the zip and entry in the scenario list said v.2. It was mud when I played however. I was just about to play it again now so I'll go over to the depot an DL again to get the updated version. Even in the 'mud' conditions I have to say I probably rate the scenario as one of the top I've played v. the AI as allies, not tried as axis. Excellent!!!! 9.8/10
  4. Nope, doesn't just relate to Allied, I've found it goes for Axis too. Mattias, that's just the point, what I'm saying is that it does seem to be game engine issues that cause this. I wonder how much matters will change in CMBB. My father was in Churchills in WWII and I remember his gunner (who CMBO would probably model as a vet) saying he would rarely stand a cat in hell's chance of zapping reversing tanks on the move or selecting shreck teams out of other infantry. I get some real bad luck with handheld AT accuracy too. I target an AFV within 70-100m (after placing an ambush marker) and get miss after miss, AI one shot at the turret of a Sherman at 163m, KO first time. I also find zooks etc better from woods etc than buildings. I'm not complaining about this understand, it just seems to get more noticeable the more I test theories out v. the AI. As you say, too responsive a TAC AI I suppose. I'll doubtless move onto more TCP/PBEM games. [ March 17, 2002, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  5. That may be, BUT with alarming regularity the AI seems able pick off high threat units with ease. i just played a scenario with a Panther reversing out of shot of a 40mm AA with some zooks working round the side of it. It was buttoned and yet managed to go from one to the other zooks with ease. Where I had zooks in ambush positions they seem not to be able to hit the side of a barn door! BTW - I was looking for views, not lectures stating the obvious.
  6. I'm sure I've seen a release of camo uniforms for axis tank crews on one of the sites somewhere. Did they actually ever wear them, I always thought they were all black?
  7. Is anyone else of the view that AI AFV targetting and accuracy is a little too good? I can accept the odd (even quite a few) 'one shot - one kill', especially from AFVs which are hull-down and pre-sighted on advancing AFVs but I can't help thinking there is a little too much bias towards AI effectiveness in this regard. Some of the examples are: 1) Night scenario, muck and blazes flying all around (extensive 25 pdr arty bombardment), buttoned Tiger picks out 3-4 PIAT teams trying to work up the flanks (on different sides) and starts to accurately target them, amongst hordes of other infantry. Pretty damn good for a firing slit view? 2) Panther (targeting something else at the time) spins turret round, targets, KOs and kills a rapidly retreating Sherman over about a 70m dash, from about 300m. 3) 3-4 TDs/Tanks moving against a Stug, not very well concealed, fire 3-4 shots each and miss (not moving by this time) while Stug bags three tanks with 3 shots! (about 500m) I've noticed this over a period of quite some time and I could understand if the AI troops were veteran or crack, but they rarely are. Edited for typos and distances [ March 17, 2002, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  8. I still have MDMP 1 in my store. Don't suppose you know thw bmp numbers? Also, do they share with anything else?
  9. 1) Marder/Wespe 2) Ost/Wirbelwind 3) Jpz IV 4) JagdTiger 5) Hetzer/Flampanzer 6) Jackson/M10 Have got almost all the others I need. Any help much appreciated.
  10. Check out the Mods and Modders site - under 'Mods' AFAIK most of the Panthers have been posted with colour pics of each allowing you to compare and select. It is a down to personal choice to some extent (though I have to say I agree entirely with the author'c comments regarding a certain Panther on the site!!!)
  11. Thanks for that. Are there any that have been done in the meantime that are not part of a pack (or can anyone indicate the BMP numbers for those in the pack at CMHQ). I'm giving winter games a good hammering now thanks to Tom's BRILLIANT mod but the only things I use that I haven't got winter mods for are M10s and Jacksons.
  12. I also had a problem at first (but as has been stated AOL may be the source of yours). I used a 56K modem and treid several times, th DL would get to beween 200-500K and then the monitor bar would just zap straight to the end as if it was finished. Some of the guys here recommended Download Accelerator Plus which DL'ed and installed. My next download did break-off once but DAP allowed me to 'resume' and I got the rest fine. I couldn't work out why it kept dropping originally though.
  13. The problems SEEM to be rectifying themselves. Almost as if the system had got knotted up? A few scandisk/defrags later, coupled with a couple of runs of 'Quickclean' seem to have sorted the mess out. Fingers crossed all is OK. I have to say though, I noticed no increase in transfer rate from the downloads let alone the 'up to 300%'. I'm still not quite sure what IE6 gives me over 5, except on the security side?
  14. I'm even more committed to the philospophy now. I seem to be suffering dropped connections, lock-ups, inability to close down windows properly. Christ, no wonder people complain about the mess their systems get into when one plunges into the depths of a so-called upgrade. I am tempted to try and get back to plain old IE5 (without DAP)
  15. I downloaded Download Accelerator Plus to speed up my downloads and help resume if they break. It works great but after I installed it I was unable to open my old IE5 unless I tried several times, kept getting 'illegal operation'messages. Then I installed IE5.5 (from a magazine disc) and while it went in OK I would get either 'illegal op' messages and/or a lock-up after I'd tried one or two clicks when connected to the net. Now I've installed IE6 straight from Microsoft and all SEEMS OK. Any idea what could have caused these problems (in case they surface). Tends to make me want to stick to my old 'If it ain't broke don't fix it philosophy'. I don't actually notice much (any?) difference between IE5 and 6.
  16. The Panther on page 11. Is that a modded version that is openly available or one specifically created and copied into the terrain mod. If the former, which mod is it pse???
  17. Don't get me wrong, I usually find the the AI does quite well (perhaps because I'm not that good) but whether it was some kind of fluke or what, this was just abysmal. I think even with poor planning the AI could have hammered me. It had 700+ troops OK after the action and before my shreks KO'd two tanks I saw that it had at least a company of tanks in support. This was just my first experiencing of the AI actually seeming to throw a wobbler? Not sure whether it was just the forward placing of shreks that did it or what? Parade, parade? I wasn't presuming to be some kind of military superstar just because I beat the AI (which is not too difficult regardless of how good it is). I actually think CMBOs is the best I've faced yet, in fact I actually enjoy it. [ February 17, 2002, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  18. 45 turns, 3000 point assault (axis defending), me as axis. Nothing outlandish about my force, 2 SS rifle companies, 2 J/Panthers, couple of bunkers, shreks, few MGs, 1 105mm spotter. Thought I would get clobbered. BUT, took out a couple of AIs tanks with shreks placed well forward, most of my force then placed in reverse slopes defence. Loss of the tanks seemed to spook AI as did a couple of MGs harrassing infantry. To my amazement though the AI did and achieved nothing. Started smoking my left company at turn 25 (for about 5 turns) then switched the tactic to the right. I wouldn't have minded if it had used the smoke as a screen to advance but, zilch. I waited till about turn 40 and just pushed a couple of platoons forward to take remaining two flags (which I had positioned short of). I've had some bad QBs before but this has got to be the worst EVER!!! Or is it?
  19. Does anyone know where I can get one pse (if there is one out there).
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