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Everything posted by Apache

  1. I got it, I got it, but wait......does it install and play OK - YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! Many thanks to Agua for helping me out getting a US version in the UK. Was it worth it - ABSOLUTELY!!! Is the manual good - No, it's excellent. Three cheers for USPS too, posted by Agua on Weds 25th, arrives UK early 28th, totally unscathed. Service or what. As for the game, what can I say, BRILLIANT!!!
  2. Doubtless the tactics employed by German forces will be similar to those they employed elsewhere but I wondered if anyone is aware of a decent book which covers the tactics of both sides, particularly how they developed those tactics to fight the kind of battles in the kind of terrain etc. I am considering buying 'When Titans Clashed' but I suspect this will more likely be an overview of the war on that front itself rather than providing much on the tactical side. I am not significantly interested in the Eastern front so would rather try to constrain it to one or two books rather than 56 with a nugget or two in each.
  3. Cancel the above. After all this time (since the new style forum was launced) I've found it under the 'my profile' section. Presume I have to return and hit this every time I visit the forum?
  4. Not a major problem this, just something that is probably quite useful but don't work on my machine. The legend at foot of the forum front pages indicates a yellow folder for new posts, a white folder for no new posts since you last visited and the padlock. However, I only EVER get the yellow folder/padlock indicators. I just logged off and logged on again to check (obviously every topic may have been posted to) and several that I had checked remained yellow? Is there something I should have truned on or off or whatever? I do get the topics turn white to indicate I have visited but the folder indicators don't seem to work.
  5. dalem - if the issue don't concern you, give the forum the benefit of your views elsewhere. It may be dissapointing but perhaps a lot of people don't give a chuff what you think. Those that are getting it from the US are doing so for a variety of reasons which are important to THEM (if that's OK with you that is). If you don't agree, fine, but your posts are adding little value on this thread so why not duck out?
  6. Sorry if I missed this buried in the threads somewhere but, being one of those UK residents eagerly awaiting the game via a US forum member, IF (and I really, really hope not) it's one of the errant discs can the replacement be sent direct or will that have to go via US too?
  7. Being one of those eagerly awaiting the game via a US forum member, IF (and I really, really hope not) it's one of the errant discs can the replacement be sent direct to me?
  8. I must admit, all this stuff sound like the makings of an EXCELLENT game. While CMBO was brilliant (IMO) I could sometimes press infantry on regardless of what was coming at them and make some kind of progress. If CMBB forces the effective and efficient use of tactics and combined arms, so much the better.
  9. I must admit the picture next to the CMBB product advert would make an EXELLENT jewel case insert. Do you have plans to make it available some how?
  10. I must admit the picture next to the CMBB product advert would make an EXELLENT jewel case insert. Do you have plans to make it available some how? Sorry about the second post. Not sure what happened there? Screen froze when I hit 'post', then worked OK second time. Result - 2 posts? [ September 26, 2002, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  11. Me too. By e-mail if necessary. I thought it was you, couldn't be sure. Perhaps BFC will make their site one available.
  12. Andreas - I tend to agree. This time I'm going to be REALLY choosy with mods. I ended up spending more time modding CMBO than playing at one stage. Mind you it did look pretty darn spectacular when it was done. Trouble is Ihad to keep back tracking and putting in mods I'd took out to make them match new ones I was putting in :mad: I think BFC have really gone to town on CMBB too. Like you I'll need some persuading before I start swapping. Doubtless a few will come along thogh. I shall definetely wait for the cream of the winterized stuff.
  13. Is the CMBB 'box top' type image which appears on the BFC products home page available as a downloadable (and printable) jewel case cover/insert (or is it contained on the CD itself)? I know one of the members did a jewel case cover for CMBO but this one looks pretty cool as it is.
  14. lewallen - It might be just my browser but there are no pics at the link?
  15. Thanks folks. Don't think I could go back to Ctrl-Alt-Delete 28 times!
  16. Excellent response, and speedy too. As I said in an earlier thread, most other software houses wouldn't have given two hoots. Not sure who aka_tom_w (or whatever) is referring to as dissenters mind. If he means those that immediately started to slam BTS fair enough. If he means those who were bothered by this, take note - you don't ask, you don't get! And BTW 'Coffin' some people may indeed adopt that view, albeit I think it would be totally unreasonable to do so. However if they do, they may wish to post accordingly. If that happens, perhaps you should take your own advice. It is a forum after all. AFAIK reading every thread isn't obligatory. Or do you teach intolerance. [ September 21, 2002, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  17. Commisar: If I said what's really good about CMBB would you reply "It does war like stuff" or somfink How about Whats are likely to be the best scenarios "One's with soldiers and stuff in" Other than scenery there ain't much else to mod.
  18. One of the forum members pointed me towards this for CMBO. I think it's superb and saves me loads of time. Three questions though: 1) Will it work with Win XP or will it likely screw up the system 2) Has it been bettered 3) Anyone recall where it's from and whether it's OS specific (e.g. one for Win 9X, one for XP etc.)
  19. I ain't saying people shouldn't ask. But it has only just come out. Expecting BTS to respond after 2 days of release is a bit unrealistic though. I stand by what I say on the grids though. Like Louie said, it ain't football, and I suspect there will be alot of people for whom grids are a low priority (like errrrrr never ). [ September 21, 2002, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  20. If I had the new PC I'd download this stuff (even though I ain't got the game yet!). Must keep a track of where all this is :mad:
  21. Might even be worth compiling a most sought after list for the top 20, 30 or 50 (probably have to be indivdiual mods like 'woods' 'wheat' 'house' Pz IV etc and do, dare I say it a poll :mad: It might give the modders a clue as to the most sought after areas of work for their talents in the early stages.
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