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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Thanks for that. It's the output for certain. Same noise comes from any other speaker plugged into it and the normal offending speaker is fine in other ouputs. Sounds like ti will be easier/cheaper to replace the SW box than attempt to repair (something I have absolutely no idea of how to do BTW). PS - any views on my 'Winter helmets reverting to grey' post in main forum (same date). It sounds like video card is struggling.
  2. Through a process of elimination (and if my non tech founded assumptions are correct) I think it is a problem with the sub-woofer/connection for the speaker within it. Even with the PC fully turned off the crackle/rumbling still comes from that speaker (or rather that speaker's output jack). I have a CL SB 1024 Live and whilst I think it's OK it doesn't produce as good a sound as I've heard on some, despite my tweaking the environments, which seem far more hassle than they're worth. With lots of burning vehicles on screen the fire does tend to take on a tinny/echoey sound but I thought others experienced that too.
  3. I am trying to review the mods I've installed and may change a few, particularly where I can replace single mods with combined packs etc. I am looking to install CMMOS at the same time. Does any one have any views on the 'must have' packs of AFVs/uniforms etc. (current versions)? Beacuse I have not modded for so long I've lost the thread with developments a little. Also, is it just me but I have to say I do find the CMHQ site a little gawdy and tiresome to navigate now (esp when compared to Toms site).
  4. I constantly use the backspace key when posting/typing but when connected to the net it frequently doesn't delete the last character but takes me back a page instead (despite there being back/forward web keys on the keyboard) normally binning the post I was working on in the process. It is infuriating to say the least and fists have nearly been launched at the screen on many an occassion. Is there a way of stopping it?
  5. I have suddenly started to get a very base crackle/interference sound sound through my front right speaker channel. I've tried the speaker lead in another socket (no problem) and tried another speaker in the front right (crackle). Any thoughts on the cause? The speakers aren't brilliant (Cambridge Soundworks Four point surround with sub-woofer) but I'm reluctant to upgrade becuase I will upgrade entire PC soon. Can't see why it should suddently happen. Nothing installed on system to do it. Have the speakers and S/Ws got a life expectancy or is the S/W picking up some rogue sound from somewhere?
  6. I think it may be time to update the PC. I've held off for as long as possible so I could do the whole system rather than the graphics card but I think the latter is a bit pushed. I have quite a lot of mods installed and have selected winter (white) helmets for the Axis. When viewed close up they are fine (white) but when I pan out they revert to grey. I suspect the overloaded card is reverting to low res defaults? Also, I have tried several combos of mod installs for uniforms etc. Can anyone indicate the best combos for Waffen SS/Heer, winter and non winter. The main problem I seem to have to watch is at what stage I drop in the Fallsch. uniforms, they seem to overwrite most other.
  7. Provided the seperate mods do not conflict (eg overwrite each other) why don't you just zip all the bmp files into one and rename it yourself and then just palce these in order?
  8. I haven't read through the whole of this thread so I apoloogise if I am repeating comments above but there are some good articles on tactics/defence at CMHQ in the articles section. Jason Crawley also did a 'German Infantry in the closed defence' article too. If I could use the bloody search facility I would indicate where to find it.
  9. I think there must still be a forum problem with this. It seems many people using cable modems are able to do searches whilst some on 56K are unable to. I have not been able to search since the change to the new site. I keep getting 'Connection timed out' as a response to any search I do (not too useful). Is it purely somethin the server end or are there settings within IE5 you can tweak to exetnd the period allowed before a time out is returned? I'm sure I saw it somewhere but can find it now? The 'help' doesn't help either.
  10. I've been away a while since the new site was launched. I've tried numerous methods of searching but none wil work - all I get back is 'Connection timed out'. Is the facility not working yet?
  11. The readme with the zip indiactes most sounds replaced. I have all the v.6 ones but the v.7 zip only contained 200s and 400s?
  12. I think you'll find the link if you read down the news page at CMHQ.
  13. Can anyone mail or point me in the direction of a colour photo or schematic for the above pse? (A/G or late).
  14. I am using Fernando's excellent switchable HTs which have mono, bi and tri colour colour schemes for SS and Heer. Is anyone aware of any info regarding where/when and/or by who these schemes would be used in reality (e.g. is the mono sand colour purely for desert use).
  15. Thx, I've got that. I do like Tiger's darker foliage on the Stugs though, it just seems to look more 3D (real) - IMO.
  16. The default flags in the game are grey with the ? symbol. Someone has done some with a bold V on which look a little less drab.
  17. My mistake, I probably mean objective markers. They are red/blue/white I think.
  18. Could someone tell me where this is pse? I've scoured the sites and can find nothing. Has anyone done/planned any plainer flags for this also?
  19. Perhaps you can put up a post re how you get on with your new system Maximus. I'm upgrading later in the year too (hence reluctance to rip out and stamp up and down on the Voodoo card).
  20. One of the best sites around, hopefully it will get resolved.
  21. Can I just check this out pse. I know where and when these labels are supposed to appear but I have NEVER seen one either for my AFVs (which is no doubt down to my lack of mastery of getting them HD) or the AIs (and I KNOW many of 'his' have been). I have 'labels' and 'detailed armour hits' enables (in case that affects it - does it?) but still no joy. I am running v1.12. How many of you are seeing these indicators? I hope it's not another bleedin' Voodoo thing!!!!!! [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 04-02-2001).] [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 04-02-2001).]
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