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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Winter AFVs. Like Dan said, I'll probably hold off modding much until the equivalent of CMBO MDMP 1 & 2 comes out. I put those in first and then worked from there. I like your grass too. The trenches are coming on as well IMHO and I will grab when done. There have been a couple of 'mod request' and 'what needs modding first' that generated quite a few hits in some cases. Not sure if you've seen those? [ October 03, 2002, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  2. I was thinking exactly the same thing when playing last night. Would be useful. Just a thought as well, haven't tried it to see if it does, but is it possible to select a unit by hitting the pink (at least it is on my pc) line that goes from firing unit to target. Couple of times when low on ammo and a target is being blasted by multiple firing units I've wanted to disengage a few by setting arcs (in the heat of battles I keep forgetting to click the bleedin' line to see if it will select the unit).
  3. In fairness the points probably did need making but they have been made and responses (at length) have been given. BFC have offered a workaround to get the US manual (search will bring it up) and a number of forum members did offer to acquire the US version and send it to Europeans who responded. Those are the options.
  4. Nice one. I like the subdued look but am not to keen when they get too dark/dull. I might well load this once new PC arrives. Didn't think I'd mod terrain for a while because I think CMBB is quite good as it is but I like this (and Tiger's).
  5. Must admit I like S&S. I used to use hunt/reverse a lot in CMBO but found the AFV would often pull back too quick to acquire a target. Once in a while I would get partially flanked and an unspotted AFV (had I not got infantry far enough forward for whatever reason) would hit my hunting AFV in the side and KO it. I much prefer S&S which achieves the result quicker (with less key stokes too). I don't have a problem with the HD side either, while I accept crews will try to go HD as much as possible I'm not sure if HD would be the overriding factor they consider if using S&S (like I said despite the fact that I'm sure they would always try for as best as possible). My opinion FWIW. [ October 03, 2002, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  6. Just got notified by my supplier that they are sticking in 512M (2 x 256) of the former instead of the latter. Will there be much of a difference?
  7. Hmmmmmm. Got some calculations to do then. Not sure if it woulf be better to work on a per FO basis or try to calculate a bn/coy ratio? While FPFs are perhaps not the intention of TRPs they could still be used as such. Just for my own rule of thumb I could proably use something like 1-2 per FO forward of the lines and the same on the victory flags, perhaps doubling or even trebling the forward allowance (and cancelling the rear of course) on an assault? Does seem to fit in with JasonCs thoughts on TRPs too. I did use to think that using just two TRPs was pretty useless in CMBO, even with the best thought out placing there were still too many other routes and staging areas to cover. Made placing them a toss of the coin job. I do try to keep it fairly accurate so wouldn't want to be going OTT with them though. Unless I thought I might lose Thanks for the info. Any other thoughts appreciated. [ October 02, 2002, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  8. Given that some scenarios allow spends which include TRPs are there any views as to what a realistic number might be given the time frames and real estate covered by a battle? In CMBO it was suggested to me that 2 is reasonable or 1 per FO. Obviously 15-20 is way OTT. Unfortunately I have to admit to knowing little of the history/tactics in relation to army/division/reg level artillery and it's not really a topic I want to get into too much (like at all). I suspect that placing more than a few well in front of the front line is unlikely but I have heard of artillery being targetted on a force's forward position to allow the batteries to fire to either cover a partial withdrawal or make a mess of any overrun positions. [ October 01, 2002, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  9. Would the book on panzer tactics in WWII (I think it's part of the Nafzig collection at BFC) fit the bill? Not sure if your after accounts or tactical stuff. I found Steel Rain quite a good read too. SS Panzer battles.
  10. They all look pretty darn good to me. One for the DL list. Forgive this but I know zilch about modding but I presume the texture chosen has to be applied to the whole of the structure? If not, how would the snow one look if it was a bit more blotchy?
  11. Like you say, given those figures it seems about right. In that case I'll continue happily plugging tank commanders with my snipers
  12. It was QB fog so I suspect it wasn't heavy. From recollection it does seem to be further than you could trace in CMBO (but in my opionion that was a bit to short - that said I didn't play many fog battles so it may be faded in memory). I quite like the current range and have never really thought about what LOS you can expect in it. Like I say, I was just making sure it wasn't considered a 'known issue' with an intention to fix. If it was I'd prefer to restrict my LOS and any targeting to the intended 'fix' LOS range.
  13. Just a thought. Did a couple of QBs in fog and can trace 600-650m in fog (in fact so far that I couldn't be sure if it was terrain change or fog that stopped LOS). I was quite happy to be able to go to 600+m, just don't want to get used to it if it suddenly drops to 150-200 (or 10!!!).
  14. But were all tank platoon/co. cdrs that good? Esp when they started to die a lot as time progressed.
  15. See post under QB turn limit. Slightly different theme but same point - it would be nice to be able to select snow on ground and fog for instance.
  16. I tend to agree. Also (and I've only had a quick look) I can't see a way to get fog and snow on ground (e.g. ground conditions mixed with weather).
  17. Perhaps a new thread is in order. Why does this damn CMBB disc work, if it didn't I could get another [ September 29, 2002, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  18. I'm just gonna keep figers crossed it will work on new drive (I suspect it will). Doubt I'll even be able find a spare of the one I use now. It's a bit dated.
  19. Thanks for that. Any other suggestions pse? Websites (and printed downloads) are OK but I do like books.
  20. Amazing isn't it? People post reasonable threads about reasonable concerns and perhaps expect reasonable responses. Can't quite figure out why, for those whom it is not an issue, clog the thread with their 'Well I don't think you should be moaning anyway'. Like I said before, if they don't have an issue with it fine, duck out!! BTW: for those waiting for US/UK orders and who are worried over the duff disc issue, FWIW mine arrived from US today and loads/plays fine. Hopefully the numbers of 'wrecked discs' are few. My order was placed with BFC (to deliver to a VERY obliging forum member) on 21/9/02. [ September 28, 2002, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  21. And.....I got the US version and a manual (and I'm not gloating ). CMBB US UK OK!
  22. I'll soon find out. New PC arrives Tuesday. If it loads OK onto that I really don't give a s**t. Even if it doesn't I've got it loaded and playing on one system and BFC have agreed to replace faulty products. Can't lose I'd say.
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