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Everything posted by Apache

  1. I'm on Win 98. The drop down menu comes down but when I select print nothing else happens. Today, again however, I closed IE5 down, disconnected from the net and it printed (just the first page of an article though).
  2. Quite often I want to print pages from this forum when connecetd. I know about saving pages as HTML and text files etc but sometimes I'd just like to hit the print button. When I do nothing happens though sometimes, when I disconnect and close IE5, the page prints? Is this a common problem and is there a way round it?
  3. Is it artistic licence only or is there a muzzle-flash mod - if so where?
  4. I have something by John Salt (I think) which is aimed at batallion level. Has he done soemthing at company level too? [ 01-29-2002: Message edited by: Apache ]</p>
  5. Back in the dark ages, when you needed a warehouse size gaming table for tabletop WWII (on a 1/72 scale anyway) many gamers used to use sheets or booklets to record sets of orders and a broad outline of their plans. I think the idea was to simulate the delays taken to change orders (after each turn you had to reveal that sheet to your opponent so he/she could be satisfied your units went where and when they were told). I did have some good examples of these but can't find them now and it occurred to me that a good one may be useful in assessing terrain and identifying MLRs, SBFs and general plans, particularly with larger battles. Does anyone bother with such a sheet and if so, any chance of sight of a copy?
  6. Is anyone aware of websites that may contain some details of make-up for the above that may which will allow me to concoct company level purchases (e.g. supporting vehicles, AFVs, arty support and extra troops) on a relatively accurate historic basis. Jason Cawley has kindly provided some first class information to me on both a points (previously) and company/platoon level recently for German units. I accept there are masses of different battalions etc. but some generalized stuff would be useful (e.g. tanks company, para company, infantry co.). CMBO has modelled the company itself well, it's what goes with it I get stupmed with at times and find myself making wild purchases with no idea if it's accurate or not. Any help appreciated.
  7. Thanks for reply, looks a good site too. Not sure how that one slipped past me!!!!
  8. Thought as much, glad it's not just me it happens to. The only thing that threw me is that I THINK (and I haven't re-read it thoroughly to double check) that the manual makes some reference to 'if you are lucky the crew may be able to effect a field repair'.
  9. I've downloaded the above from CMHQ and the scenarios are all zipped within the main zip. Is there a quick way to unzip all the scenarios into the scenario folder? I tried opening the main 'depot' zip, selecting all the zip files within it and then 'extracting' them to the scenario folder. BIG MISTAKE!!! It dropped every zip file into the scenario folder which I then had to manually go throuh an delete. There must be a quicker way than manually unzipping each and every file and then copying the file across? Surely? :mad:
  10. You are entitled to your opinion. In any event, I have absolutely no interest in entering a maoth debate about this - as the post indicates it was primarily posted for Madmatt. If you read the original post (in a similar vein to RTFM) you'd see that I'd searched the forum with no joy!!!
  11. BUT the manual does clearly indicate you are allowed to make A copy. Anyone into pirating I am sure will need absolutely no guidance whatsoever and will doubtless have every utility and piece of kit going to allow them to do it. They should be shot! However, those of us who stump up the cash for the game struggle to find out how to make their legit back-up. Many companies will replace damaged legit discs for a small fee and the fact that CMBO is only available via the net makes it more problematic, particularly for those outside the US. [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: Apache ] [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: Apache ]</p>
  12. Anyone aware of any good scenarios featuring the above. I try to throw a few of my own together but tend to find I spend too much time buying anp placing the other sides (normally fairly hefty) forces, the AI doesn't do as competent a job as I'd like for a good probe scenario with a small, highly aggressive and reasonably well equipped recce force.
  13. Has anyone had situations when tanks guns have been repaired (and usable again) once the damage banner goes up? I don't think i have EVER had a gun repaired on either side. Panthers seem particularly susceptible (not sure whther this may be deliberate to take into account the shot-trap on some). What's more frustrating is that it's normally the tank(s) I am relying on to carve up the enemy from some well chose HD position!!!
  14. Thanks - is there a composite list of what is/is not CMMOS compliant? I am not sure on the CMHQ site which info is the newest. To be honest I didn't bother with a lot of the big mod packs before because I couldn't be asked with the constant creation and switching of batch files, found I was spending more time on that than playing. This makes life a lot easier and I'm tempted to grab some of the mega-packs like the Shermans, M8/Stuarts, Panthers, sdkfz (winter)(I couldn't resist the others - batch files or not). Only problem is some of my units are looking a little disparate now and I'm tempted to go through all German AFVs and switch to mono (in terms of mods in use that is, not hitting the CMMOS keys).
  15. Thanks guys, been out of communication for some time. Just checking that everyone else wasn't eagerly awaiting a release date that I was unaware of. Doubtless BTS will be inundadted with pre-orders once they announnce release (if indeed they intend to take POs this time around). [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: Apache ]</p>
  16. I've scoured most of the threads on this forum and visited CMHQ and other sites and have found nothing yet. Any ideas as to which quarter it's anticipated and is it this or next year?
  17. Primarily posted for Madmatt. While I fully understand the tetchiness around copying and am totally against pirating, with all due respect the manual does indictae under 'copyright' that you are entitled to make one copy as a back-up. My original is already slighty scrathched despite extreme care with handling over recent months. The manual however contains not one scrap of information as to how a legitimate owner should make a copy. Perhaps you can mail me direct with any instructions that are different from above. Doubtless the records will show I am a legit owner of CMBO. Perhaps it could be recitified in CMBB with instructions as to how to do it. Otherwise, how can buffs (with regard to copying utilities be expected to know how to make a back-up).
  18. Gordon - thanks, I had got both in the mod file and had installed them with mod manager (just to be on safe side). I'm not quite sure what they do? I'll just take out the low res one.
  19. I have installed v3.01. I have both low and hi-res mods installed in my bmp file, should I therefore install the low and hi res patches in mod manager? And presumably that is all you do with them. Place them in Modmanager anl load up?
  20. I am sure there have been posts on this before but I can't find them using search and they are not in FAQ. I've finally got round to trying to make a copy of my CMBO to preserve the original. However, when I put the copied CD into the PC it still says 'NO CD INSERTED'. Can anyone assist pse?
  21. I constantly use the backspace key when posting/typing but when connected to the net it frequently doesn't delete the last character but takes me back a page instead (despite there being back/forward web keys on the keyboard) normally binning the post I was working on in the process. It is infuriating to say the least and fists have nearly been launched at the screen on many an occassion. Is there a way of stopping it?
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