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Everything posted by Apache

  1. This has cropped up quite a lot. I was looking at a 9700 too but decided to go with a Ti 4200 128M. If you do a search under 9700 or fog within the last 30 days I think you'll find the answers from Schrullenhaft. AFAIK Radeon's don't and will not be likely to do fog (9700 or otherwise).
  2. As above. If you get a mixed level tank platoon you'll find that all but the conscripts can cover arcs.
  3. One of my main uses for e-mail is PBEMs and I've always used OE as my default e-mail app (or is the correct term client) in the past. Is there another that's better or recommended? The new PC will have Win XP Home and IE6 so OE seems the most logical to me? A few people wince when I tell them I use it though. To be fair, I prefer it to Outlook.
  4. wwb - if I was going to put a lot in about the tactics and the way the battle plays I would have put SPOILER at top but in fairness it was just a question. I think spoiler is best used by the person who introduces the scenario specific answers, just giving scores and general info can't be much of a SPOIL. In any event, as Herr Oberst says, it is likely to attract some scenario specific comments. My approach is not to read threads about scenarios I haven't played, after all it ain't obligatory. Anyway, now - SPOILER - - - - - - - - - I left the Axis tanks in original positions and all got blasted to pieces by about turn 7???? Perhaps I just got 6 bad doses of luck? If it was a CDV version I could blame that perhaps
  5. As above. Had to cancel AV software with one company and go to another. Will be a day or two. Am I best waiting for it to come (Norton AV 2003) and then install games or should it be OK to do games first. I want to bugger up the folders/files as little as possible. I was going to go for McAfee Virus Scan 6.0 but read so many reviews saying people couldn't get it to work that I changed my mind. Any views?
  6. My new PC arrives today and has Win XP Home on it so I hope this isn't an XP thing :confused:
  7. Thanks. Thinnk I'll leave 'em be. The new PC arrives today with a Ti4200 128M. Are you aware of the latest drivers for that (in case it don't work).
  8. Must admit, I prefer the new ones (despite the fact that I thought I'd hate them).
  9. Vehicle's moving along 'rotate to' lines (if this is a bug as opposed to an occasional glitch). Used to happen in CMBO a lot, not sure if it's recognised as a bug in that or CMBB and if it is, if it's fixable. Hapened with me and a T34 in Close Encounter (CMBB).
  10. I'm slowly getting used to CMBB and, while I think I still prefer the Western Front I far prefer the way this plays. Even down to the new camera angle (tab 1 etc) and pan I'm avoiding playing easy win battles to ensure I am forced to get used to the sometimes more uneven balances on this front. I tried the above a few times today as Axis and keep getting pasted. Anyone fairing any better? [ October 06, 2002, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  11. I must admit I find this one a little tough as the Soviets. Haven't tried it as Axis side as i'm trying to avoid anything that might be a pushover until I get the hang of the changes. I also found the Balkovzky Suprise a tough one as Axis too.
  12. 2nd the formation key (would be useful for infantry too if moving out of contact).
  13. Thanks for that, will the video drivers likely do anything better? I'm just a bit paranoid about changing something just because I can. Also, if I uninstall a driver first won't the display fail to work if I screw up the installation of the new one or will Windows just use one of it's own to get the screen working? I have checked under My Computer/System and gone to device drivers and under the view driver details I have three 'files' one under the other, each one indented slightly more than the one above. Is that like a Windows file system meaning the bottom one is a file in the folder above etc. or, are they all separate driver files with the one at the top (which sort of highlights by default being the one in use?). There is a section on that box for 'search for updated driver'. Should I DL the driver and then use that (and if so, will it handle the uninstall automatically)? Do you know a site for Creative too (other than their own)? [ October 06, 2002, 04:55 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  14. Nope, they look fine to me too. Just didn't want to go though a big DL and get a version that you would replace. I kinda lost track a little with the posts above and just thought I'd wait until I was certain you'd finished. It'll be nice to loose that skin effect in the original.
  15. AFAIK there'e ain't no movie. I thought it just went straight from the BFC logo to the splash screen?
  16. These are looking pretty fine. Presumably there's still some backa and fore going with the tweaking, perhaps another fresh post should be started when you've got the absolute final version?
  17. I have the above card in my PC and knowing little about sound cards and all the 'stuff' they let you do, I haven't really touched or tweaked it from day 1. I have DirectX8 and it seems to work OK and this machine will go to my son now (also a CMBB/BO fan) and we hope to set up a LAN for head to head play. I'm just trying to clear it up for him now and I thought it might be a good idea to get the best drivers for the sound and video (Voodoo 3 3000). Are there known sites for the latest, best drivers? I presume a straight download and install will overwrite the old ones? I don't want to take anything out and screw the system up. Also I presume Windows Media Player is a different application to the media play 'function' in the SB Live and that some programs/web pages will 'call for' WMP whereas some aren't bothered. If not, should I be setting one or the other as the default? Will the app on the SB Live be a more sophisticated one than WMP? I have to say I'm somewhat bemused by all these plug ins and sometimes reject their download for fear of either again, screwing up the system, or inadvertently having a bog standard app set itself as the default in a system which has more advanced capabilities with it's hard/software. Or have I totally missed the point?
  18. INCOMING!!!!.............................. :eek: [ October 03, 2002, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  19. There have been a few posts about Radeons not being able to do fog though (including the new 9700 IIRC).
  20. Excellent. BFC might even consider these with the CMBB equivalent of MDMP1?
  21. Not sure if this can be done. Presumably it is just a straight WAV file that just plays and interacts with nothing else? Anyone know the number (I just prefer it). Also, anyone got any idea if the CMBO movie can be ported over or does that interact with other files and/or require coding into the exe file to play it?
  22. Thanks. It's being done FOC on a new machine order that has an Athlon 2100.
  23. IIRC this was mentioned as an issue with CMBO. Last night I played the Close Encounter scenario after DL from Tom's site. One of the T34s was positioned next to a house near the whetfield and I gave it a 'rotate to' order. When the movie started to my horror it was merrily trundling out in to the open and I wasn't sure the Stugs were KO. Luckily they were. I MAY have given a move order in error but I'm 99% certain I gave 'rotate'. Unfortunately I didn't save it. [ October 03, 2002, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
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