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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Cripes - it's only just come out, give 'em a chance. There are a lot of people who detest gridlines and the like and this kind of stuff will all be the target of modding commnunity. They love it and are very good at it. Given a few weeks/months there will doubtless be a number of terrain variations.
  2. You could order the UK version through a retailer here like www.gameplay.co.uk (it may be .com)or via Amazon.co.uk. It will still be the CDV version but it will be in English. Only way to get a true US/non-Europe version AFAIK is to order via a non-European forum member. It depends what you want. If you are only concerned about it being in English then the CDV/UK version should do it. If there are other concerns you will have to try the 3rd party route. See the European Manual thread re why BTS can't sell to Europe. It isn't contractually possible. BTS are working round an issue with the manual that bothers some and I'm sure they'll come up with something. Other than that, matter for you, but there is perhaps little point in kicking the arguments off again. [ September 21, 2002, 08:49 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  3. Hi Gary, Got yourself sorted with the US version I see. Good oh. I suspect winterized will be top of the list, along with some of the shared texture vehicles. Have ordered a new PC and the game. Race to see which gets here first. I suppose I must be one of the few on the forum that hopes it's not the game. I'll only be tempted to load it on this machine, not sure it will cope. AMD 2100, 512 DDR RAM, Audigy and Ti 4200 128M should though
  4. Commissar: I suspect I might have just been able to work that out. A lot of people will now have got the game and, while perhaps not to everyone's liking, there are probably vehicles and uniforms less in need of a mod than others. Just wondered if any are vying to be at the top of the queue in terms of a request list to those talented enough and kind enough to spare the time to do them. Are the skies good? The latter ones for CMBO were excellent. Also, on the snow side, are the textures similar to the Bulge mod or, given the fact that it was a damn sight colder, is the snow more, well, white? [ September 21, 2002, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  5. This is ONE of the things I'm most looking forward to with CMBB. CMBO was excellent but I often wish I could take better control of afv's, particularly platoons of tanks etc., moving them from fire positions using turret orientations that I ordered. Drooooooool. :cool: Are these being used by people to save ass? The screenshots look absolutely awesome. Good variety of vehicles too. I'm glad BTS opted for the loads of vehicles/share textures rather than sod it/leave 'em out approach. I've ordered a PC with and extra 40G of harddrive just for the mods, not that I'm going to get every one of course
  6. Steve/BTS: At one point this thread had a point and was being added to by others who voiced concern. Read the whole thing. Then it went off track and everyone seems to get a dressing down. That's my point. I have absolutely NO INTEREST in the box/manual thing now. I am sorted but others might not be so fortunate. That is the point of this thread and the last comment before the current barrage was that BTS are trying for a solution. Where have I bashed BTS? Where have I criticised the response. Fact is some people aren't happy. I no longer fall into that category, it no longer concerns me. Hence my suggestion to close this down and announce when the work round is done. It doesn't really matter what you or I think about people who will not buy it yet, the fact is they might still if there is a workaround (i.e. send a receipt and you can buy the book off us). [ September 20, 2002, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  7. I lied. This thread needs re-naming or locking up. It ain't got much to do with the point I originally raised and there ain't no-one benefitting from it now.
  8. This is definitely the last post by me to this thread. We may as well discuss whether I like carrots or not. Not sure who Augua is. The point regarding the 1000s is that there are a number I know who have cancelled the game. That is their choice and they are sourcing a US version. It's a matter for them and no big deal. But if I know 14 there must be a lot more. Fairly logical? I am but one. The box v. manual issue is a poor analogy. I could buy a radio control helicopter without a box but could put it together with instructions. I can put it together easier if I have the full instructions rather than a 'lite' version. Some like books, some don't. Does that mean that those that do should be berated into buying something if they have an alternative? If you (Steve) disagree feel free. They will not buy the game because you or anyone else THINKS they should. That is the point. If there is a work around they and others may re-consider. BUT in the grand scheme of things, whether they do or do not will be irrelevant. None of the sensible responses have suggested canning CDV, just asked for a work around but this thread seems to be losing the track, developing into a flaming arena where anyone who has the audacity to differ cops it.
  9. Wouldn't it be better to just drop the flaming that's developing now and let BTS come up with some kind of work around for those not so fortunate to be able to source through a US member. As Gary points out this thread had and made a LEGITIMATE point but it's going beyond that now. Like I said, there is e-mail. [ September 20, 2002, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  10. BTS: That's fine. Can we just ignore the flame type threads and post when there is some kind of news on this. Personally I couldn't give two hoots now, my game is US and ordered. BUT, I ain't the selfish type. There will be others who are bothered here and elsewhere who may like to get hold of the manual if possible who will probably appreciate an announcement when it can be made. Best in a new thread I think. My concern is that if I know of 14 who have cancelled their orders how many more are there. Mind you, in the 1,000s you are looking at from CDV sales, it is probably irrelevant. That's the pity. If others aren't bothered, fine, hopefully you live in free country. Just don't slag of those who want something that BTS may be able to provide.
  11. Sorry to repeat this but: Hang on, Hang on. Any chance we can put the ICBMs away here. I think the latest posts from BTS are a little patronising to say the least. As quite often happens before threads are locked up: "Can those that want to make this into a personal and vitriolic abuse session continue by e-mail, off the forum?" I have made my choice and sorted it with the kind help of Agua. Others unable to order through a US member will not be so fortunate. Tough it may be, but, if there is a solution they MAY like to hear it. Is that whining? BTS then suggested they were working on something that would hopefully suit the laterly referred to 'whiners' happy. If that ain't the intention don't post it. Someone at BTS hide the testosterone pills will ya. Why hose down everyone on the thread? Sorry about this but IMHO that was completely out of order and uncalled for.
  12. Vader. Wasn't relating the ICBMs to you. More to the other war that seems to be breaking out.
  13. Hang on, Hang on. Any chance we can put the ICBMs away here. I think the latest posts from BTS are a little patronising to say the least. As quite often happens before threads are locked up: "Can those that want to make this into a personal and vitriolic abuse session continue by e-mail, off the forum?" The point I made Vader (& this ain't a personal dig) is that you had the choice, see the film or not. Those that do want the manual in Europe, and I supsect there are a few, have none. They are asking if there is a way round it. Negotiation? I have made my choice and sorted it with the kind help of Agua. Others unable to order through a US member will not be so fortunate. Tough it may be, but, if there is a solution they MAY like to hear it. Is that whining? BTS then suggested they were working on something that would hopefully suit the laterly referred to 'whiners' happy. If that ain't the intention don't post it. Someone at BTS hide the testosterone pills will ya. Why hose down everyone on the thread? Sorry about this but IMHO that was completely out of order and uncalled for. [ September 20, 2002, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  14. That is a choice YOU have. In any event, I can;t be asked to debate your post. END. BTW, BTS is this the work around that's going to make everyone happy? Just want to be sure on this
  15. I think the fact pure and simple is that many Europeans loyal to BTS feel they are getting a raw deal. Some like manuals etc., some don't. Those who do not get hung up on this issue will no doubt get hung up on other things in life that others wouldn't give two hoots about (even CM related such as why doesn't it model this, or why does my X do that). That's what makes people different and just beacuse some disagree it doesn't make those who do feel aggrieved wrong. It is also no cause to post patronising or sarcastic comments. It shouldn't degenerate into an inter-continental slanging match. Those that aren't bothered by it fine. Enjoy. However, they can post as many times as they like to the thread but it will not appease those who DO feel disgruntled. This needs sorting out and hopefully BTS will come up with a solution. It is to their credit that they will try. It is quite apparent though that it has a number of people in and out of the forum well racked off. The danger is that most of those people are committed long time supporters of BTS, the genre and CM.
  16. barold (or whatever) Just WHO are you giving the benefit of your criticism here? The question has been raised as to why it came as a big surprise. If the argument don't interest you, duck out! [ September 20, 2002, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  17. The only reason it came as a complete surprise is because IIRC at no stage until the post appeared from the guy saying 'I got the game complete with a 90 page manual' was anyone aware of it!! That's why.
  18. I did as jgdpzr said and it works fine for me. I just right clicked, got up properties, double clicked address, alt c then double click address bar, alt v and hit enter. BTW this is no way trying to be petronsising. Someone once posted up a blow by blow description of how they were doing a similar thing and, trying that option, it worked.
  19. Thanks jdgpzr, never knew that. Learn something every day. That's useful too. How come some are seeing the pictures in the post and some not? Is it browser/settings related?
  20. Just a query guys, my sister lives in Oz and I was wondering if you have any idea what a parcel (roughly the same size and shape of CMBB) would cost to get from Oz to the UK?
  21. Thought it was just my machine. I can't see the pictures either just the place holders (white box, red cross).
  22. I am still a committed supporter of BTS and I fully accept the fact that this will get CM into a much wider fraternity. Surely the main reason for the CDV deal is to mainline the game and as you point out, most people buying from shops will not know about and will not therefore miss the full manual. There are however quite a few loyal customers who went to the lengths of buying direct from the net with CMBO, have been loyal supporters of BTS and this forum who DO know about the full manual. IIRC one of the things CMBO was praised for in a number of magazine articles was the quality of the manual. It is some of those loyal customers who feel let down. Some may wonder why it is such a big issue but the upshot is we are paying as much as everywhere else yet are being shortchanged on the goods. They may not number that many to CDV or BTS in the grand scheme of things and this will certaily be true when we are compared to the shop sales. BUT the argument cuts both ways, the number is so small in comparision why could they (we) not just have been allowed to get the game direct, like before. I alone know of 14 UK based gamers who have cancelled their orders with shops and net retailers. One is so livid he plans to write to the hardcore wargame mags (at least one of which featured a CMBO advertisement) if this isn't sorted. It's great the BTS are able to look at work arounds, many software houses wouldn't give a damn. It is still a pity this happened though and if I know 14 unhappy (and cancelled) customers the potential effect should perhaps not be underestimated. This isn't a case of just a couple of people with a fairly minor whinge. I just hope the solution a) comes fairly soon and is a good one which doesn't involve too much more expense to get what those fortunate enough to live outside Europe get by default. [ September 20, 2002, 05:19 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
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