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Everything posted by Apache

  1. I have the earlier version but can't find the ones based on the mono stugs with wire skirts. Any ideas pse?
  2. Thanks for that. Didn't realise Heer shared with GJs. I just did a dummy run with it deleted and it did just that. Thinks I'll just create a GJ right arm zip to install for when I've used them. Installing the heer grey set seemingly does not overwrite the GJs 5061 file. presumably because of the Edelweiss. Or should that 5061 be in the heer grey too. Perhaps I left it out of that by mistake. Getting in a right bloody mess here
  3. Just need to check this before I delete a file from one of the sets that I shouldn't. The sleeve file is 5061. However, I checked through ALL the other troop type zips and have found a 5061 in the 'splinter' uniform that came with the tank crew set. There is also a sleeve in the splinter set, 5017 I think. Should there be a 5061 in the splinter set at all?
  4. I screwed up - BIG TIME! Instead of concentrating and using mod-manager to install 1 mod at a time I've hit 'full install' and it did. Took me ages to fix the litlle bits I've tinkered with to get it the way I liked. All fixed now (I think) EXCEPT when I use CMMOS to switch between textures on the above it does it OK except for the front and rear end of the vehicles :mad: To be able to switch textures on those I have to go to the batch files (which luckily I kept) and do them all manually. Something must have gone wrong when I re-installed the BMPs I suspect. I have installed the high/lo res patches again (last on the mod manager list) and suspect it might be something to do with a rule set that I've got corrupted. Any pointers??? :confused: I think the application is excellent and it WAS working fine. Not sure whether it's better to do a re-install of CMMOS or what? It's almost as if its missing out bits of what it's supposed to do. Maybe this is responsible for my odly coloured arms on GJs too?
  5. Capt Wacky. Thanks for that. Is there a full wav list anywhere? Also, any thoughts on which sound is most accurate?
  6. Someone may be able to help me out on this. I downloaded some sounds recently in MP3, I think they were Scipio's. Anyway, I THINK the Sherman (vanilla) main gun sound is 600.wav. The sound I used to have had the kind of shrill 'whistle' as the gun fires and the new one is more of a short 'crack', bit more 'rifle' like. Having never heard one, can anyone indicate which is the more realistic sound?
  7. Thanks Andrew. The set is excellent. With that arm will the GJs be almost all in grey except for a kind of 'camo' right arm?
  8. I've downloaded this pack which I think is excellent. I think I've dropped a bit of a clanger though. I can't actually fine a Gerbigsjager zip (forgive the spelling) but have installed most of the other mods. The trouble is my GJs now seem to be wearing grey uniforms with green cammo arms? Anyone know if there is a specific zip in this pack for GJs (it's a big download and I may have accidentally deleted it) or whether the GJs share textures with other troops that may be causing this?
  9. Thanks for replies. I will probably look at ethernet cards and crossover cable then. I tend to try to avoid doing things like that if I can, not too hot on mixing screwdrivers with PCs that are currently working fine though. It will be a laptop to desktop connection so I suppose the desktop will need one installed in the tower/MB? I presume that for laptops the cards must be in PCMCIA 'format' so they justy plug in? The other option I suppose is one of those mini servers?
  10. Will this be possbile with CMBB? AFAIK the only way to play CMBO between two PCs at home is to connect them via a full LAN/ethernet set up. I don't really want to go to the expense of that as most games we have play via serial/parallel with no problems at all. I have found an opponent I can thrash EVERY time at EVERY game, my son, so it would be a help. My son is only 4 months old however so it MAY not last I've tried searching on this and got nowhere. For some reason I can never get the CMBB Extreme FAQ to load, not sure if it's because of its size or what? Bit of nuisance though. [ April 14, 2002, 05:20 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  11. Forgive the lack of tech speak, not sure if this is called TCP or LAN (or both). I did try it once a year or so ago and could not get it to work. IIRC the one PC kept coming back with unable to find multi-player game or something like that. Is anyone aware of whether that has been fixed or whether there is a work-around? PS: I searched on LAN, TCP, Parallel and cable in 'subject' and 'entire message' and the last post I got up was from May 2001 saying cable was a no go, only way was by ethernet cards etc. Has this been fixed since and are there any cheaper options than creating a full LAN at home. Why doesn't serial/parallel work (it seems to for most other games I have). [ April 14, 2002, 05:08 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  12. Really fast!!! 4 seconds for front page, 3 seconds for mods! (cache cleared before visiting site too).
  13. Definitely quicker. 20 secs for front page.
  14. More a problem with the CM related websites I frequent rather than CM really. This used to work fine but now if I start to type in an address IE6 doesn't 'suggest' recently typed addresses. I've gone to options and checked the web-address box too. Any ideas?
  15. Not sure if I've missed something here but I seem to recall a few threads where players still use earlier versions of CMBO 'because of the direction the game went with patch X'. Are there aspects which players felt were better before they were fixed and if so what are they? It's also of interest because I tend to wait until games have been out a few months before I buy to ensure they are as bug free as possible (not that I play much other than CMBO now, Medieval Total War MIGHT just get a look in mind). IIRC CMBO did not suffer with too many bugs anyway but I was still late getting it because of the time news of it took to hit the UK. I did think of waiting for CMBB to be released a few months too (doubt I'd have the patience though) but the above question just made me think, if you buy an already patched version there's no going back if you don't like the patch.
  16. Brilliant. Trouble is I now get so close to the ground I lose the strategic perspective and get whopped more :mad: (well, that's my excuse)
  17. Thanks Moon. Was it intended at one time that tanks in CMBO would have a turret direction command? I'm sure I read in an early article from Fionn Kelly about 'having tanks orientate their turrets right/left'. Was it perhaps something that didn't make it to the final cut? I have to say that while I thought the article was excellent it did confuse me quite a lot as to what you could do in the game (I didn't have it at the time). It talked about 'I leave my tank commanders in no doubt that they have discretion to withdraw etc....', giving the impression that you could give 'what if orders' too. Still the best game on the planet mind. The interactive voice command for platoon leaders will be useful mind (only joking!). The arc command will doubtless allow players to get maximum benefit from the various tank formations employed. If using a V or Wedge in CMBO (individually ordered) I always used to get a little edgy that all turrets were forward, not giving the 2-3 vital seconds needed to acquire a target quickly before being KOd. Will they attempt to resume original spacing/formation after navigating obstacles though or will they need to be halted to re-organise?
  18. Thanks folks. I'll certainly check out the 'Steel Rain', I've got a couple of SS books, Das Reich I find quite good but Steel Rain sounds like it will be better for the particular battles. Coy Commander sounds a good buy too. I'll DL the page and check out some of the others once I find the gaps I need to plug. World at War is definitely on my DVD collection list, just trying to find the best price on it. I've also seen a couple of documentaries on our Sky Satellite channels, 'Tanks' and 'Battlefield'. There was some excellent coverage on Kursk, Bulge, and Falaise Gap etc. I am not sure if any of those are also on DVD.
  19. Have just ordered: 1) Oxford Companion to WWII 2) Britsh and American Tanks of WWII 3) Encyclopaedia of German Tanks of WWII I know there are hundreds of others out there but would anyone recommend any gap fillers that the above won't cover?
  20. I posted a similar question a little while back, IIRC BTS said it hadn't been decided yet.
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