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Everything posted by Apache

  1. I liked his gunmetal interface and clip-board orders mods and was wondering if we'd be likely to see them re-vamped for CMBB?
  2. Not surpirisingly there are loads of fans of the Napoleonic era craving for a company like BFC to cover their period. Not surprsing really when you see some of the stuff they have to use!!!
  3. Thanks for your efforts. Really useful to be able to see the before/after comparisons in one place. Helps to be more selective on DLs (more time to play).
  4. I am running XP with an Atlon 2100 and GF Ti 4200 128M but when I go to Audigy demo can get no sound at all to come from the 5.1 or 3D surround effects in games??? Other demo (Goldmine) works fine. Just want to make sure I'm not missing out by having a duff sound card.
  5. Feel like a spot of gardening this weekend???? Indoor of course (weather's to bloody awful for anything else - at least here)
  6. I must admit I think it's a briliant scenario. I've had the crap beaten out of me a few times as the Axis which shows how much has gone into the design of this one. OK I do fare better now BUT it's only because I know roughly where the Sov forces are and the best route to take. I'm tempted to give it a go with 'free to place units' selected for the AI but it was so bloody awful at placing with CMBO (at least most of the time) that I haven't as yet. Nice one.
  7. Yep, exactly like that!!!! Brilliant work Tanks. Spade, peat and watering can at the ready
  8. This is only a very minor thing but for me (and we all have our own tastes) the tree foliage looks sort of 'emerald metallic' at times. Are there any mods out there of subdued trees (if that's the correct term in this case), or is anyone planning any (Tiger, DD, Kump etc.)? While I think the CMBB terrain is MUCH improved from original CMBO I shall still be on the llok out for some terrain sets. Once modded with combos of DD, Tiger, Kump and Magua etc. my CMBO terrain looks spectacular. [ October 23, 2002, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  9. Might be my monitor settings (don't think so) but, I think I'd prefer the tree foliage to be slightly less emerald metallic in colour. Minor gripe though. [ October 25, 2002, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  10. I must admit I thought I'd stick with CMBO because of West v. East front preferences. Having bought CMBB I'm glad I did. Don't touch CMBO much now. Commannd and Control is much improved in CMBB IMHO and leads to a much better game. I've also got drawn into the Eastern front more, even to the point of buying books from the BFC shelf on Soviet and Panzer tactics. I'm defeinitely converted. Buy it, you won't regret it.
  11. It used to be posted at the DFDR site. Might be better to try a search in CMBO. Might even be in CMBO archive by now.
  12. Tom - Is there any news on any complete subdued terrain sets being done? I'd rather wait for complete overhaauls rather than tinkering piece by piece. Sets like DDs and Kump's I'm thinking of. I like the CMBB terrain much better than CMBO but the trees look a little too 'metallic emerald' for my taste. I've tried different monitor settings but it's not that. Eventually my CMBO terrain got to look almost photorealistic but I suppose it'll be some time yet for CMBB.
  13. Try http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000812 AND http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=001684 [ October 19, 2002, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  14. Can't wait for the patch. Will that be the equivalent of MDMP1 or will there likely be a 'mod' type D/L of that type too? 25 Meg too!! Just hope I can pull it down a 56K connection within 2hrs (the ISP kicks the connection out after that and we're too far out in the wilds to get broadband at the moment). Fingers crossed.
  15. Has anyone else had this message and can anyone tell me how to turn off whatever bloody annoying 'feature' of this application is doing it? I'll decide whether it's unsafe not some bloody computer programme!!! What annoys me even more is that having created the 'banner' at the top of the message there's no mention of how to turn it on/off in the help menus! I've got some state of the art virus protection on my machine and the last thing I need is a poxy e-mail programme blocking me from anything. In fact, the only way I can save and open e-mail attachments (Word or Zips) is by hitting forward from the mail and saving it from the outgoing message. Crap or what!! Have scanned all the settings/options and I can't find out why it's doing it. Any help appreciated.
  16. I'm just glad most everyone else is having problems playing as allies in this one. Thought it was just me. First few times I tried it resulted in 16 piles of smokin' tin on the field I got a bit confused with the 'tutorial pages' too. I'm sure the left and right's were the wrong way round. It took almost a week to get my tanks to that left hill [ October 16, 2002, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  17. Mark - do a search on 'manual' on this forum and you will come across the BTS post regarding supply of the manual. IIRC it's $10 total (3 for manual and 7 for P&P).
  18. BTS also provide the option for those who own the European version to obtain the full US manual in original book form from them.
  19. Can anyone recommend any Audigy sound-card 'settings' combination which makes CMBO/B sound particularly excellent?
  20. When I go to 'My profile' and hit Update New Post Indicators nothing happens. When I do it again the old ones go white. Why do I have to hit the key 2 times?
  21. Just got the new PC which has the above card. The system has a Ti 4200 128M Vid Card and Athlon 2100+ and 512M 2700 DDR. OS is XP Home. On the Audigy demo I have found a couple of the 'examples' which do not work. I have tried uninstall and re-install and still not joy. They are both under the gaming section: 1) 3D demo with the 4 icons in the corners of the screen which you drag around - no sound at all? 2) 5.1 Demo - I hit play and it says please wait. I wait and wait and zilch happens? The 'Gold Mine' demo works fine. Also: 3) With 5.1 speakers - I presume you must be running a game that supports 5.1 to get sound from centre speaker? At first, even with the 'test' tab I got no sound from the centre, just a muffle that you could barely hear. When I went to settings and unchecked and re-checked the two boxes (crossover etc) it worked? When I test digital output only on them I get nothing other than a kind of white noise sound. When re-installing it did say 'select digital as default' and I hit no. I tend to use sound card facilities little and to be honest I don't really bother/know much about all the things they can do. Can anyone recommend a some settings that will get the best in terms of effects from CMBB?
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