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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Yep. Via CDV website Damn - I live there too [ November 12, 2002, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  2. Being stuck in the wilds of Wales (UK) with an ISDN only, are there any suggestions as to how I might be able to get this? I think it will take me 9 years at 44kbps (and I get cut off every 2 hours) On the suggestions front, not swim please
  3. Must admit I think it would be brilliant. Like you say the other offerings in the Napoleonic arena are absolute crap of the highest order (IMHO), despite the so-called advances. If BTS would do it I'm sure they'd make a bloody fine job of it. The combinations of the complex calculations for battle resolution, wego system and terrain, enough to make tou drool. As for the units, talk about a modders paradise. We can dream I suppose. Still I know a developer in this field had a game that sold 250,000 units plus (and it's crap). So, there might be hope, in the distant future perhaps. The Napolenic freaks would go ballistic for it. I know a few that drool over what we have in the WWII arena now, courtesy of BTS.
  4. Spectacular. Just need to fathom how to get it (only capable of ISDN in my area). NO CD planned I suppose
  5. At last. Excellent. Must admit I'm not too bothered if they are regionally correct or not. I'd rather have trees with foliage that starts higher than 300mm above the ground [ November 04, 2002, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  6. Once a game is booted and playing, is it possible to play an audio CD at the same time or will one of the sound related 'actions' force the other out? E.g. Game will appear on screen but music will be heard through speakers? I know I could just try but I don't want to mess anything up or blow a card etc.
  7. 16 times out of 20 when I asked this question the thread got locked. Therefore, the AI cheats
  8. AFAIK conscripts cannot do arcs for the reasons mentioned above. Not well enough trained/disciplined. Applies to infantry/AFVs etc. etc. Sides irrelevant.
  9. I must admit I thought I would not mod this as much as CMBO. I must admit the overall impressions are streets ahead. That said, as I look more closely there are things I am drawing up a mod waiting list for (and they doubtless will vary on the basis of personal taste). I am looking forward to Tanks' trees for instance. With CMBO I did download mods a bit piecemeal and found the game looked a bit like a patchwork quilt but at the end (when I'd got what I wanted) it was spectacular. On the basis that I hope, as time progresses, the selection packs will start to come out I'll probably wait for them with particular interest in DD, Tiger, Kump, Gunslinger, Magua, Fernando and Molek mods. There are others I have in CMBO and cannot do credit to their hard work and effort enough for making the game brilliant (not to mention BTS efforts of course). One at a time I suppose I might be less enthused this time but the 'packs' I will definitely get.
  10. We all do it our own way. I prefer to post it here rather than bombard BTS with e-mails. It may be something they are aware of and/or others may have experienced it. If it is a problem I'd rtaher address it by posting so that all have the benefit of seeing/being able to add/discuss.
  11. Mind elsewhere when posted originally. Spolier update amended. However, there was no infantry or any other unit anywhere near the flag. Just 1 Sov about 80 yds away and 4 German Tanks parked right on top of the flag. The flag was not even contested, let alone Soviet held. [ October 30, 2002, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  12. Just played Balkovsky's Surprise and noticed some rather strange game behaviour. Some possible spoiler info on scenario: - - - - - - - - - - - - I had all 4 German tanks parked in the woods by the building that holds the German Coy Cdr and one of the VPs (Flags). It was about turn 4-5 and A Soviet T34 comes up the road (promptly getting wasted) yet the flag switches to Soviet held??? It stayed that way for a while and changed back and forth a few times despite the flag never really going out of my grasp. Even if it was held less powerfully at the end, should it have shown Soviet held because they had a tank 100 yds away? Contested I can see (perhaps), Soviet Flag - errrr think not. I have the save game file. [ October 30, 2002, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  13. Try here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=001684 and here too: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000812
  14. Cracked it. I'll save the scenario, change it to mid-day/clear, up the axis spend points by about 2,000 and call in 6 squadrons of Stuka Tank killers - then we'll see whose bloody tanks are still running around at the end Seriously though, I'll probably have to try the flanking and shoot n scoot. Every othet way seems to get me pasted. What amazes me is the that some are able to win by leaving tanks in situ. Amazing. Luck of the drawer I suppose
  15. Well, try as I might I get my ass kicked every bloody time on this one!!! :mad: I leave the tanks in situ, they rarely last beyong turn 2-3, T34s slam them EVERY time. I move 'em and can perhaps string their death out longer. Doesn't seem to matter where I put the Panzers, I get pasted. I will blooody beat it, I Will, I WILL, WAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :mad: One thing that concerns me though (and this ain't scenario related of course) is the fact that I can pull a Mk IV up into hull-down from a ditch, right up the backside of a T34, Mk IV gets of 2-4 shots into it's rear and doesn't scratch it (only about 80 - 100yds away!), T34 turns and, with its crap optics at night, gets off one shot while still moving and kills the Mk IV! :mad: In a straight head on fight the IVs and IIIs don't stand a ghost of a chance against T34s do they? They also seem to struggle when every card is stacked in their favour :confused:
  16. Fionn - Have you changed your e-mail address again???
  17. I must iadmit id does look the business but I can't help thinking it'll be a little bit like Medal of Honour. That's no bad thing I suppose but it isn't what I'd class as a wargame (not that that matters - except to those who like wargames and not shooters). If CM3 is ANYTHING like this I have to say life will have to stop altogether
  18. You are talking about the same day-glow lime nuclear reactor poisoned stuff I think you mean are you
  19. Nice site Tom. One of the better ones I think. I'm grateful for anyone one who keeps mods up in any form.
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