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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Ahhh - the HOFMAN mod. That'd be the ones with the white and grey stripe gortex smocks and red silk 'morphing' trousers I suppose
  2. There have been quite a few threads on this topic. "When Titans Clashed" is often recommended. Sorry, can't recall author.
  3. I'll give it some thought and run a few ideas past people and get back to you. May be extra rules could be added as appendices which people can use or not (provided there aren't too many other rules affected by them). The MA thing should be quite simple, just a bolt-on you that you use or not. It'll take me a week or two but I'll try to put something into Excel and pass it out for views of the team. Personally, I'd would prefer the term Mod be avoided in relation to the rules. I think people will get confused as to what we mean. To me a mod means something included in the game which is MODified by others (graphics, sounds and interfaces etc.). We are taliking about something totally different IMO. While sites may be prepared to hold the DLs I doubt they'd be happy for them to be called mods. perhaps better to stick to rules, versions (e.g. grog/newbie) and appendices (Major action option etc.)
  4. Grabbing them now. Is there a vol 2 of the Soviets or are they all in 1?
  5. Can anyone point me in the direction of any sites that have complete sets at all pse? Closest I've seen yet is Heer Vol 1, 2 & 3 at CM Mod Database and Heer Winter Vol 3 (is there a 1 & 2? - can't see it). Just want to see if there are any total makeovers anywhere (or planned for the near future) before I take the plunge. Ta.
  6. Thanks Gordon, thought as much. Bloody excellent utility BTW. I thought there was a bug in dirty grey German HT rules until I checked properly and found that the 251s are separate. Have a good new year.
  7. Nice one Deanco - Happy New Year BTW.
  8. Thanks for reply. I only ask because my CMBO ModManager had a list a mile long when I'd finished. I know Gordon bundled most of his neatly into packs of AGs, tanks and A/Cs etc which makes life a lot easier (IMHO). Love your work BTW. I may even try to figure a way to bundle them myself once I've got them all D/L. [ December 28, 2002, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  9. Deanco - any chance of a CB board for CMBB.
  10. On a similar front - I suppose CMBB must automatically select the yellow Axis vehicles over the grey once the time is right so to speak. Once you have downloaded the whitewashed versions will it also select the w/w yellows over they grey in the same manner or will you have to use CMMOS to apply the correct mod?
  11. Mr Noobie - Have you any plans to release 'packs' at any time?
  12. Biltong - I use the 'system' I put up on one of my last posts to the previous thread. I adds a little more 'value' perhaps than just banging up the point values. The fact the you may be ordered to spearhead for the MA gets the heart going a bit (it is of course down to your own discretion to do so - matter for the players if they want to cheat). Have a look perhaps. Let me know if you want me to do any more on it. I'm trying to use what's left of the break for some playing, something I've neglected of late, so won't do more on it until you ask (I'm able to play it the way I like with what's in my head albeit I may commit it to paper at some point).
  13. The trouble is I suppose they try to fit games neatly into recognised computer gaming categories and, perhaps understandably, don't give a hoot about 'technical' descriptions of 'strategy'. At least they don't categorise it at RPG or FPS.
  14. Let's not forget the one who kicked all this off and puts in a tremendous amount of work on behalf of all of us - BILTONG !!!
  15. Mare, Sorry to sound dumb, I'm sure it must be back in the threads somewhere, but what does it do? Is it a repacement for those who do not have Excel or is it just different/easier/better etc.?
  16. When you select the point size in a battle it selects the force size for the defender. In an assault scenario the attacker gets 1.72 times the points the defender gets to buy units (e.g. points 1000 means defender gets 1000, attacker gets 1720). In attack and probe scenarios, IIRC, the modifiers for the attacker are 1.5 x and 1.4 x respectively. I must admit, I normally find this about right. Hope this helps.
  17. Now that's what I call timing Arrived today, December 23rd. Currently glistening in sparkly paper under some tree type thingy my wife always puts up at this time of year
  18. Hi Biltong, Not really suggesting the above as a whole set of parallel rules, mainly as an answer as to how we might tackle the major action occurrence. I could have a go at making the above a bit more formal (e.g a Rule 57 or whatever) but I need some time to do that. No time at at all now, what with Xmas etc. Will keep an eye on things here and have a go at a 'major action' rule when I get chance (if u like).
  19. History Buff, V 1.3 in the mail. Sorry HB. Only just saw you wanted pdf. I sent Excel version [ December 23, 2002, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  20. You mean Medieval: Total Bore? Nice enough concept when STW came out, still a good game I suppose, but they seem to have changed so little that I had I known that there was so little difference over STW I wouldn't have bought it. Or, more likely, had I known MTW was coming out I'd have waited a couple of years and got that instead of STW. [ December 22, 2002, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  21. Double post - deleted. [ December 22, 2002, 07:50 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  22. May not be too hard: 1) Roll for action type first 2) Roll for force size (purchase points) 1500, 2000, 2500 etc. Then apply modifiers to the result (less cost of your core). No Aux in these scenarios, hence larger force sizes. 3) Role for your role: 1-2 = Spearhead; 3-6 = part of main force; 7-9 = SBF; 10 = Diversionary action; 10> = Reserve Then ratio/force type (leaving it much more to the player - indeed this may encourage those who wish to to learn more about the correct/effective use of the right tools for the right job): If assault: 1-3 = 40%/40%/20% inf/armour/arty; 4-8 = 50%/30%/20%; 9-10 = 60%/20%/20%; 10> = 80%/-/20% (all inf + support) If attack: 1 = 50%/40%/10%; 2-8 = 60%/30/10%, 9 = 80%/10/10%/ armour; 9> = No armour/10-20% arty. Probe: Similar but restrict to infantry more and a bias towards scout type AFVs etc. (Recon Coy + A/Cs). Less/no arty (except S/P on map). More HMGs/vehicles. This may benefit from KISS. Those who wish to can ensure they get the balance right by applying their knowledge of battle group use etc. Those who do not just get the benefit of having a big battle with quite a lot more units every now and then. I use a random role (rather than favour - this ain't my beef) to allow me to alter up or down by between 5-10% each of the categories: 1 = 3 categories by up to 10%; 2-3 = up to 2 cats by 10%; 4-6 = 1 cat 10%; 5-7 = 3 cats 5%; 8-9 2 cats 5%; 10 = 1 cat 5%; 10> - zilch. Need to give this more thought - VERY early days of development. May even be worth doing one side of A4 in terms of an 'Idiots Guide to what you are likely to see/not see in terms of German troop/armour mix). [ December 22, 2002, 07:24 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
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