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Everything posted by gunnergoz

  1. Unfortunately, that "command and conquer niche" is where many gamers cut their teeth and old habits and impressions die hard. That is partly why we see so many posts complaining about things that, upon reflection, seem pretty straightforward or obvious if you study history enough and play these games seriously for a while. I try to be patient because we all have to learn somehow and I'd rather they come here to learn rather than go somewhere else where they will be led down the wrong path. I do admit it is hard to be patient when it is clear that for many, the "search" function means "start a new thread."
  2. If you move squads without breaking them up into teams, when you go to move them, before you click the mouse button to place them you will see colored "shadows" (corresponding to each team in the squad) on the ground telling you where they will go if you move there. The lightest colored shadow seems to include the team that has the team leader. I try to keep that team to the rear, if possible. If it is really critical, I break up the squad into teams and move them separately so there is more control over where they end up and in what order they move.
  3. Details, details...ignore them and YOU LET FOUR GOOD MEN DIE! (Joke mode off!) The game is awesome, isn't it?
  4. My personal observations: - If your men are bunched up, break up the squads into teams and move them separately. - Hedgerows (bocage) did have "raised lips" made of earth and this gave troops immediately behind them extra protection, much like brush growing on a low berm...which is what bocage is, except it often includes a ditch too. - Trenches work for me. I see men getting hit if they stand up in them, but that is not a fault IMHO...they are not WW1 6 foot deep trenches, they are more like 4-5 foot deep that I associate with WW2. - Foxholes are in fact the only issue I concur with of the 4 you mention.
  5. I'm all thumbs as it is and this thing is just what I need...not. But thanks for showing us.
  6. Thanks, I was pretty groggy last night when I wrote my request. It is clear now what I was overlooking...I forgot that "ceasefire" is a key on the menu and was thinking literally. Duh.
  7. The Wespe probably will, it was very common in German panzer units, but the other two vehicles you showed were German revisions of French or other captured ordnance and I personally would be surprised to see BFC take the time to model them because they were quite rare. Just my opinion, mind you.
  8. I finished the first scenario of Devils Descent and opted to attack the town. I was taken to a road on a hedgerow with two teams. Per instructions, I gave them move orders (N key) to go to the far end of the road where the attack area was. The teams arrived there and now nothing is happening. I keep pressing for the next turn, it processes and nothing happens but time goes by. What am I missing or not understanding? Thanks.
  9. French Maquis mam'sells riding bicycles. Past fields of AA guns. :D Actress Irina Demick as the French resistance woman in the film The Longest Day
  10. I suspect it is easier to write about targeting weak points in the middle of a tank battle, than to accomplish in real life.
  11. Yes an entire division of elite troops sounds not quite credible. There has to be some sort of scattering of qualities, given that different units had different replacement levels and not all units in a division saw exactly the same combat...some could have been in reserve or holding a quieter sector. Perhaps more of a bell curve then?
  12. Sergei, I looked for that in the manual and missed it, thanks for posting it. No question that the 101st performed very well indeed on D-Day, probably on a par with the 82nd which had previous combat experience in Sicily and Italy. By the game definitions, the 82nd should be at least crack and perhaps elite after the drop, while the 101st would have been veteran before and crack or even elite afterwards. 1st Infantry probably equivalent to crack on D-Day too. Of course, taking a lot of casualties can really affect a unit and may end up dropping these values in the aggregate after the replacements come in and dilute the average level of experience. There has to be a sufficiently sized cadre of combat experienced troops left in the command and time to infuse the new guys with some of the know-how before they are committed to combat again. Several of the US divisions saw their line troops replaced several times over by the time the war ended so this was an ongoing process.
  13. I do find that a bit odd since the devices remained on many tanks until well after the breakout. It's not like they were all discarded on August 1st...
  14. This has happened to me a few times, but mostly I've seen very good off-map mortar fire results. It does sound like an issue with the spotting round. That is consistent with my experience - the wild barrages often had the spotting round land way off target too, and fire for effect was still called for by the FO.
  15. Lord, another cow camo pattern grog...
  16. That sounds reasonable. On the other hand, what is the game definition of experience in terms of "regular" as opposed to "green?" I can see conscripts as being quickly or poorly trained, green as adequately trained but unseasoned by any front line duty, regular as well trained and/or having some front line experience, veteran as having considerable front line experience, crack as having a lot of battlefield experience and elite as...what? The most experience and still surviving without becoming stale or gun-shy? What makes this a bit confusing to me is that, say in the quick battle screen, we get to choose our units by different levels in four categories: experience, motivation, fitness and leadership. To me, "veteran" just speaks of experience. On the other hand, "crack" and "elite" imply something more than just experience...attitude, maybe, or confidence? If so, those speak of training, motivation and leadership...the latter two of which are already supposed to be separate categories. Perhaps I'm going too deep into the conventional meanings of these terms. After all, the game category for this is "experience." Perhaps the intention was to simply have convenient terms to describe the experience spectrum from "barely trained" to "most highly proficient" in the art of combat, and these words were selected as being ones people are most familiar with. But when most people casually use the terms "crack" or "elite" they generally intend to describe a host of combat qualities not limited to mere level of training or experience. Anyway, just some thoughts and questions on what these terms mean, both in game terms and with respect to history and the real world.
  17. Some say this thread is mostly bovine fecal material.
  18. The Search Function is your friend: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288
  19. Hedgehogs and barbed wire combos work fine for me.
  20. This game is already calculating and displaying leaves and grass waving in the wind along with vehicle interiors and fired mortar shell labels...a few dead cows lying around are hardly going to crash it or make it bog down.
  21. Here's your explanation - Squad leader to MMG assistant gunner: "You left the tripod where this morning?'"
  22. I wasn't "lucky," I was using a credit union, which is a very different animal from a bank. Most banks give lousy service compared to credit unions.
  23. When I had a identity theft happen with my CU credit/debit card, the CU promptly refunded my losses within a few working days of my reporting the situation. What I have done since is to open a separate account for online purchases and use that debit card, filling up the account only enough to cover what I am buying and no more.
  24. IMO Clancy's writings are basically fantasy porn for the wannabee spy/intel guy who thinks he knows how the world really works. He has not been on my must buy list for a long, long time...probably since I figured out that I really don't know everything about everything and neither does he.
  25. If you are doing your own quick battles, the Sherman 105 might be a decent hedge blower-upper. Haven't tried it yet myself but it seems feasible since that 105 projectile is basically the same one as the 105 artillery howitzer uses.
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