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Everything posted by gunnergoz

  1. Might have been a rifle grenade, you know. Those things can mess you up if they get a lucky hit and they can be missed during a replay in WEGO, let alone overlooked during RT play.
  2. My best results with bazookas so far was close in - 30 yds or so and from the sides or rear of the enemy AFV. Obviously, getting into that position is the killer...literally. Placement of these AT teams is critical, as is control of their fire arcs and range. Maneuvering one into position once the engagement is on, is really difficult and in a defensive situation, you just have to plan out good ambush sites ahead of time. Movement is your enemy since the armor tends to see moving infantry much quicker. In the offensive, keep your teams close by for good C2 and with a close all around fire arc so they don't go off lobbing rounds into the blue when you least want or expect it.
  3. I can't talk about MP since I don't play that way but personally, when I play I like to stay as relatively realistic in my tactics as possible. So while I could send scouts all the way to Berlin, I don't. I try to use them how a squad, platoon or company commander would use them. The tendency of people to use gamey behavior is one of the reasons I avoid MP.
  4. Seems to me you may have overlooked some. What about the rest of the 101st Abn? And the glider infantry regiments? Corps and Army attachments? Mechanized Cavalry Squadrons? Just to name a few. Just in case you need some inspiration, here's some places to start looking: http://www.history.army.mil/html/reference/Normandy/asltforce.html http://www.history.army.mil/books/wwii/7-4/7-4_9.HTM http://www.history.army.mil/books/wwii/7-4/7-4_10.HTM http://www.history.army.mil/BOOKS/WWII/100-11/100-11.htm If you can, I suggest you obtain a copy of Shelby Stanton's book Order of Battle, US Army, World War II, it has details of every battalion, regiment, division, corps, army and army group including infantry, tank, artillery, cavalry reconnaissance, engineer, TD, AA and support unit you can think of, when they were committed, what weapons they had, etc. Good luck!
  5. "Fritz, are you happy to see me or is that a potato masher in your pocket?"
  6. Yes, but only with QB's and self-made scenarios. If you pick up a campaign or scenario built by someone else, you're stuck with their organizational choices unless you care to go to the trouble to open it in the editor.
  7. Yep, run for the nearest intervening obstacle as soon as you see the spotting round, that's what I'd recommend. As for trenches, artillery works fine against them so long as it lands nearby. Air burst anti-personnel rounds work also if proximate to the trench/foxhole. So I guess you could say that trenches and foxholes work, up to a point.
  8. Well demo charges blow it just fine, so I'm not too perturbed by wire. Sure, it would be nice if infantry could slow crawl under it, or somesuch, and very slowly but I'd rather they spend their programming talent on bigger issues. On the defense, I'd just lay it so as to channel the enemy through deliberate gaps, into nice kill zones...
  9. I do play WEGO but on larger maps with scattered forces like, say, Huzzar, or on any map with large forces, such differentiated friendly icons would be useful...to me at least. And what would really be cool would be a toggled label to go under the unit icon that would ID the unit by team/squad/platoon/company/bn. It would be as simple as A-1-3-B-501. Probably asking too much, though.
  10. Read the first post and yawned, yep, know that, almost didn't scroll down for the gem in the second post, which was new to me. Thanks Hoolaman!
  11. Haven't played through a full mission on the demo yet, haven't bought the game even and you want a patch? You have to be kidding, mate.
  12. I would vote for separate ammo bearer and engineer icons, as well as one for dismounted AFV crew, just for my own convenience while managing my own troops.
  13. YD: This is from waaay back on this forum: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=30517&page=4 So it seems that before the war was over, the US produced about a 1:6 ratio of 57mm HE to AP. But, as you say, it also appears that in the Normandy timeframe, what 57mm HE US troops had on hand was given them by the British. Just how much is a good question, to which I have not been able to find an answer.
  14. I am playing Huzzar and watched an M8 Greyhound kill off 5 suicidal German spahwagen crew dismounts who charged them (individually, one at a time, believe it or not)...they picked each one off with the 37mm gun and all but one case the 37mm round hit them square on, killed them and kept on going. Only in one case where a man was crawling towards the M8 did they fire HE and get an explosion that killed the target. Question: does the game model keeping a ready round in the breech or does the crew not run around with a loaded gun and loads it fresh for each new target? I know that tankers routinely carry a ready round in the breech and for Americans in this time frame it was HE (IIRC).
  15. See, SteveP, the game has you thinking in realistic WW2 tactical terms already! Who says you can't build a time machine?
  16. It really helps to keep squads close to their platoon leaders and the platoon leaders in touch via radio at least with the company CO. If you use the chain of command in this game, you will be rewarded and penalized if you do not. As for engineers, apart from the unit description, I look for demo packs in their equipment list. Regular leg infantry does not carry demo packs, although paratroopers do, but you will seldom see paras and engineers together in any of the included scenarios. One thing I've learned is that the split teams command is your friend since individual teams can be ordered to points on the map with much more precision than a lumpy squad of 12 men. When you have to move men quickly (say to enter a house for cover) they lump up less than a full squad if you send one team at a time. I hate it when a full squad gaggles up and hesitates in front of a door while under enemy MG fire: "You first"..."No, you first, please"..."Please, you first - Ugh, nevermind, I'm hit already!" This way you can site your LMG to best effect too. But be sure to keep the squad leader within communication range!
  17. If you've had 1500 meter tank encounters, they can't be "duels"...you must mean German Panthers and Tigers sniping at American M4 sitting ducks at 1500 meters.
  18. Artillery too slow? War is he// man, get with it. If you were in Uncle Joe's Red Army you'd be happy to get artillery support two weeks after you called for it.
  19. Not to argue with you but you do know of these forums, right? http://www.battlefront.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=28 I would think you'd have your questions answered over there a lot quicker than in this one for a different game entirely.
  20. Try some of the scenarios featuring the M5 light tank and/or M8 scout car, both with 37mm peashooters. On average they have to get about 2-3 penetrating hits on a German armored car before they knock it out. Not ricochets, penetrations. So not every AP penetration is a killing one.
  21. I have to agree. I think motivation is a superb element to factor into troop qualities and am pleased someone finally decided to include it. The four soft factors in use now (experience/training, fitness, leadership and motivation) are so very flexible yet comprehensive as to be able to define almost any fighting force in any era. Adding in morale and suppression, (which are clearly more volatile and related to immediate events) makes it hard for me to think of anything they may have missed.
  22. I play WEGO and I don't want any target lines except when I'm planning fires and those are for my own troops.
  23. If you have questions about a process, try what I did - make your own scenario and try out different choices and see what develops. I'm learning that a single anecdote around here doesn't amount to a hill of beans. They'll take note of an issue if you can show it to be reproducible and it happens consistently.
  24. That sounds promising, Steve. I see complaints here have degraded to gripes about Pz IV spare track link textures, so I think I can safely say this release's issues were pretty minor all in all, if this is all they can come up with.
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