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Everything posted by sfhand

  1. Hey... sdp... Thanks for all your great work on the maps. In the next few days I'll take a look at every QB map and pm you a list of the ones that seem to be in need of VL/setup tweaking (an entirely subjective exercise and I'm pretty laid back when it comes to things like this - if there is someone with more "rigorous" standards feel free to speak up). Thanks for being willing to spend more time on this.
  2. My best guess of what the next few months hold: 1) CMBN patch (I look for it every day - hopefully delayed a tiny bit by the HMG thread). 2) CMBN v2.0 upgrade 3) CMBN MG module If that can be accomplished by January, BF will have a little over 6 months to release the 2 Eastern Front games and still be within their projected release time frame. Thinking about a possible v3.0 release during this time period brings to mind the title of the most famous movie every made about Operation Market Garden...
  3. My speculation about v2.0 vs v3.0 is based on this thread's opening post as well as womble's post #196 and Steve's response (post #197) in this thread. edit: I could have been more clear, with this post BF announced 2 new families and a module to be released within a year; this is in addition to CMFI (another new family), which at the time of this thread's opening post was still over a month away from release. I'm not trying to sell BF short on what they can do, but I don't see them "promising" a new engine version along with all the content mentioned. Steve's response to womble really changed my thinking as I had been thinking the next games would be v3.o. I agree about snow not being necessary until Bulge (all part of their plan, no doubt), which makes that my candidate for v3.0. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Steve has said tank riding infantry would probably "have to be" included in Eastern Front titles, so who knows, v3.0 with AI triggers and tank riders?
  4. Now that details of the upgrade path have been released, is there a chance that any of these titles will be v3.0? I am assuming, without complaint, that they will be v2.0. If they are v2.0, I assume that snow (and maybe fire) will arrive with v3.0.
  5. +1 I haven't played the mission in the campaign, I played it h2h (thanks for releasing the scenario pack, it was a great h2h battle) but I remember the pre-battle intel giving the 88 locations (my opponent would have very much liked it if this weren't the case). AFAIK, this would give all units a spotting bonus against those 88's.
  6. Okay, I just stepped through the first 30 minutes of the scenario and can report the German reinforcements are not as advertised in the briefing.
  7. SS, I wasn't referring to them coming in unexpected locations, but rather wave 2 was, according to the briefing, supposed to be mech infantry (10-20 minutes) followed by waves 3 and 4 which was supposed to be mech infantry and artillery(30 minutes)... I got them the other way around which led to an assault blowing up in my face due to no grunts to support it (yeah, I could have waited until the reinforcements were on the map but I wanted to be cool with the timing thing).
  8. I, too, am currently playing this h2h as the Germans. In my game the 2nd and 3rd reinforcements were swapped. At the time I re-read the briefing and thought it was a typo. (I made a push on an enemy position expecting more infantry to back it up and I got arty instead). So, I'm curious if it played this way for you... but, as has been said, it is, all in all, an excellent h2h encounter!
  9. I was absolutely certain you meant "hokey pokey"... Wikipedia to the rescue: The hokey cokey (United Kingdom) or hokey pokey (United States, Canada, Ireland, and Australia), also known as the hokey tokey (New Zealand), okey cokey, or cokey cokey, is a participation dance with a distinctive accompanying tune and lyric structure. It is well known in English-speaking countries. It is of unclear origin, with two main traditions having evolved in different parts of the world. children's song groggery...
  10. There is one caveat here... movement orders plotted in prior turns aren't affected, i.e., if one plots a long movement order, say in the setup turn, and a turn or two later wants to add onto the HQ's path but inadvertently adds onto all subordinate units, one can backspace and only the paths added that turn will be deleted (which is why I don't usually encounter the "backspace ate all my movement orders" situation). This is true in CMBN, I haven't checked in CMSF.
  11. I'm not sure if I understand what you are trying to say... I opened Hot Mustard as Allied. I double-clicked the Battalion Commander which highlighted every subordinate unit. I issued a movement command to an action spot outside of the setup zone. A movement order was generated for all units. (side note: when I issued the movement order inside the setup zone, from what I could observe, only the Battalion Commander moved) edit: I think I get what you are saying now... I think it was that way in CMBN too, but, as I said before, CRS makes certainty impossible... edit 2: yep, CMBN is that way too
  12. While it is not definitive, I just fired up CMSF and selecting an Hq does indeed highlight its subordinate units. Since I suffer from CRS I make no absolute claim that CMSF was this way from the beginning, but that is how I remember it...
  13. PK, thanks for the link... I haven't read it yet but am posting to suggest downloading the demo to see if you like the game (which is why BF makes demo's; they don't want you buying a game you don't like). I don't know if there is a CMFI demo available yet, but the CMBN demo should give you something to mess around with until there is. edit: All in all a fair review, IMHO.
  14. Erwin, I don't get the basis for your complaint on this issue. Any player who plots a movement order can see the tiles, there is no mystery to knowing how many tiles one is into a forest. Further, once one plots a position in a tile one can check LOS from that position to make sure one can see where one wants to be able to see from that position. I have no comment on the foxhole issue. I've run some spotting tests recently and the results left me wondering about concealment and spotting, but I'm fairly confident greater minds than mine are dealing with the issue...
  15. Hiding squads with target arcs can turn into executions if you don't unhide them in time... don't ask me how I know.
  16. Not that it is any consolation, but it's an old guy asking:) And not that you will answer in the affirmative, but if there is anything I can do to help with it I am willing. Like I said upstream, this map/h2h-scenario is Awesome. Like many others I miss the old CMx1 operations (I'm actually in the midst of making a huge map - 4Kx4K and no where near as nice as yours and not historical - to be played h2h like an operation), and I think expanding the map, adding and hour, and adding the town as an objective would accomplish a lot in that regard.
  17. Mord... you gonna come over and help me clean off my monitor now???
  18. Here's Steve on release timing: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1378051&postcount=265
  19. Have you given any thought to heading in the other direction?, i.e. expanding the map to a little beyond Carentan, increasing the time to 4 hours, and making the town an objective?
  20. ~15 minutes into this battle so far... Loving it (even though I'm getting pummeled). Awesome scenario/map, thanks!
  21. Hmmm... point taken, I have been using a trackball exclusively since I broke my mouse's cable playing Doom when it first came out. Whenever I happen upon a computer with a mouse now it seems incredibly non-efficient. I use a cordless optical trackman, btw, and no, I'm not going to ask Moon for an exemption to post the link !
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