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Forever Babra

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Everything posted by Forever Babra

  1. Frankly, it baffles me, particularly the French. What did they ever do to the US (apart from help them win their independence)? I think most of it begins as good natured jesting, but it does get out of hand. ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  2. Loathsome Lazy Lorak Pray, open your divine book, sharpen your crayons and scribble: Babra: Win Hiram: Loss 'twas one of Rune's creations (what an evil, evil little man). I need some blood plasma now... ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: my feet are cold perhaps I could warm them by kicking one of your butts in TCPIP?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm your huckleberry... meet me in Matt's Chat-o-love...
  4. Those planes bombing Pearl Harbour weren't British, were they? ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  5. USA's Shermans Good pics on this one and some decent data tables at the bottom. The short descriptions are misleading at best though.
  6. According to the "Achtung Panzer" website, the French "503rd Tank Battalion in Mourmelon had 50 Panthers in 1947 and 501rd (sic) Tank Battalion used Panthers from 1946 to 1950." ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  7. My error. I said Lebanon, but Syria was the user. Here's a pic of one from the '67 war. A few were captured by Israel on the Golan Heights. ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  8. A web search will turn up the info on the French Panthers from any number of sites. I've never heard of Tigers in the middle east. The last PzKw IVs in active service were retired in Lebanon in the '70s.
  9. I am not in the least ticked off. I think YOU are taking something someone else does too seriously. ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  10. You can have my hamsters when you pry them outa my cold, dead.... ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  11. Still looking for two of my opponents -- you know who you are... ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Excuses, excuses...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You leave me no choice. I didn't want to take it to the next level, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I invoke the dark powers -- may the horrid visage of Morman Wife Lucinda Bushnell, 1825 - 1895 (Picture appears to be about 1897) forever haunt thee! Now... try playing blind!!! ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  13. All right, so which one of you bastiches wants to send me a good clear scan of Carpiquet? I'll happily trade you an interesting map of Gold Beach (in three parts) showing all German positions.
  14. I reckon I'm in the 2000 range. First signed on as "Zigster". Forum crashed. Changed name to "Babra". Forum crashed. Changed name to "Formerly Babra". Took a CM break. Changed name to "Forever Babra". Over 1000 confirmed anyway. About twenty of them were "insightful". ------------------ Is "patheti-sad" a word?
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by joeski: ...Oh, and you dropped your purse. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't go for it, Jshan. He just wants ya to bend over... [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 12-29-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by joeski: Nobody answered my questions back on page 3. Sure they are silly, but I was serious about the first one. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Look up Pillar. He loves writing tactics papers and discussing same. He loves embarrasing me in front of everyone too Look for my handsome mug in his next installment -- I'll be posing as the dufus who can't advance 100m without getting whacked.
  17. It's hamster faces for me. I'm here for a good time,not a long time.
  18. Same but more of it, which makes it better. More features, more vehicles, scenario editor... lots.
  19. The wind chill is a modest -30 today, so it should be a pleasant hour's walk to work. With every crunchy footstep I shall revel in your topplements, past and future. Mace Slogging it out point blank. Too many Cromwells and Pz IVs are aflame to make much sense of it. Fortunately the jabos haven't been responsible for any blue on blue incidents to date. Herr Oberst The degree to which he sucks has not yet become apparent. His men are hidden so deep in the woods, only squirrels and elf-kings can see them. This game moves so slow, I have to devise a new plan every turn, having forgotten the last one. David Aitken Foolishly, under the impression that BTS had remembered "everything", I purchased no mortars for this one, knowing quite well they don't work properly in the rain. David, conversely, took advantage of a blue light special in aisle five and purchased a family pack of the blasted things. (primal shrug) -- Sometimes ya count the meat, and sometimes the meat counts you...
  20. My mistake. Forever humbly yours Actually, I sent Marco the same link yesterday in hopes that he would find the bewildering number of tac signs useful.
  21. Gordon, The Steel Chariots site shows the star recognition symbol used in NW Europe. Their example has it shown on the turret roof, but the text states that the rear deck was also used.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar: "Thank god, it's just Pillar" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, Lorak, bard of the pool, most loathed, keeper of the Tome of Topplements, since this rat-faced excuse for a grog has dared to enter, you may sharpen thine quill and note: Pillar - Win Babra - Loss Sickening I know. May he die much.
  23. I love Bergman's work. I think I have them all. Truly the best mod maker around. A couple of notes on Canadian tactical markings: The Red & White National Identifier was not used in Northwest Europe. Some examples might still be seen in Italy in '44, but I'm pretty sure it had been phased out by then. Also, the rear decks on most Shermans carried an air recognition symbol (American star in circle). In Italy this symbol was the British aircraft roundel. I'm not sure if other tanks carried these, but Shermans did for sure.
  24. Originally it was intended that Army Tank Brigades would field the Churchill while the Armoured Regiments fielded the Ram. Even prior to Dieppe it was decided that Churchills would be replaced by Rams or Shermans in the Tank Brigades. British Churchills were frequently used to support the Canadians in '44, however. This can still be accomplished in CM by choosing your tanks under "British" and infantry under "Canadian".
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