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Everything posted by Hoopenfaust2

  1. Who's seen a screenshot of a church yet? Who's seen a screenshot of a bridge yet? Who's seen a screenshot of a sedan full of cossacks? cheers
  2. I'm assuming I'll get my copy around October 15th up here in Canada but its worth the wait. I'd even pay $100 dollars (Cdn.) for the game. I've never played a game for 2 years straight, except for CMBO. That is truly an amazing thing. I didn't even play multiplayer until pretty much May of this year. The AI kept me busy making bad habits for when I play human beings.Hopefully my money lines the pockets of the game makers (all BFC employees) because they all deserve some well-earned cash. I wonder how many purchases have been made from just word of mouth. I've got 3 friends hooked and they are going to buy CMBB. Its easy for me to burn the disc and give away copies but it seems everybody loves supporting little companies and don't mind paying a little more for quality. Cheers Brett (product developer)
  3. Hey General How about you be quiet, while we figure out this food and air deal.
  4. Deanco your GUI is great and it shows how much work you've put into this. I assume you weren't paid like a regular GUI designer and had fun doing it so thats probably the best part about it. I don't know, maybe its because I'm left handed, but I have no problems with this interface. Its quick and sharp AND graphical. People should think about innovation, it requires changes by both the creator and user. When a new version of Photoshop comes out, the first thing I do is figure what has been moved (and if it has, where to find it). Its not hard, it just requires some effort. One thing: I can't hear the 'splosions like I use to (or is it because Capt. Wacky makes his mods so goddamn loud) Since I'm not complaining I get my copy of CMBB before "others" do. [ September 03, 2002, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: Hoopenfaust 101 ]
  5. I'm running an iMac G4 800mhz with 32MB nvidia and I get a little bit of dithering. Mostly on the AFV's sides and roadwheels. Could be the fact that I can only have 1024 x 768 as my highest resolution. My iMac SE DV with 8MB of VRAM is running the game perfectly. Its a little slower on the number crunching and the graphics are dithered like CMBO, but you can look around the battlefield without skips or jumps. I think Berli has the same iMac as myself and I 'm wondering if heez getting any dithering at all on his graphics. I'm comparing these to the screenshots we've all seen. My ibook runs it exactly like the iMac SE DV. [ September 03, 2002, 12:53 PM: Message edited by: Hoopenfaust 101 ]
  6. Ouch, you are a mean bastich. Just give me a heada up when you do see his name in the thread
  7. It took me 6 hours and 22 minutes. I just went to bed and woke up and the .sit was on my desktop. I wish I could help you.
  8. I'm ok now. I just rebooted the game and everything is peachy.
  9. For the Citadel scenario, I've got a weird graphic problem for the river (at least I think its a river) Its all black but with some wierd green triangles. It actually looks like a CMBO graphic resource overload problem. I can't post a screenshot, but I can e-mail it. Just went back to playing and realized I've got crazy texture swapping going on. My tanks are totally blurry as well as doodads and treez iMac G4 800mhz 512MB ram 32 MB nvidia (stock) Cheers (early morning spelling) [ September 01, 2002, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Hoopenfaust 101 ]
  10. I believe there are more secrets than that. I remember seeing a censored version of someone's "preview" story. It sounded like it was packed full of new "graphic" enhancements and animations. Great interview BTW. [ August 26, 2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Hoopenfaust 101 ]
  11. Now that the CMBB demo will be arriving next weekend, how much of the so-called "secrets" will be revealed. Will all the non-disclosure agreements be void, or does BFC have more tricks up their sleeves for when we purchase the full install? Just curious to see how much we'll get to see in this 3 scenario demo. I'm packin' up my iMac to my friends house and playin' all day and night.
  12. Playing a PBEM where I've got an assault halftrack in perfect LOS to enemy infantry. If I've taken a casualty in the halftrack can I still fire off the 75mm? (the occupants are no longer shocked) When I target the infantry I choose to fire my main gun, but 2 turns later it hasn't fired its main gun just its MG. I know certain vehicles are written off once they've taken a casualty, I'm just not sure about the assault halftrack. I lost one man from an M1919 from 530m away. Lucky break
  13. Hey Kmead we seem to have the same occupation and the same attitude. Now where you work, do you guys use Mac OS X for everyday design execution? do you play at work?
  14. Good find. That one picture of the infantry is awesome. Looks like a commisar in the background and you can make ou the HQ with a funny hat on I can't recognize. Beautiful work Kwazy. Everyone go check out this new screenshot.
  15. I was PBEMing against Iskander and he took out my foolishly placed 7/2 flak truck...with small arms fire from at least 300 metres away
  16. I love that quote. Go over to WW II online, they have a beta version you can download for Mac OSX only. You will see that the quality that BFC will put into CMBB will out-do this game. http://osx.macnn.com/news.php?id=15815 Look how long its taken them to make a mac version of this game. Who can wait that long between the windows version and mac version. Also no one is forcing anybody to use a mac for this game. For the amount you need to shell out for a new mac, you can buy 2 PCeez.</font>
  17. I know my solutions are pretty cynical but you must understand the fact of markets. For every 10 computer sold, one is a mac. Now if you were a company trying to stay in business, who would you market (or develop) your product to (in order to make money) the 9 computers or the 1 computer? Its all about the Benjamins. Apple has to see it that way as well. Why bother fixing an operating system for 1 game? Looking at your impressive resumé (no joke) it looks like you have the skills to fix problems like this. The amount of third party software for mac os x is quite impressive and usually it works better than the large companies software e.g Microsoft drivers vs. USB overdrive. Isn't Mac OSX open source? Wouldn't you be able to program something? What do I know, I just use macs as tools to execute design problems
  18. I love that quote. Go over to WW II online, they have a beta version you can download for Mac OSX only. You will see that the quality that BFC will put into CMBB will out-do this game. Look how long its taken them to make a mac version of this game. Who can wait that long between the windows version and mac version. Also no one is forcing anybody to use a mac for this game. For the amount you need to shell out for a new mac, you can buy 2 PCeez.
  19. Apple isn't the helpful company you think they are. They abandon things without telling developers e.g. BFC. Thats why we have this problem now. Look at what they are doing now, making us use Mac OSX. Well I don't want to use OS X right now. Don't tell me they are producing this "powerful" software to assist you in all your daily activities. They are a business, they want to make lots and lots of money, which is fine, but thats what they are trying to do, force a product they want to "sell" What is the hassle of booting into 9 anyways. It takes 45 sec. on my iMac G4 800mhz. I do it all the time, except I stay in 9.2 95% of the time. 1. because Freehand 10 sucks in OSX, 2.my Wacom tablet doesn't behave properly in OSX. Oh and now I have to pay 129$ for a new operating system which still isn't bug free aka "jaguar". Maybe this is what they should have released a year ago. Complain to Apple about this problem, not BFC. Judging from their marketing, they NEED more consumers to purchase their products, so what they should do is help their customers more and talk with developers....way more. I'm with Mr. Emrys, thank god BFC even makes this game for Mac. How many games exist out there that you want to play, but can't [ August 09, 2002, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Hoopenfaust 101 ]
  20. I love the fact the forests in the background look like dense forests. I guess they added more tree bitmaps into a forest tile. Great improvement
  21. Hurry up everyone, we must get our witty comments in before its too late:)
  22. creative,comedic bastiches. LOL Cheers for the preview. I think we all know how to fill in those blanks. BFC take your time. Make it October 20th if you need to.
  23. I wouldn't worry about Apple and their bad decisions. They haven't sold that many Mac OS X operating systems (as they had hoped), so they'll figure out if Mac os 9 is dead or not. I run 12 macs at my design firm, all 9.2.,why...because everything works with everything. Why would I change to a new OS? Because its better? I can run 20 apps at once. Who cares. Apple will realize the customer is always right sometime in the near future. If not PCeez are always cheaper and there is always loads of software.
  24. Those are a great find. Those screenshots are awesome. Look at the russian troops. It looks like one of them is wearing an officer cap.
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