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Everything posted by Hoopenfaust2

  1. When exactly will round 2 start for round 2. I've been absent for a bit
  2. Bring back our Airborne Regiment. Living in Ottawa I can see how the Liberals do run things. Kickback city. Your taxes pay for the NCC who are the biggest crooks in the country. Since you must be bilingual to be employed by the NCC the majority of the power figures are french canadian. They like to spend "our" money on language issues. Francophone games that kind of stuff. If we want our military back into game we have to get rid of the liberals or at least the liberals who are in power now. If bombardier (quebec company) made military helicopters we'd have replaced those Seakings in 1993. Michael, if they sent you into combat right now do you feel properly supplied?
  3. I'll try those sound mods. I expect since you are at the wheel, they're gonna sound great. brett@magma.ca
  4. Will the good ol' boys of BTS be changing the helmet models of infantry, especially SS units which had the cloth covered helmets? Or will they stick to the CMBO models. I think this would be a great little "detail" because the camo helmet mods just don't fit onto the designated model properly ( they just don't have the right look). (Am I being picky?) When did the SS adopt the covered helmet?
  5. I'm having no problem without CMMOS on my mac. Although I have the graphic resource "problem" I've got most things modded and I'm pretty happy with the way it looks. As for the mod community shrinking, I think Michael is right about that but I don't see anymore half assed mods. Gordon puts a lot of effort and time into his mods, so basically the quality is getting better. It took a year for the Normandy mod to come onto our plates after the release of the game, and that was brilliant. Now we've got Tom doing the Ardennes mod, and by the look of it, its going to make all of us play the winter battles a whole lot more. Quality or quantity
  6. Me and Sgt. Colon are still dukin' it out on the streets of Caen. We're on turn 17. Its seems Sgt. Colon's computer got hit by a boomerang and we missed a day of turns. We'll be finished real soon. P.S. I'm having a blast
  7. I've read the book twice and I don't recall the side arm getting put to the head of a commander. The Malaysians were very hesistant about going into battle, and needed to be pushed. They had all the APCeez Americans 18 dead Somalis (unknown) probably near 500 dead Debacle ?
  8. These mods are taking my mind off of CMBB. This is why this game is so good. It never stops. Thanks Tom, Keep up the good work
  9. Its only because me and Sarge have a tournament PBEM underway. He's in Australia and I'm in Canada and the time difference is crazy. We're smart enough to figure it out. Hey Sarge you figure on TCP/IP tonite?
  10. Isn't the MG42 sound from SPR. The ping that you can hear is the belt being fed into the gun. Since the MG belt is attached to a rattling machine, the bullets will "clink" like a chain-link fence. This mod is great. It makes me think of these guys popping off rounds and then ducking down after from the return fire. Actually sometimes I can hear the shots cracking by my squads.
  11. Ah, an east coaster. I love Nova Scotia. The people are extra friendly.
  12. It was just the rifles. Everything else was perfect. Thanks for making some good "different" mods. I've been trying to grab sound bytes from Band of Bros episode 3. But my iMac is not up to the test. I want the MG42 sounds from the germans in Carentan. cheers Hoopenfaust If you've got a mailbox which'll take big files. I've got all the background sounds modded with added in sounds i.e. distant firefights and artillery. Just drop me a line.
  13. Thanks Captain. Those sound awesome. It really changes the battlefield. But is there any way to give some of those sounds a sort of a trail off . It kind of sounds like some sounds get cut off at the end, so it seems like an abrupt stop. Unless the sounds lenghts are hard coded in the game. If nothing can be done would you give me permission to edit your mod to give the rifles that trailing echo sound? I really dig the ping on the american M1's when the clip is done. Great touch
  14. I'll take those sound files. Does anybody have rifle fire with the ping at the end of the clip
  15. Clubfoot is the master of these mods. Good work and I can't wait.
  16. Iron Chef likes television series like "Dallas". He doesn't like the shooting and the swearing. He likes the dresses and the cowboy hats. I just watched the 2 episodes that take place in the Ardennes and now hearing about the news of his death, I gotta thank him for what he's done. Thanks Carwood Lipton.
  17. Michael Can I join the "black market" e-mail recipients club. I don't think I can wait. Cheers
  18. You guys say it looks like Banff but the screenshots don't show any big CP hotels in it. I'm confused
  19. Brilliant. This is gonna re-kindle some winter warfare. Tom you've done a great thing for our community tonite.
  20. I hope they re-model the german helmets to include the cloth covered helmets. As well as giving the SS helmet its own BMP.That would make the game truly "perfect"
  21. JuJu What are the bmpeez for the tree bases you did for this mod. Is it the 850 bmpeez ? Your help would be appreciated. Thanks
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