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Everything posted by Hoopenfaust2

  1. We keep Steve Jobs fed. I just looked at your profile. You win hands down. I was still using "press play on tape" Vic 20's when you were using a mac. We gotta solve this problem sir.
  2. nvidia drivers 2.6 did nothing. Oh well....
  3. Hey Berl Did your system come default mac Os X. Mine did. I'll install these "new" drivers when I get home and check back with the thread. My computer is 4 days old and I set up my hard drive like this. 1st partition: Mac OS X and Classic 9 2nd partition: Mac OS 9.2.2 3rd partition: Swap file Like the rest of the mac guys in this thread, I've been using macs since system 7 and I'm the mac tech at work so I know what I'm doing (for the most part). There is a RAVE classic extension in my system folder but I'm not sure if I disable it or what. This is all new to me. Cheers to the iMac G4 owners
  4. Tell me if you can see text....cuz I can't. Some text I can see but most....no. How do you like the screen so far?
  5. Text problems now. Graphics look great specs: iMac G4 Mac os 9.2.2 512 MB ram Geforce 2 (or whatever comes with it) 2.5
  6. I've got the same problem with my new iMac G4. No text. I haven't touched anything. First thing I did (since Apple makes Os X the default now) was boot in 9.2 and install CM. Awesome graphics but no text. As Mick Jagger always said: You can't always get what you want.
  7. I'm having some problems with my new iMac G4 but not any problems that you are getting. How have you set up your hard drive? How many copies of 9.2 do you have on your hard drive, and if so which copy are you using to play CM My only problem is the text. I can't tell how men I have left in a squad, when will my artillery fall. I'm just missing my info text. This is all slight problem compared to previous post about the nvidia. My last iMac had no problems but its graphics were pixelated compared to this powerful new machine. I think I'll settle for better and faster graphics than no text.
  8. Looks great Scipio. Are you going to release in CMMOS format or normal format. I'm a mac guy who hates searching those CMMOS format BMPeez. Cheers
  9. Tom your trees (not the pine trees) look awesome compared on my system. Mine are much more pixelated. Yours look much more rendered. iMac G4 in the mail though. That Stug looks quite nice. The only thing we now hafto to change is that sugar coating on the tank treads. It looks like whip cream instead of the muddy snow in which this mod is based on. Its changed my life......
  10. In the finder, I just re-named the bmpeez. 1470.bmp changed to 800.bmp (manually) 1471.bmp changed to 801.bmp (manually) etc...etc... Since I have a low-end machine i don't really notice quality at close-up views
  11. I didn't change the size of the bmpeez but I just manually changed the bitmaps. It wasn't hard at all. The snow tiles look great. iMac DV SE 256MBeez of Ram 8 MBeez of video ram. Almost everything hi-rez Great mod. Now we need more snow maps
  12. Easy. The sound mods you probably downloaded are .wav files. MCM3 can only convert system 7 sounds. Look in your applications folder, and you should find soundapp. This program can convert those wav files to system 7. Make sure you convert them to the appropriate specs in which Combat Mission uses. Mono, 44Hz etc....
  13. Dorosh pulls out another great question in which I was too afraid to ask. Thanks They've yet to show any urban sprawl. I'd like to see houses with those fences around them.
  14. But since your are from up north, like me. You don't age. Its like refridgeration
  15. Sorry to hear that. In Canada we got the tail end of that storm (at least where I live) I've been playing your scenario's Blowfish and Fertile fields. Those are the most entertaining missions. You've got a real knack. Keep up the good work when you finish "choppin" Cheers :cool:
  16. Looking at your screenshot, I have to ask this question. Why is Mac OS 9.04 using 100mb of space. It should only be using 35mb. Or have you altered this. OS on the mac shouldn't use so much, I know 9.1 uses a little more than 9 so, I don't know.
  17. Clubfoot may I ask when that anticipated mod will be arriving? Looks good from the "limited" screenshots
  18. Pawbroon, where can I find that Dieppe churchill from Gordon. I can't seem to find it
  19. Its gonna come down to us begging to give them our money. Now how many games fall under the "crack cocaine" genre. Cuz this is what it feels like.
  20. Only the Wackster will be able to provide some kind of solution. No pressure, sir
  21. I've posted this request before. But now there's a name for this type of "disney dust" to make this game history's best war game. Although 95% of the game is completed probably only 5o% of the new features or graphics have been shown to the public. There always seems to be a thread of CMBB in which our game gods throw us a bone about "new" features. Maybe this one could stir up some chatter.
  22. Check your inbox Ted. Could be the wrong e-mail address you've got. ( probably my work e-mail) Cheers
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