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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Absolutely. The other thing is reinforcements coming on with infantry standing around tanks miles from the action and turns being wasted loading up. Lorries and other transports seem to be non-existent in some designers minds -- some are good in this respect.
  2. KGS Sounds a bit gamey to me! : ) Of course you could rig the weather ..... Play Americans and not worry. Buy a Bofors and use it to re-arrange buildings if you are Commonwealth. I do not see it as a great hardship.
  3. Death to CDV! Why anyone would wish to knowingly buy a poxed-up version, hampered by rubbish copy protection is beyond me. I can only take it that you were unaware of the home grown product available by mail order from Maine. Once you are able to play and love it as much as we do get your friends [ and enemies] to buy the US version. All the best! a UK limey
  4. I am curious as to who would ever sell a copy of CMAK!!!! Is it genuine? How much was it? Apart from that idle curiosity welcome to the CMAK world! I assume if it is in Franch it must be a CDV version which I thought was multilinqual - what does there website say?
  5. As always size of map and terrain are key to whether APC's are going to work. If you play on small maps forget it. Large and huge maps they will probably be valuable. On large maps ME's getting useful troops up early to harrass advancing troops can pay big dividends. You often do not wish to risk tanks in this role early but troops going through patches of wood will provide intel and possibly disrupt advancing troops. Playing the British I was once able to use the speed of the carriers to occupy most of the enemies good left flank terrain and work around his troops grouped around the flags. Speed was crucial and the British mortars made quick work of the units meant to deny the area. Russians have access to both ...........
  6. Technical Support Forum might have something on this - have you searched?
  7. Was this an attack defence scenario? Just curious as I have come across a site talking of tying satchel charges to rope and then dragging them in to/front of enemy vehicles. I am sure it is not coded! but does make you see the possibilities of the satchel charge and getting it adjacent to a vehicle with relatively little risk
  8. Scheer is showing off : ) 10kg!!! Seems 6kg was the biggest charge required against Soviet heavy tanks with 4kg being standard and good up to 30 tons of armoured vehicle. Could you redo the tests? : ) From this excellent site web page Re blast effective - the blast was not anti-infantry designed as it had no shrapnel - according to the Finns so being in the blast area was not necessarily fatal - I suppose they mean the thrower hit the dirt. I see a modern 10kg charge has a blast effect of 108 metres!
  9. I believe dust works but have not tested it yet - so in the desert - create dustclouds. I have lost several large Italian AA guns to a British fighter in the desert - a great shame as they were for killing Matilda's. My 4 fighter bombers manged to kill one Mattie and one AA gun and shoot up some Bren gun carriers. Essentially you should always ensure you have some light AA as th consequences of not having it are quite high. If no planes you can content yourself with shooting light armour : )
  10. Interesting points. I believe the squad occupies an area within a square of approx. 20 metres per side. measurement to the centrepoint therefore could put you into easy reach of a satchel charge toting member of the squad. Getting any tank that close to a squad you should be very sure you have good suppressive fire from infantry - particularly engineers. As to how far you could throw a charge - if it is only 5kg I would think 20 metres would be relatively easy - given the satchel to swing. The terrain may place the engineer on higher ground which would add distance.
  11. CDreams "Plus, pricing should only be based on the times units are effective, and if they are being choosen and used in an optimal manner." !!!!!!!!! I am lost for words.Almost. I cannot see a valid point in the quoted sentence - whether a weapons system is being used optimally is very much a function of the terrain, weather, and the opponents force. And you cannot legislate for the incompetent commander who will complain that the points do not work for him in his battle. Apparently within your fixation concerning points value of Stugs and T34's you are ignoring Valentine IX's and CAS which are available to kill Stugs ahead of the 85mm being available in the T34.
  12. I have bought a platoon of captured Panthers - with rarity on - and it was very gratifying to speedily occupy the high central position dealing death to his force of Stugs! He was most put out : ) Funnily enough i also could afford a platoon of Stuarts who on a huge map were able to get behind his line of advance --- really bad news for Stugs.
  13. Stinks! A little workaround ... I always mix T34 or even Stuarts to work the flanks. Obviously much better for all the stuff the Vals cannot do. Speed to dart into threatening side positions and Vals to make them have serious doubts about showing side on or front on to the two types of tank. Some opponents begin to think a MKIV or III with a turret might be a better solution. Just remember never play on a map without usable flanks --- sufficient room to prevent a line of STugs spaced across the board at an opening range of 1500! A little mortar smoke to get across ground is also useful ....
  14. The unsung hero - the Valentine IX for anti-armour work. Five tanks for the price of three Stugs seems a good bet. On flat armour a Val will shoot through 88 mm of armour [side armour Tiger I is 80mmm] at 1000 metres. At 500m it will do 78 mm sloped at 30degrees. I have killed a Stug at over 1000 metres with two shots into the side armour -- it is an excellent gun. I sneer at Stugmeisters : ) With Rariety on you pay in June 75 pts more for the two tanks - some months are cheaper.
  15. B&T One Hedgerow at a Time Just finished playing my brother at this and a perfect 50-50 score. I have played it seriously once as the Americans and got whopped -- as historically correct I am knew to the bocage and played like a lemon -- and my opponent GAJ played well . We did flip about and I won I think by the narrowest of margins. Exceedingly well balanced and with options for both players on how to play it ...
  16. I have to admit that this is the type of battle I avoid - odds of 3 to 2 with very good defensive terrain sounds like a sucker bet. Town fighting need more than 3 to 1 in my book [especially given that there is limited artillery and armour possibilities] Also with 230ish men on a 500? metre frontage the defence is not overly stretched to cover its flanks - particularly given the road net and cover are superb. If Jace does not win by a landslide I will have to eat my hat ... Still as the opponent agreed the terrain !
  17. Love the AAR - very clinical disposition of troops. For completeness and to have the info in one thread could you confirm points for attack and defense?
  18. The first captured Tiger , Tunisia, I believe was disabled by a AP going into the turret ring jamming it. A very embarrassing way to lose your first uber-tank!
  19. Bit of a showstopper the screen blanking problem -- the other one can be avoided. I suppose you have checked BTS Tech forum and got the latest DirectX, and drivers for you card? I know it sounds like a hassle but the gaming improves so much as to make it worthwhile - my condolences : (
  20. NOT GET BOTH CMAK and CMBB!!!!!!!!!!!! Heresy. Believe me they fight in very different ways - I actually prefer fighting on the Eastern Front. But the capabilities of the various forces means tactics and play is hugely different despite the same engine
  21. Generally speaking your question has been raised for basically every incarnation of the game. Somebody always has some feeling that a piece was more effective than the price reflects - or vice versa. The developers have improved things mightily, grogs have often fought each other to a standstill on a variety of weapons systems proving completely contrary facts of effectiveness on the same weapon!!! The view that overall it - the cost and effectiveness - works and produces the right effect within the game for most weapons. You will no doubt be following the panther mantlet discussion in CMBB forum to appreciate the level of research possible : )
  22. Sergei Give it another go. My first experience was not good with it. However it has been tweaked and I have been running it for a year v.successfully with a number of opponents - have converted 4 to it : ) [even a Linux OS based player] Go on give it another whirl. You , or anyone can send me a diddy scenario and we will sort it out! BTW I forgot to mention when you open the email it auto opens PBEMHelper for you and updates the file situation. Press Play in Helper and it autoloads the correct game, puts in the password and gets you to the game map!!!! HOW NEAT IS THAT!!!
  23. As I cannot read your link the way trusted works is I receive an e-mail I watch the movie I do my move and a movie is generated My opponents movie is run on a grey screen at 20 times speed I get to see the new film from my point of view I do my new orders and send the file I assume my opponent gets "his greyed" movie to watch, plots his turn , his machine calculates the movie and my greyed out movie runs. He then watches the movie, and plots his turn and sends it to me. Beautifully elegant and time saving AND it also keeps track of staus of each of your games, puts the files into folders, and though I have not tried it you are meant to be able to cycle back through all the battle movies!!!!! I have run 11 games at once, all with status either PLAY, WAIT, SEND - idiot proof.
  24. Sergei ----the link - it will not let me read your E drive!! : ) I swear that I get two movies and two moves per e-mail when using Helper in trusted mode. And so do my opponents!
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