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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. It is a real b*tch playing these rules TCP/IP on time limit. My brother and I stopped playing 5000 pointers this way - play 3000 pointers it is just so much more pleasurable.
  2. Nice one Sergei LOL It hurts when a joke falls flat : (
  3. Sure is. You are not alone in getting caught out on these things! Beware Marders and STugs for other non-MG variants.
  4. Uosu is good I have it aswell as Irfanview. To be honest once I had investigated what I could do with Irfanview further I use it only. Simply scroll around the map taking pictures by pressing the key. Firstly I have set it up to take and store pictures simply by pressing the F11 key - but you can set it up how you like - almost. The pictures are then filed away where you want. Logically, using PBEMHelper I suppose filing them in the battle folder would be smart DOH! In a recent NA battle I shot all the desert terrain in map view at a level where I could see the grid, then should have stitched them together with the panorama device. Was lazy and simply marked the enemies ATG positions on the JPG's. All of this within Irfanview -- freely downloadable at Tucows.com and one of the most downloaded utilities ever.!!
  5. That James Crawley sure had a good idea about Comman Control - looks like a great improvement ... I wonder if it is in the next generation game
  6. The WRG book Egypt and the Assyrians quotes {3200-612BC] "The spearmen and archer units were organised into platoons of 40 men consisting of four squads of 10 men eaching marching 4 abreast." Obviously not a tactical unit in its own right but jagain shows hoe the limitations in counting have reinforced the size of the smallest unit - I think.: )
  7. Post 1870 in the British Army advancing indispersed order a company would be split into two under subalterns and then in two, sections, under sgts. I reckon tops about 20 men. The longer range found in the Boer war meant wider dispersion than previously so at that stage we might see corporals being responsible - but this is guesswork. The other point seems to be the growht of sections seems to come with the increase in fire power. A certain degree of lethality is required before smaller units were possible.
  8. Ah yes the geat Wargames Researcg Group -- what a resource. Anyway working on the basis that small units probably evelved in small wars and a professional army I will research Boer War back : ) Peleton, still used by the french, were groups/knots of men who reinforced the corners of hollow squares - this in a military context not carpentry : )
  9. Lovely map JS. very much appreciated. This looks like it will be me against the AI. It is the kind of thing that the folks at MZO War College might like. All players go on the same amp and compare tactics afterwards. I will do a review once I finish.
  10. Have you tried the tech support forum? Five down from here on the dropdown menu. A search could also be useful - I think this has been raised before
  11. Absolutely brilliant. Honour to you both. By the way, in the artillery section it says Eeach as "Eeach firemission: 6" Is that just a mistype? or Spanish. Anyway it is still a superb piece of work. I cannot wait for the rest of the nationalities: )
  12. Nice pctures. Your references are great. A great to the forum. Your CMBO site is superb. Some really great maps. [link via his ID] [My original message seems to have disappeared]
  13. I think in 1940 service stations might have been exceedingly rare. Most gaz sales would have been carried out at garages [ good French word but anglicised very quickly 1902] or if anything like England the blacksmith or possibly a chemist would be the dispenser in rural areas. A garagiste is the owner or even the mechanic In any event the name of the owner would be the dominant feature with smaller plaques showing what was sold. I am not quite sure how you want to use the information so cannot research further.
  14. FO is a very specialist job. Someone rings the battery from the front and says. Hello, hello, anyone there Hi, I'm kind of new here. Your guys have large holes where their heads used to be. I see the phoneything here seems to work. Can I help you. You could just fire over some shells and I could tell you where they are hitting hows that sound. Map No I have no map , map with grid. Whats a grid. : ) Would you fire?
  15. Spotting HQ units if they sneak into a viewing position is not a gimme. Remeber if you have other troops ahead of him they will spot - all he has to do is be in line of sight of the target and in command of the mortars to order firing.
  16. I have used them in a fashion suggested above where in aa assault there was a large hill in the centre in NA, so two 75mm pillboxes pointing along the reverse slope and a MG Pillbox,infantry and three MKiii's to kill something coming across the bald top. Lots of MG's to sweep the hill and mortars. Ended as a draw as Mk111 are pants against Churchills. My first use of ATG pillboxes .. very impressed.
  17. A search under list of BMP's might provide you with useful information and contacts .... : ) if not an actual spreadsheet certainly lists.
  18. Spitfire you are doing something wrong! In CMAK I took out 10 of 11 guns, ranging from 105mm to flak with British 3" on board mortars. Basically you send forward squads or sharpshooters /ATR men and get them to spot where the ATG or HE fire is coming from. I had three groups of three, within 3000 points, which was a little too many but by cripes it sorted out his guns. Remember also that if you do area fire whilst of direct shot of his ATG you will eventually take it out anyway. How fast being a fuction of luck and size of shell : ) I forgot , you put your mortar packs in command of a good officer who views the target from cover and keep your mortars in command range and out of line of fire. Easy : ) Practice, practice...
  19. I recommend the PBEM forum to you ..... eleven forums, excluding headings, below this done : )
  20. Yes. But being Southern Hemisphere you will need to insert them face down to get the designed orientation.
  21. I also use htem to create dust clouds at a distance to make the enemy think my tanks are where they are not : )
  22. In a recent assault I took 10 out of 11 guns out by mortar fire : ) It was against a human. But then 9 on-board mortars are fairly powerful : )
  23. Did you separate your squads away from each other , or where they all grouped and being suppressed whilst one was chewed up.
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