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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Lots of factors here. What was your Speed , quality of troops, line ahead or abreast, buttoned and unbuttoned. All have an effect. Orientation of minefield I think the chief point is that you know it is a mine. If I am travelling in a tank and my neighbour tank is hit my first reaction is to scan the terrain for enemey tanks or ATG's. Stopping is certainly not my first priority as if I do I become a much easier target. Mines are far far less common killer than the other two. IF you do not have detailed hits on and one of your tanks is hit and stops would YOU know what it was? Not me.
  2. I think the great think about the larger games is this ability ? - possibility - of feigning attacks, of calculating when you can suddenly overload a point in the oppositions line etc. Your recon actually has a very real purpose and stripping off too much for recon may work against you when you need units to defend or attack. It is a greater intellectual problem to have fun with. As you can appreciate this is not such a good idea on billiard table flat maps but where there is terrain and hte possibility to use it ... ah bliss.
  3. I simply think that the original writer should have qualified his remarks : what size map, type of terrain, force size. etc I can only imagine we are talking small maps as otherwise getting bazooka teams to a threatened area might be too long. On the face of it I do not like his idea. Guarding flanks against marauding armour fine but on a small map keeping them behind the infanty but not too far away would be preferable.
  4. Just so Folbec Richard "In most reasonable sized and manageable CM games (at most about 2000 points), CM in all its iterations puts one in the position of commanding three levels down. However, due to the fact in CM pbem games one is able to expend a near unlimited amount of time planning a turn, a CM commander can handle the game commanding three levels down." It always seems a shame to me that people do not play the game as TCP/IP or LAN where it plays very well on the basis of 1 minute film one minute orders. Perforce you give orders at platoon level and have to manage your fighting so that you have some management capacity if things start going pear-shaped. The stress level and the speed of the game are a real joy. Once we get up to 2000 points we do go to longer than the minute : ) IMHO I think the borg spotting is diminished greatly in effect playing this way . It seems to play very realistically therefore. Lastly I think 3000 points on large and huge maps makes for very good games as the flanks are important and the ability to move troops around the field raises logistical thoughts and appreciations of terrain.
  5. "Boo Radley: "Thanks, Rune (Words I never thought I'd have to utter.)"" I can only quote : ) BTW the JPZIV apparently was never in Italy so is it gamey to use them there?
  6. Well Panzertwat I would send you an e-mail but ...... you have not posted one! Cmbb post May 1943 or CMAK which ever you prefer : ) I generally like 2-3000 pointers. As life is short I really like playing PBEMHelper in trusted mode so we can have two moves and two films per e-mail. Send me a set-up!
  7. You could try Band of Brothers. See if you like it and let me know. http://webandofbrothers.de/index.htm [it even has discussion forums] : )
  8. A friend has just purchased a memoir by Stuart Hamilton MC of the 8th RTR. Speaking of the Valentine the author was listing the reasons why he fought engine compartment first: Engine compartment tough as front and angled to bounce shells. Saved his driver sitting there counting shells coming towards him. Engine compartment penetration less dangerous. Awkward silhouette to identify As most often fighting rearguard action it allowed for quick escapes, and confusing manouevres I see in CMAK the rear armour is shown as 0 degrees when from the model it looks more like a 30 degree slope. What gives?
  9. Damm ..... confused it with the "Premature posting" thread. Sorry
  10. I wonder if Panzertwat's playing style is as subtle : )
  11. I like these free form threads you can be so creative : ) Of course after the unhappy event I understand celery is good. As splints. But then I could tell you knew that!!! : D
  12. Carl Puppchen Nice treatise Carl . Well worth the read -- and copy : )
  13. Is it something to do with shooting when you see the whites of their thighs?
  14. Hull down if your turret armour is better or equal. Bear in mind slopier is better than thicker : ) - all other things considered. The famous MarkIV was all about stopping your natural inclination to provide a smaller target. I suppose when fighting against Allied tanks that will penetrate wherever they hit you may aswell be hulldown to lessen the chance of the hit. If they cannot penetrate the hull armour sit on a ridge : )
  15. I was going to have a Kraak at that but stickypixie seems to have nailed it. Unless it is an bad anagram on nony sky for a pilot!
  16. A deserving topic such as this deserves BUMP
  17. Another great thread from food ....celery was good too. : )
  18. If you have a look at the CDV site you will eventually discover the horrendous size of the patches. I think one CMBB one was 70MB - it was a fraction of the size if you had the good fortune to have the BFC copy. I have copies in both publishers formats. Do not waste time on the CDV - the copy protection is a pain as it is very finickety on some CD players. Most importantly if you by the BFC version, which is shipped from EIRE for Europe, the profit goes directly to the good guys.
  19. If you have all three games on the go it is a serious pain in the butt switching CD's back and forth. The CDV's ones are really clunky.
  20. I cannot make you love the game --: ) but it is truly a great game to play. As you can see from the Australian Army commissioning a variant it is deep and well researched also. To all intents and purposes you can play the ETO using CMAK so no need to wait for a revitalised CMBO. What I cannot understand is how happy can you be to play only the demo versions!
  21. Perhaps it is the upgrade from CMBB. I was most disappointed that ramming a Russian A/car with a Stug repeatedly did nothing like knock it over or damage it. The crew did not even bail.
  22. CSO Talorgan " I thought the idea was to use these rules against the AI? " Are you saying you never played human to human with these rules! Sheesh! The computer AI makes it a game for wimps.
  23. Redwolf "Most soliders in reality die in their trenches and foxholes when overrun. This is not the case in CM, and it distorts gameplay." One think that impressed me in North African games was the willingness to surrender. Lack of good cover to crawl to and hide in? If you think the oppo has you registered, crawling away to hide - forward back or sideways may still seem a good option - it may be fatal but thats war. I do not know what sources Redwolf has but certainly for different troops and theatres I think the result is not as he says. Judging by the number of prisoners captured at least on the Western Front - and excluding Canadians and the SS I think it possibly accurate.
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