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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Many answers to this tough question. It is nice to keep about 30m between squads to avoid arty putting the hurt on multiple units, but, with scatter they may still take damage. The trick is, you want your squads close enough to provide mutual support for one another, too. When you attack, sometimes its good to run the whole company in together to quickly overwhelm the (should already be suppressed) enemy position. So, the answer is, there is no clear answer, it will always vary with situation. The one big thing is, there is rarely cause to spread them out to the point that they are not all in command and control.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: Must we forget that Germany lost about 65% of all tanks on the Western front to allied Fighter bombers. [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Regardless of the accuracy of the 65% figure, the vast majority of all afv's destroyed or damaged by allied airpower were not in direct contact with ground forces, but were attacked in transit behind the lines.
  3. Gordon, Let me state emphatically that your whitewashed mod was received with great enthusiasm. Some of your best work yet. I, perhaps in a minority, perhaps not, am a bigger fan of whitewashed vehicles than regular cammo schemes with snow. Anyway, consider yourself appreciated.
  4. Andreas beat me to it, so I'll bite my tongue, and only flame thusly:
  5. Don't ever stop, Rex. Striving to get things right is a noble and worthwhile pursuit. I, for one, would love to see you become one of BTS' draftees from the community to keep making the world's best game even better.
  6. K R hit it on the head. DasBaron, you need to click on the pull down menu where it says "Combined Arms". That is where you will find "Unrestricted". Then you will have access to whatever you want (except, of course, arty), whether it represents a realistic TO&E, or not.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: Well, my laptop decided it no longer knows what a CD is, so I am now playing on an overclocked 122MHz Cyrix 6x86 PC. It's brutal, people! Brutal! I can only get CM in VGA mode! I can't even see the whole map anymore, pressing 4 looks like my screen used to look like when I pressed 2! AAAaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! :mad:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Man, you have my deepest sympathy. It must be like dying of thirst a few inches away from a cold, clear stream. Good Luck finding your way into a new system one day soon!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: Well, my laptop decided it no longer knows what a CD is, so I am now playing on an overclocked 122MHz Cyrix 6x86 PC. It's brutal, people! Brutal! I can only get CM in VGA mode! I can't even see the whole map anymore, pressing 4 looks like my screen used to look like when I pressed 2! AAAaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! :mad:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Man, you have my deepest sympathy. It must be like dying of thirst a few inches away from a cold, clear stream. Good Luck finding your way into a new system one day soon!
  9. I don't feel like sitting here while the search functions runs (make that crawls), but the problem with the flak trucks is not small arms, but HE fire. Apparently, tanks and things target them with HE, but the target-weapon interaction doesn't work the way it should. Set up a test between several flak trucks and several Shermans. You'll be amazed (dismayed) to see the trucks laughingly hose down the Shermans. Infantry has no problem destroying them. There are many threads about the "gamey" use of them in battles versus human opponents.
  10. This may be of absolutely no help, but if you are old enough to have played Advanced Squad Leader (as so many CM players did, and even still do), then refer to the many rarity factor lists that are included. They provide an excellent basis from which to surmise what units were common, and so on.
  11. No reason to ever log out. Just means you have to log in when you come back. If you close your browser, when you come back, everything will be refreshed.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by elalamein: Thanks for the above. I was just playing a game and had occupied a group of houses along with some captured German soldiers. Not wanting to be gamey and just leave the POW's on their own I left some troops to guard them. Then along game my plane on the first turn it appeared and bombed the houses. This killed all the POW's, my troops and destroyed some of the houses :eek: I guess that the pilot must have seen the POW's in the open and thought that the hamlet was enemy occupied and did his duty.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perfect example.
  13. Richard, just set up your quick battles for both sides to be mechanized. There will be the odd armored car or halftrack, etc, but at least that gives your AT teams a reason not to be "suicide scouts". And no, I have never seen Gebirgsjaegers generated in a QB either, but then, they didn't see a whole hell of a lot of action in WWII, either.
  14. No, air strikes are a very hit and miss propostion. They are rarely worth the points. Sometimes, they don't show up at all. Sometimes, they attack your units. Sometimes, they attack the enemy. And sometimes, they attack the enemy and actually cause him damage. This is a pretty fair representation of tactical airpower in WWII. Within the scale and scope of a game like CM, airstrikes on enemy units in direct contact with friendly forces were very rare. So, no, there is nothing you can do better. You just need to decide if you would like to spend the points on them, or if you would rather have some more artillery, or something truly useful. Good Luck!
  15. Wild Bill, I love your scenarios, but isn't August 1945 a little bit conjectural? Keep 'em coming. Especially operations.
  16. Ozawa. Weak and indecisive. Had multiple opportunities to decimate US carrier and naval forces in the Solomons in 1942 and failed miserably, thus allowing the pacific campaign to wrap up much faster than it would have.
  17. I've been playing with Scipio's sound mods for months. They are a dramatic improvement and nothing else out there is comparable. You have a good ear, keep bringing us the orchestra to go with the performance.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Louie the Toad: Dear TenFive, You may want to use level 7 or 8 to get your bearings every couple of turns. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> NO NO NO! Print out a 7 or 8 map before the battle, but you may not use it during the scenario. That, of course, would be cheating, lol. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> JUST MORE FUN !!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YES YES YES! This is most fun way to play CM, even PBEM, if you can trust your opponent.
  19. Good AAR and you learned the right lesson from it, as well! Interesting to see the typical storybook 5.5 to 1 kill ratio for Panther over Sherman, too. In my experience, its more likely to turn out that way when Panthers are present in at least platoon strength (and well handled, as Jarmo obviously did).
  20. Man, where have you been? Your stuff is fantastic, Alexander. Keep it coming. You should give modding some of the in-game things a shot, you're clearly very talented.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grunto IV: I had two assuault guns, 75mm howitzers with a 53 inch tube and a muzzle velocity of 1900 feet per second* and that definitely is not the type of weapon for a successful tank duel. * This comment makes me wonder if the M8 HMCs carried AP ammo, as muzzle velocity probably wouldn't have been a consideration with either HE or HEAT.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Muzzle velocity is always a concern. At 1900 fps, it is extremely difficult to hit a vehicle size target at all but the shortest ranges. And if that target is moving, forget it.
  22. For Germans, definitely Hetzer, with Marder III in second place. For Allies, the M8 HMC is an awesome weapon, highly underrated, with the M20 being very useful also.
  23. You will find that most of us in the CM community are pretty conservative about jumping up and using patches, drivers, etc. We tend to wait for someone else to take the risk of screwing things up, , and then use it if it works. Someone will comment on their experiences with the new det drivers soon.
  24. You will find that most of us in the CM community are pretty conservative about jumping up and using patches, drivers, etc. We tend to wait for someone else to take the risk of screwing things up, , and then use it if it works. Someone will comment on their experiences with the new det drivers soon.
  25. Its modelled in that the blast value for this weapon is high. Which, of course, is hell on infantry.
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