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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. According to some of the after action info I read from Trevor Dupuy, in Desert Storm there were several instances where the 25mm M242 Bushmaster was able to penetrate and BREW-UP T-55's from the side. So, regardless of CMBO's accuracy at modeling small caliber damage, it is certainly possible for small caliber rounds to f*** things up royally.
  2. IIRC it was only an infantry mod, not a full out conversion. I think it might have been at The Last Defense. Look for any post from 109 Gustav. Its his site, and will have a link in his signature.
  3. Thin skinned AFV's also often shrug off low caliber hits. But think of it this way: A .22 bullet is not very likely to penetrate all the way through your car to the passenger compartment, but if you're in a car getting hit by them and one or two do get through, are you staying in there?
  4. After running it through a "leet speak" translation program, I make it out to be "Loser".
  5. I agree wholeheartedly. I would rather play an operation than a scenario anyday, but there are definitely some major problems. I feel certain that most of the concerns have been addressed in CMBB. I'll bet there will be victory flags in ops, which will solve some of the biggest problems, and I also hope there will be a quick op generator.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Travis Emmitt: I found Bruneval and Combat at the scenario depot [thanks!] I still am curious about the command skorzensky scenarios... do you know where i can find them? Thanks! Trav p.s. I started playing Soldiers at War... The interface is absolutely infuriating but nevertheless I'm having a lot of fun with it (reminds me of xcom and jagged alliance). There've been some really tense Ambush-esque moments, which is always cool...<hr></blockquote> I haven't go the time to search for you, but try searching under Skorzeny, not Skorzensky.
  7. A very realistic question, but I feel relatively certain that the game engine doesn't model deformity to ground over time. It only models terrain change such as buildings reduced to rubble, foxholes, and craters.
  8. Before you play any operation, it is usually good to open it in the editor and change the "no man's land setting to less than 80m". Otherwise, a successful defense in place is rewarded with being pushed back.
  9. All of the above being why it will be just as much fun and challenge to take Pzkw III's against T-34/KV-1 as it is to take M4's against Tiger I/II.
  10. For the German, non-turreted TD's, all your reasoning is sound except the lower silhouette. That was a nice by-product, not a desired effect. Somewhat similiar to Soviet era tanks being small. Many think the autoloader and low silhouette was a tactical design, when in fact it was also a by-product of the need for strategic resources when building many thousand's of them, with the least possible materials and at the lowest possible cost. As to your question, I don't know about the first statement. Overpressure *might* have been a factor, but your 2nd and 3rd statements hit the nail on the head. US TD doctrine called for the best possible spotting and shortest possible engagement time. Open turrets were reckoned to be the way to do that, at the time. Of course, after WWII, there were no open topped AFV's produced, other than AA and Arty vehicles, so the lack of protection must have been too much for the types to continue.
  11. Keep in mind that gun damage represents a ton of different things, not just a round hitting the barrel. It could be the gunner's sight being damaged, the elevation or traverse controls being fouled up, a breech jam, etc. I agree that sometimes, gun damage seems awfully prevalent, but I think, overall, its probably well in line.
  12. One workaround that I used when I played a 6/44 through to 5/45 series of many, many scenarios was to put them all into many sub folders by month. Then I would rename the current one in use "Scenarios" so only those would show up. Takes a bit of time to set up, but worked rather well. When I was through, it was quick to highlight and drag em all back into the scenario folder.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B: Ok, I may have been misinformed, but I was under the impression that "Guderian's duck" refered to the Hetzer.<hr></blockquote> Nope, the JgPz IV. Even though all my books only show the two front steel-rimmed wheels for the L/70 models, I like having it on there. Obviously can't have it both ways. One more gorgeous ambush mod. Hurry up and post that beast!
  14. Its the only way I play the AI. I use all the rules, and generally print out view 7 or 8 (depending on total map size) before play. As to the being able to see through the trees, if the AFV is visible, you will see it. You can move your view slightly forward to clear the sprite if you're in the middle of it.
  15. Folks, have any of the rest of you ever looked at a Winecape post, and wondered if he was actually a she? Not due to any feminist slants, or the like, but a South African named Charl Theron,...hmm....maybe Charlize Theron? Things that make you go "Hmmmm". No aspersions on your manhood intended, Cape. Just couldn't resist.
  16. I wonder what ever happened to Kitty's proposed Tiger?
  17. Sandbag the latter and you're ready for release. Keep the great work coming. Just grabbed your winter buildings.
  18. Sounds like a nice diversion from the typical stuff. Send it my way. E-mail is in the profile.
  19. Tanks, you definitely need to get those out. Your work is top notch. Folks, not every village has been blown to hell. I love being able to switch between Tanks and Panzertruppens buildings with CMMOS depending on the scenario, or my frame of mind.
  20. Congrats on your son. I'm a september boy, myself (ahem...39 years ago...ahem). I'm glad you posted that last rule. I've been doing that since I found your rules, months ago. There is definitely no other way to play the AI. FTC rules rule!
  21. The one thing that no one addressed in response to your post is that only YOU see unit bases, whatever mods you use, etc. Your opponent only sees whatever settings he uses. So leaving unit bases on does not make your troops stand out to the opponent, or anything along those lines.
  22. You can check out the ever-present faq thread and reference Franko's True Combat rules therein. Many of us are hoping that CMBB will have an option to use FTC rules, which would involve only the use of the low camera angles. It is definitely the only way to play against the AI, keeps it pretty challenging.
  23. I would be curious for someone who has the time, to run the same 2v24 test with a few german sharpshooters placed about halfway between, to influence spotting. If you do it, let us know.
  24. Obsolete? Yes Uninstall? Not until the western front is revisted with the new engine, somewhere down the line.
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